Favorite team:Boise State 
Number of Posts:39
Registered on:7/1/2009
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What a great story line for a non-AQ to end the SEC NC streak. :lol:...
Sugar Bowl Prediction: LSU v BSU Careful LSU fans - don't belittle Georgia too much if they lose or it might come back to bite you in the arse. :nana: http://collegefootball.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1249828 ...
Upsets, by definition, are the exception. Just answer me this. For a team that usually wins, why would you consider each victory to be an upset?...
[quote]it's like you guys are reading deficient. [/quote] It's like you're blind to obvious patterns that do not support your opinion. 6-1 against highly ranked BCS teams. BSU winning 6 out of 7 cannot be considered a fluke Wilsonhater - it can only be considered a blatant pattern. And whi...
[quote]no. They were merely better at that specific time.[/quote] Those Bronco's are the luckiest bastards on the planet! They keep just happening to play overrated program after overrated program and then they also keep just happening to be better each time they play them. :lol: Ahhh, you ...
[quote]Unless you have NBC televising every game that ESPN doesn't get then you're not ND. Sorry[/quote] Really? Because my next connection was to let everyone know that Boise also gets ND's endowment, academics and alumni base....
[quote]But I'll say a 3 loss Oregon team is a better team than Boise. [/quote] You know what my favorite is? When people quote how stellar someone's SOS ranking is and then ignore they dropped several games. "They play a tough schedule" "Ah yeah. . . . and lose! Pretty sure Boise could do...
Ah hey guys - have you forgot I'm the one you are all arguing with?? Sheesh, I leave for a couple hours and I'm 4 pages back! I've heard it said that BSU is new ND when it comes to it being a polarizing topic. You either love them or despise them. Which is why their TV ratings are always...
[quote]Please tell me BSU that you think this is an advantage....are you kidding me?!?!![/quote] I was pointing it out more to illustrate that the loss of top WR can be mitigated to a degree through team play. Would I prefer superstars? Sure, but Boise has proven it can win with that "spread-...
[quote]If boise did luck into a win there, do you think yall could turn around and win in death valley the next week? Then play Florida, followed by Georgia? Boise might win this game. Boise could open the year with last year's national champion for the next 10 years and go 10-0, and it still ...
[quote]But what about secondary/ LB's [/quote] We lost our top LB before the Nevada game and it was felt. He's back and healthy for this season. Glad you brought that up because that's another reason to feel this team will be improved from the end of last season. [quote]receving core? [/qu...
[quote]Play Bama and see how you do.[/quote] I'd love it. Hopefully someday. Maybe in the NC game? ...
[quote]What about SOS do you not understand? you do realize you directly contradict yourself with your very next sentence? [/quote] I'll write really slow to help you out here. A TEAM CAN SUCK AND STILL HAVE A HIGH SOS. Seriously people . . . . :lol:...
[quote]what makes you think Boise will be any better or even on par with last year's team?[/quote] The defensive line looks to be the best in school history. Our two running backs will be among the best in the nation. Our QB is back for his senior year. The Nevada loss last year will bur...
[quote]Just answer this question with a yes or no: Do you believe Indiana and UNLV are better than Bama and/or that they play a harder schedule than Bama?[/quote] Dude, what about SOS do you not understand? It's not a list of who is "better". :banghead: K, I'm done responding on this. ...
[quote]Hope your making the trip down to see the Ars whipping in person!! It is going to be just like 2005. All we heard then, was how your QB was going to pick apart the secondary. I think, we had five picks in that game.[/quote] I was at that game in 2005.. . . . and it was 6 picks - in the 1...
[quote]You guys might beat Georgia, they are a team that follows their coach into the ranks of choking. BSU couldn't handle the SEC on a week to week basis though, I would like to see you try it however. [/quote] I would too because these sorts of comments are dropped all the time like it's some ...
[quote]I had no idea what the "formula" was so I decided to take a gander. I stopped reading when I saw that these were the top 4 programs: Clemson Baylor Kansas Washington [/quote] You do realize this is SOS, not a list of cfb elite, right? You're fast losing my interest with this...
[quote]Y'all don't win because you get lucky. You win because you don't play anyone good. And when you do, you lose.[/quote] Like the Big 12, MWC and PAC-10 champions? :lol: Cherry pick your games well to support your claim...