Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Washington DC
Number of Posts:333
Registered on:1/6/2005
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Ummmm, white beans/butter beans? Etouffee? Sno Balls? Frozen Custard (soft serve)? Any sauce picante? Watermelon? ...
Well, my family tree on both the maternal and paternal side first set foot in the “new world” (now eastern shore VA and MD) in 1626 and 1637, respectively. Therefore, your families are illegal immigrants in MY country, so feel free to see your way out. Thank you and don’t come back. ????...
[quote]linsey graham and his kids foundations getting huge chunks of money[/quote] LINDSEY Graham has never been married and doesn’t have kids. The fact you don’t know this clearly shows you’re stooooooopid. Please stop posting....
You’re an idiot and probably a low-IQ Republican, maybe even a closet racist. Seek help. Sincerely, Anyone with a functional brain...
Registered on January 5, 2005. 325 posts Top that sh!t. ...
Absolutely not. You have to understand the deep-seated anger and frustration liberals have because Hillary didn’t win in 2016. That level of frustration among conservatives and independents propelled Trump into the WH. As you know, liberals aren’t pissed at Hillary for the loss; rather they s...
[quote]We will have a female president of the United States[/quote] She’s not wrong. The machine is ramping up to install Hillary Clinton as the Democrat nominee. She already has a presidential campaign apparatus, she’s got funding, she has an endless base of single, liberal white women to rally ...
[quote]let everyone know of ONE major accomplishment from any Republican politician (state or Federal) over the past 30 years.[/quote] Exactly. Y’all are blowhard cowards who couldn’t fill a thimble with your political intelligence. Keep your day jobs and let the professionals handle this....
Is she from Louisiana or has she lived in Louisiana the majority of her life? Is she a Republican or has she been a Republican most of her life? If you answered yes to both questions, chances are she’s facking re-tart-ted or just plain stupid. Or maybe she’s simple like Simple Jack. ...
[quote]when his vote would have change the outcome[/quote] Name me one vote that would have decided the outcome. This ain’t the Senate, dolt. I have zero problem with criticizing politicians for their votes, but know WTF you’re talking about rather than spewing TPs, conjecture, and hyperbole....
Clay is what is commonly referred to as a “useful idiot”. If you told him to eat shite, he’d ask for a spoon. He truly is America’s Trailer Park Congressman. The Dem version of Clay is that Cohen guy who represents the AA District covering Memphis. Clown. Literally facking clown. ...
[quote]Also, I’m not a coward. My real name and face are on every comment I make to him on his social media posts. If I saw him public, I’d tell him the same shite to his face.[/quote] So brave. Rather than barking, why don’t YOU run for Congress and make a difference. Easier to criticize from th...
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again… …Louisiana’s (so called) Republican voters are the dumbest MFers in the country. Pick an elected Louisiana Republican politician from the last two decades and tell everyone what they’ve done (substantively) in the best interest of Louisiana. I’ll hang ...
I can confirm that everything KOTW said is true. I’ve seen and heard of more examples than one could ever imagine. If the entirety of Congressional staff were ever drug tested on a random day, at least 1/2 would fail. ...
Lindsay Graham is compromised and has been since the days of McCain. He’s a lapdog for Cocaine Mitch and a mouthpiece for Establishment Republicans. [quote]Kafka[/quote] I mean, is anyone surprised?...
[quote]bc parents make decisions for their children PERIOD.[/quote] This is what the collection of dipsh!t downvoters on this topic can’t seem to understand. Big Goverment should NEVER get between the decisions of parents and their child/children, regardless of whether “we” morally agree with ...
This board NEVER ceases to amaze me. The groupthink stupidity is astonishing. What Nimrata is simply expressing is that BIG GOVERNMENT (law) should not be dictating what parents can and cannot do with their children. And it's amusing to read slack-jawed posts about "muh tattoos" or "muh alcoh...

re: UCLA’s Dante Moore…

Posted by DCTiger on 12/4/23 at 5:39 pm
[quote]you've never seen Dante Moore play[/quote] Again, your gotcha moments are top shelf. But stick with the race narrative, it’s working for you. FYSA — Seen him play four times — three on TV (2023 AA game, Oregon State, and Wizzou) and once in person (Utah). Guess you have to leave for...

re: UCLA’s Dante Moore…

Posted by DCTiger on 12/4/23 at 11:06 am
[quote]not saying anybody on this board is one[/quote] This board is filled with idiots. If memory serves me correctly, JD5 was a “run first, pass second QB” last season, but with development and technology, has blossomed into a Heisman candidate. I never thought that would happen and enjoyed...

re: UCLA’s Dante Moore…

Posted by DCTiger on 12/4/23 at 10:55 am
[quote]Are you saying that because he's black? Dante Moore is not really a runner.[/quote] Yep, that’s it. Your stupidity caught me. I only view athletics in terms of race. ?? Dante is highly accurate and a great pocket passer, also tall (unlike Dillion Gabriel) and has a strong arm. Y...