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What website did you go to for this week's spoilers?...

re: top 5 favorite LOST scenes

Posted by WINSTON WOLF on 5/13/10 at 7:50 pm
You have to admit you were happy when Micheal blew up. Most annoying TV character I've seen in a long long time....

re: top 5 favorite LOST scenes

Posted by WINSTON WOLF on 5/13/10 at 7:31 pm
"Henry Gale" telling Locke & Jack what he would do if he were one of them. Setting Sayid, Charlie, and Anna Lucia up for an ambush. Sayid telling Charlie about the man being held in the hatch, and why he tortured him. When Micheal :yack: dies :nana: When Shannon :yack: dies :nana: When A...

re: LOST SPOILER: NOT A Huge one

Posted by WINSTON WOLF on 5/10/10 at 5:14 pm
[quote]Desmond Hume[/quote]Hello Brotha!!! :cheers:...
[quote]The only racist here is you. [/quote] :nana: :nana: :nana:...
[quote]And exactly which make believe league did you run in? I want to see this district where a 10.66 isn't an impressive time[/quote]Me too. Is the poster that posted that it wasn't an impressive time, happen to be non-white? And yes, it makes a difference....

re: rummel

Posted by WINSTON WOLF on 5/8/10 at 7:37 pm
[quote]For your viewing pleasure: [/quote] :lol: :bow:...

re: LOST easter egg...

Posted by WINSTON WOLF on 5/8/10 at 7:14 pm
It's funny you posted this, I watched this episode today(season 2 episode 2 I believe) and noticed it. I immediately looked it up on the internet :lol: ...

re: rummel

Posted by WINSTON WOLF on 5/8/10 at 6:36 pm
[quote]herro[/quote]I demand your old Avatar back. NOW!...
Holy shite, it's Biff from Back to the Future[img]http://fusion-industries2.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/1hellisgoinon.jpg[/img]...
[quote]It is time to shut down all oil and gas activity off of the LA coast until Louisiana receives a significantly greater share of revenues from offshore oil/gas activity[/quote]That's pretty fricking brilliant, And what pray-tell will you tell all the people currently employed offshore in Louisia...
[quote]I just finished reading Mein Kampf. Did you now?[/quote]You do realize I was being facetious? And yes, I've read that quote before....
[quote]hitler said something along those lines[/quote]I just finished reading Mein Kampf....
[quote]animals are people too brah[/quote]You would think with the last name of WOLF I would have figured that out :lol:...
[quote]You can't live in prosperity AND expect to have a Sea World-esque Utopia.[/quote]EXACTLY! I don't hate wildlife at all, but with the luxuries we have in an advanced society the by products sometimes will be unfortunate. We must do what we can to prevent them, but sadly that is not always the ...
[quote]Pretty narrow perspective you have there.[/quote]My perspective is narrow because I value human life and jobs over sea tutles? If that makes my perspective narrow, then I'm happy to have a narrow perspective....
[quote]why do you hate animals ?[/quote]I don't, I just have perspective and know what's really important....
[quote]This thread just happens to be about endangered wildlife. [/quote]I understand, but I think we can all get ready for sea turtle deaths and oil covered birds as propaganda. I just hope we don't lose sight of the most important impact of this incident. Nevertheless the wildlife deaths will be t...
[quote]I guess people haven't come to terms with the fact that a lot of marine wildlife is going to die, and quickly. [/quote]The problem is that reactionaries will only point to wildlife in this incident. When in fact the most important things are 11 people died, economic impact and jobs. Perspecti...
11 people dead and job losses>however many sea turtles...