Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:164
Registered on:1/19/2010
Online Status:Not Online

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I did see that it's available to watch on CBSsportsnetwork, just wasn't sure if a specific CBS account was needed or if it's available to be viewed as is....

Where to watch game online - legally?

Posted by Man Hands on 12/3/11 at 12:08 pm
I have Cox, but I won't be around a TV during the game. However, I will be around a computer. Is there anywhere that I'd be able to watch the game online?...

re: Bama and the NC

Posted by Man Hands on 11/27/11 at 9:45 am
Didn't say I didn't like the system, just a question. I honestly do think that LSU and BAMA are 1 and 2....

re: Bama and the NC

Posted by Man Hands on 11/27/11 at 9:15 am
I'm not the greatest on college football history, so I don't know if this particular situation has ever happened before, and it was a question out of pure curiosity....

Bama and the NC

Posted by Man Hands on 11/27/11 at 9:06 am
So admittedly, I don't get on here often, but I figured this would be the best place to ask this question. So it looks like it'll be LSU/Bama in the NC should LSU win in the SECCG. Should we win the SECCG, go to the NC, and lose to Bama, how could the Tide honestly be considered national champs?...

Who to start at TE

Posted by Man Hands on 12/5/10 at 11:13 am
I've got Gates, but who knows if he'll play, or what kind of role he'd play if he thinks he can go. I also have his backup McMichael just in case Gates can't go. But, I have Brandon Pettigrew as well, who's put on OK numbers, nothing huge but at least he doesn't put up goose eggs. Pettigrew pla...


Posted by Man Hands on 10/21/10 at 8:26 am
Right now I have Brandon Marshall, Eddie Royal, Mike Williams (Bucs), and Steve Johnson (Bills). Should I drop one of these for Davone Bess or Danny Woodhead, or just stick with them?...

re: Gore/Hillis/McFadden

Posted by Man Hands on 10/1/10 at 10:53 am
No, in my league instead of a flex position, we have 2 QBs....


Posted by Man Hands on 10/1/10 at 8:28 am
I've got all 3. I'm going to play Gore, but I'm not sure if I should play Hillis or McFadden. McFadden's obviously been doing better so far, but he's played against some pretty weak teams and he's got Houston this week. Hillis has been consistent, and had a big week against the Ravens, and he's g...
[quote]If we can just get a QB to put the ball in the right spot 5-15 yards down the field, these wideout will rack up Yac like there is no tomorrow.[/quote] You hit the nail on the head. These 3 receivers are going to playing on Sundays. All you have to do is get it in their hands and they are...

re: Is LSU a Top 5 Team

Posted by Man Hands on 9/12/10 at 8:11 pm
As previously stated, we have top 5 talent. With QB production, yes, we would have a legitimate shot at a top 5 position, but where is this production going to come from? JJ hasn't shown it, the verdict is still out on Lee since we haven't gotten to see enough of him in real game situation this se...