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Hello everyone on this forum…. I have lived in Athens Ga for over 30 years. I happened on this forum while searching for the height and weight of the killer of this young woman to see just how unbalanced her fight for her life was…. She just went for a run by herself, something she has apparently d...
Oh my God… what is wrong with you people on here? You are judging a woman who fought for her life! You don’t know anything about her and certainly not her voting record. Try to have a little compassion for others. Life is very short and living with such an enormous amount of hate for others might dr...
Oh my God! Why so damn hateful? You have made a huge generalization about a select few democrats in power… might I remind you that both political parties have truly evil people that wind up in power. It’s very unfortunate that the good doesn’t rise to the top and take control. I urge you to please s...
Yes, Athens is more liberal than the majority of Ga, however, the mayor and elected officials very much care about what happens in this town! Government housing hardly exists here… the majority of housing is way overpriced student housing that apparently the parents of students here have no problem ...
This might be the most hateful thing I have read on this forum filled with such hate. You have no idea who she voted for or anything other than what you have read in the news. First and foremost: SHE DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS!!!! This was the purely evil act of a man intent on who knows what. Ca...