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re: 2024 College World Series

Posted by MrCoachKlein on 6/16/24 at 8:12 pm

re: 2024 College World Series

Posted by MrCoachKlein on 6/16/24 at 8:09 pm
Is Balboni still runnin this shite?...

re: Shanahan deserves this loss

Posted by MrCoachKlein on 2/11/24 at 9:52 pm
Kiffinish first drive that exposed everything, only to abandon it. Hard to watch...
Haven’t felt like this since Freeze era flipmas, gotta keep our foot on the gas :red:...
Deer Park river area needed a breather. Seen some hammers in the undergrowth but the old growth will obviously be missed. I feel like the river knows what’s she’s doing though...

re: #2 overall pick PPR - redraft.

Posted by MrCoachKlein on 9/21/23 at 10:04 pm
This is correct. Everyone in here acting like a scrub won the open. When UGA was recruiting Brian he had one of the most impressive junior careers of all time. Coach Haack straight up told me he was breaking records everyone thought were untouchable that Tiger set. He was a big deal coming out ...
Harry English finna nitro out the sauna and win the 123rd US Open. ...

re: Garmin shock collar on duck dog

Posted by MrCoachKlein on 4/10/23 at 9:00 pm
[quote]Dogtra 1900s[/quote] The “handsfree” clicker is great ...
Reed winning would be hysterical ...
Everything quoted, you typed. You implied Jbird was poor for going to a grocery store (wtf), and he shouldn’t complain about gov mandated shutdowns (not only on private businesses, but personal freedoms) because delivery services exist. Please explain, how in the frick does that make any sense?...
Again [quote]“Wives and delivery services aren't three years old.”[/quote] Why is it ok for a delivery service to attend a grocery store, but not ok for JBird ?...
[quote]This isn't something I've ever said or even implied.[/quote] Well, that isn’t true. Did this conversation, in this very thread, not happen? [quote] JBird “Only trailer trash go to grocery stores?” DisplacedBuckeye “Unless you're going for your husband and kids, yes. Even then...
Maybe a few for reference, considering you’re ok with the gov mandating a human can’t go to the grocery store unless he/she/they work for a delivery service?...
As stated, above. [quote]What private businesses would you object to the gov shutting down?[/quote]...