Favorite team:LSU 
Location:New Orleans
Number of Posts:523
Registered on:11/2/2009
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Superior Grill Salsa Recipe?

Posted by Doyle McPoyle on 4/23/23 at 2:29 pm
Love the stuff. Anyone have any info on how they make it? Thanks
Email geauxtigers10191987@yahoo.com if have available and looking to sell. Thanks
Can't speak for gay bars as so many of you can, but my best theory is its driven by women.

"He doesn't pay 100% attn to me at all times if there is a TV so not going to a bar with a TV"

Bars want women, no TVs in bars.

Seems like every new bar that opens is all hip to the max with not A tv. Not asking for a wall of tvs but is a small flat screen or 2 to check scores really gonna kill the vibe that much?

Tiger posts stinger

Posted by Doyle McPoyle on 10/23/17 at 5:31 pm

Stinger, club twirl, tee grab. Gonna go clean myself up now.

re: First trip to Ole Miss

Posted by Doyle McPoyle on 10/22/17 at 7:55 pm

1. Gainesvill

1. Gainesville

By a mile

Wife wants to lease a Jaguar SUV

Posted by Doyle McPoyle on 10/17/17 at 5:40 pm
I don't know a damn thing about Jaguars and do not know anyone who owns one. Are they decent vehicles?
How does the course look?

re: Rory fired his caddie

Posted by Doyle McPoyle on 7/31/17 at 3:22 pm

Think Bones knees are becoming to painful to walk the course. Have a feeling he is staying with the TV gig.

Agree, but if I am Rory he is first guy I call and tell him to give me a number.

Rory fired his caddie

Posted by Doyle McPoyle on 7/31/17 at 7:26 am
Feel like this may be good move for him. Of all the big time players, feel like he has least involved caddie

re: Football and Your SO

Posted by Doyle McPoyle on 7/30/17 at 4:30 pm
You don't speak for 4 hours?
I knew Katie. Pretty sure she is 31 or 32.

re: Steve Robertson's latest tweet

Posted by Doyle McPoyle on 7/25/17 at 5:29 pm
Robertson just said on radio FBI is getting involved because of death threats to his family.

re: Brace for impact

Posted by Doyle McPoyle on 7/24/17 at 3:24 pm
Posting a vague "something bad is coming" thread without a single hint as to substance does not give you any credit.

A coach was fired and walked away from 16 million dollars for a yet to be released pattern of conduct and you are telling us something bad is going to be released.

re: Ole Hugh

Posted by Doyle McPoyle on 7/13/17 at 12:34 pm
He was football coach at my high school. Biggest hypocrite I've come across my entire life.
Couch and bed, unless he's wet or acting like a dick head
Won 5 tournaments, including the Players, in 2013