Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Oklahoma City,OK
Occupation:Automotive Sales
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Registered on:9/6/2009
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3.) (almost didn't include because wasn't a viable option) Riley. Probably would have cost us like $15mil and even then might have turned it down since his USC deal is secret

At the time it was rumored that Riley was locked in, but then USC stole him from us. BK became a plan to save

Did he redshirt in 2019?

Because if so, he can come back next year.

How many degrees does he have?
2008 Arkansas was in the same fashion as USCw

Lane Kiffin or Dan Lanning
They could of hired Kiffin instead of CBK. Why would he come now

re: I want some objective opinions.

Posted by winston318 on 9/3/24 at 11:16 am

Why didn't we at least take some shots down field?
They did take shots when the coverage allowed it. Typically you don't throw deep vs 2 high safeties and that's mainly what USC ran. When they didn't he took shots

Done with BK
So who do you recommend they go after to be his replacement, and how much are you willing to invest towards his buyout


Posted by winston318 on 9/1/24 at 7:41 pm

it's going to be tuff beating USC and the REFS

re: Les Miles 2.0

Posted by winston318 on 9/4/23 at 9:29 am

Our overall scheme is so limited with him. Short passes, hesitant read options, poor utilization of RBs and WRs.

This is what you have to do when your o-line isn’t blowing people off the ball

re: The sun still came up

Posted by winston318 on 9/4/23 at 8:28 am

This team sucks

Not really. I’m going to give the O-line a pass, but I can’t remember the offense ever getting stuffed this many times need 1-2 yards. They will get better as the season goes along. This d-line is very average outside of Wingo. They don’t get any push upfront.
I d

This could be a gift and a curse but I truly believe coach o will bring in his buddy Hugh Freeze next season to coach his offense.

I hope so
Kanye says and does things to get a reaction and sell more albums. Remember in 2005 when he said that Bush doesn't like black people. He has 90% of TD ready to buy his new record. This guy is funny to me
Some times you have to be humble even though you are a confident person. There is a time to walk with your head up and chest out

So we're the Moors black Africans?

They sure were. They taught the whites how to live. Taught them hygiene. Before they came into the Iberian peninsula, whites and their farm animals lived in the same dwelling

re: Laura Ingraham on LOA

Posted by winston318 on 3/31/18 at 3:09 am
She only said what her base wanted to hear. When advertisers start pulling out the company starts losing money.

Nobody is suggesting we repeal the 2nd Amendment” is the equivalent of “We just want to bring down Confederate statues. We’d never go after the Founding Fathers.”

The 2nd amendment has always been a joke. You will hear people say that it was there 2 protect against government tyran
[quote]They did not raise property taxes because they can't. Property tax millage increases have to go to a vote for the taxpayers that live in that school district. The projections used to pay for a $6-8k raise will fall short of the revenue actually needed to pay for that raise. Then the legislatu
[quote]If they get the raise, good for them. I'm not going to pay for it because I don't have to. And when these assumed revenue streams fall short of their projections and they can't pay for 15% pay raises, I'm going to laugh at all 9f the people that sided with the teachers here in Oklahoma.[/quot