Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Born and Raised on the Campus
Number of Posts:11
Registered on:11/17/2004
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The worst part of this story is that Tyrann was part of this team when he WAS using and HE got caught. Who else is in the same boat he was in that hasn't gotten caught? You know Tyrann wasn't the lone ranger! This could explain the lack of discipline and the poor execution this team has along with t...
I was just curious as to how well Jefferson did in his preseason debut? ...
I think I saw where Jordan Jefferson did that well too!! Or was I just having a nightmare from the Championship game? It sure is amazing how certain backup QB's, past and present can manage to do well in the pro's, but can't seem to get on the field at LSU. I wonder why that happens? Josh Booty a...
That's exactly what I'm saying, with Byrd being the main culprit. They may be upper classmen, but some were JC transfers. So to say they were familiar, no more than JL. My point is there is enough blame to go around without saddling JL with all of it. First off, did Crowton tell you what plays ...
Ok, it looks as if what I reported got misconstrued! I didn't say JL didn't study film, he attened all the QB meetings and did study film, the question is did he understand what he was seeing? JL had his difficulties, but just as much as he was off page, so were the receivers. The only receiver...