Favorite team:LSU 
Location:New Orleans
Number of Posts:161
Registered on:12/2/2008
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C’mon, man. You know who. ...

re: Pitching is terrible

Posted by fat mike eats it on 4/6/24 at 9:05 pm
Ack and Little are the same pitcher. One good strike out, one base on Balls, one homer per inning and hope the defense come through for the other 2 outs. See you back next inning for the same thing. Yet other pitchers only see one batter. I don’t get it. I know their HR/innings is high, but I’d lov...
This ump love a full count...
This YT feed is better than eSpN +...

re: Why was John Brady fired?

Posted by fat mike eats it on 3/21/24 at 7:10 pm
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t 4 out of the 5 Final Four starters play together since they were really young?...
Connect your phone with USB and CarPlay works fine. ...
[quote]could you imagine waiting for your 1st grader to get off the bus for 7 hours?[/quote] At what point, as a parent, do you get in your own vehicle and track down the bus that has your kid for hours on end after school? The bus system shouldn’t take this long, but my arse wouldn’t be sitting on ...
[quote]Black stone griddle and TV for patio[/quote] Same!...
A turd definitely dropped out of those shorts onto the sidewalk...

re: David Carradine

Posted by fat mike eats it on 5/16/23 at 11:11 pm
Lots of celebs die that way Robin Williams, Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell All died by choke-jerk, but nobody wants to talk about it....

re: Alabama 11 @ LSU 13 Final

Posted by fat mike eats it on 4/30/23 at 2:38 pm
This definitely puts pressure on the pitching staff. They can’t even try to pitch into a double play, because the defense is not capable of turning 2. Or even 1 on a routine gb. ...
[quote]So you’re saying I can stop paying my bills[/quote] Don’t do that. Put stuff in your kids names and don’t pay those bills. ...

re: What Did Ump Tell Skenes

Posted by fat mike eats it on 4/14/23 at 12:16 am
Thank you for your service!...

re: Boycotting Budweiser

Posted by fat mike eats it on 4/7/23 at 7:07 pm
[quote]I”ve heard Bud is laced with fentanyl.[/quote] I read that too. Also, cops trying to confiscate have to wear gloves or they turn queer and die immediately....
It says “they,” who is the other person on hrt?...