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IIRC he got arrested for something involving a student or graduate assistant. The reveille articles show up in google search but when I clicked through its a 404 error

Parent was my favorite. Great guy to shoot the shite with too.
Wants to be in close proximity to 18-22 yos for when his current GF moves on.
Could never stand the aggy girl so i quit listening. Walker is entertaining with the right cohosts
FD/DK/CZR etc all have to win region markets
What an idiot. Also, Deion didn’t make his son hire an attorney??

re: Ohtani scandal

Posted by MasterofTigerBait on 3/30/24 at 6:35 pm
his name came up in an FBI investigation, its out of the MLB's control
A lot of that makes sense. What about the bookie extending 4.5 mil to the interpreter?
I don’t think a bookie would let an interpreter run up 4.5 mil?

unless the guy bluffed his salary/net worth?

The man is a good coach, and if you don't understand why we're struggling, then you need to pay more attention.


re: Nice win!

Posted by MasterofTigerBait on 2/3/24 at 1:55 pm
Arkansas is not a good basketball team

But cambell said that after the flag was thrown he was told that two players reported and that the flag was thrown because that’s not allowed . Which is wrong

Campbell did not say that

Wade was given every chance to come forward and tell his side. By not doing so, and hiding behind lawyers, the admins had no choice. Wade quit on his team by refusing to speak.

How did the admin have no choice? If they were demanding he answer specific questions about impermissible
He’s coaching D1 basketball again already. It’s not like they caught him on anything major.

Murray St has a pretty good basketball history, they've ran their conference for a long time. When their coaches got bigger jobs in the past, most of the time it didn't end well. That was a big concern of mine at the time of the hire but I was willing to see how it played out

I read through the LA sports betting laws/regs a while back out of general interest. The only thing in there regarding player rights/protections was regarding self limiting/exclusion and responsible gaming tools.

All the books advertise about "winning big" but if you actually win long term, they
yes, he identifies as italian IIRC