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Biography:LA Tech 01 grad
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Registered on:7/13/2009
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re: Trump will be indicted and convicted

Posted by mailman on 8/12/22 at 6:25 am

So they got him this time?

Third impeachment!
I thought Russia wasn't involved in anyway with the election?
I don't get it, why is Biden in office so much, doesn't make sense

The media that wrongly accused Rittenhouse, and the prep school kid at the capital, of being racists etc.... you don't think those people should be sued for defamation?

They were
Dems always trying to regulate cost, just let the free market decide. ppl should stop complaining, stop begging for handouts from the government

So what was trump's health care plan

Posted by mailman on 8/5/22 at 2:03 pm
Can someone link me an article, I don't know where to look
Why did they let the democrats win, should have waited for trump to be in office, now they look weak

Do you really believe Saudis did 9/11

Posted by mailman on 8/1/22 at 2:29 pm
I mean trump is right, no one knows who really did it and Saudis are good ppl, they donate to charity!

Laws don't make no sense

Posted by mailman on 7/15/22 at 10:46 am
I'm lost here, so you could get arrested for getting an abortion in another state but you can smoke weed in another state, gamble, frick a prostitute?

re: Laws don't make no sense

Posted by mailman on 7/15/22 at 10:43 am

Huh? Pretty sure women can get an abortion in any state that it is legal.

Doesn't look like it

Laws don't make no sense

Posted by mailman on 7/3/22 at 11:00 am
I'm lost here, so you could get arrested for getting an abortion in another state but you can smoke weed in another state, gamble, frick a prostitute?

re: The best freedom is no freedom

Posted by mailman on 6/24/22 at 4:05 pm

Do you also feel the same about mask and vaccine mandates?

Your body your choice, now let's apply that here

re: The best freedom is no freedom

Posted by mailman on 6/24/22 at 2:02 pm

What rights are being limited?

The freedom to choose what's right for your body and not having government interference, not really a freedom if there isn't choice

re: The best freedom is no freedom

Posted by mailman on 6/24/22 at 1:59 pm

But taking away the gun ownership rights of the citizens, which is a constitutional right, would be just fine I bet

So you agree that limiting rights is unamerican, cool

re: The best freedom is no freedom

Posted by mailman on 6/24/22 at 1:54 pm

What about the freedom not to be murdered in your mothers womb.

God created miscarriages for a reason maybe there's a way we can refine his methods

Inflation is getting outta control

Posted by mailman on 6/13/22 at 5:55 pm
Why did Biden give everyone free money during the pandemic, this some bs