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Number of Posts:129
Registered on:2/3/2024
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I support the abolishment of this GIANT welfare program! &, nothing less. ...
[quote]How does one DESTORY something Einstein? You edited your post and still couldn’t get it right dumbass.[/quote] to clarify, I will destroy their arguments. wanna try? :rotflmao: if you were referring to spelling, I am horrible at it. In fact, I did not even get that that was yr pt b/c I...
[quote]I like you Roger. We probably agree on 75% of the issues. You’re more of a globalist than I, I think but nonetheless. Even areas we probably don’t agree I still can respect your POV. But what are you talking about? What has been conservative about the Republican Party in the last 25 yea...
Biden is a disaster & the arrogant dems deserve the arse whooping they'll likely get...
show me the lie...defend 1 thing above, 1!! Put down Das Kapital. &, stop holding up the ethanol king's poster with 1 hand. defend New NAFTA*: GO! * the NFT salesman call old nafta a disaster, so it should be ez. show me how new nafta is not MORE LEFTIST. oh, that's right you have no clue abo...
who the hell wants to be associated with a bunch of leftist nerds? New Nafta, welfare jobs programs, S. Korea trade deal, war on free trade, ethanol lover, SS, Medicare lover, GIANT, corrupt military lover, neg interest rate lover... where's the lie babe?...
[quote]The same pussies who shine if the freedom caucus [/quote] freedom caucus. how ironic. ...
[quote]Who even says “PUBS”? Weird.[/quote] me. for instance when I state the science fact, PUBS HATE CONS ...
[quote]Number of Posts: 118 Registered on: 2/3/2024[/quote] nice punt. Anytime you wanna arg, you can do like a man or like a little bitch as you've just done...I will destory any pub who dares think they are a con....
OMG, American interferes all the time in elections & has for a very, very long time. As do our allies & foes. SO WHAT? ...
is anyone here aware that the head of the executive branch asked people to be there that day in order to pressure the legislative branch to ignore their constitution duty? ANYONE? that anti American BIG GOV clown's yr hero, but, but ,but the CIA, the FBI...jesus. radical commie pubs suck...
[quote] It's a huge deal.... This commie regime has been operating like a dictatorship. They control the MSM and the DOJ. It leaves the few Americans paying attention with no options. [/quote] so, you've been "paying attention" & yet I bet Trump Bear's radical communism went right over your head...
Wha? Boebert supporters. y'all are a bunch of full on CINOs. proving once again, pubs hate conservatism. ...
yeah. just wait until Trumpy Bear's back, he'll slash the budget the way he did after 8 YEARS of Obama....oh, wait. :rotflmao: :rotflmao: &, unless you are FDR old, Ronnie BIG GOV is by FAR the debt king of our lifetimes...
yeah beat em at their own game like the pubs beat leftists by out leftying them. Go team!...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by sweatyfreddy on 3/11/24 at 7:44 pm
[img]https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/0082c7c/2147483647/strip/true/crop/5088x3392+0+0/resize/1200x800!/format/webp/quality/75/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F84%2F51%2Ff61127eb4558a329754a5ad47239%2Ftrump-06216.jpg[/img] Yuge Gov clown's too lazy...
You mean the desantis who hates the constitution & freedom & signed the BIGGEST budget in Fla history? :rotflmao:...
the ethanol king's gettin' out drilled by Biden :rotflmao:...

re: Where is Trump?

Posted by sweatyfreddy on 3/7/24 at 8:26 pm
[quote]Someone post what he’s saying on X[/quote] He just praised Venezuela again pointing out that they don't have a border crisis. Now he's hocking NFTs....
WOW. Gourds & Negativland in the same post. Cool. Saw the Gourds in 94(?) at a record store in College Station. They played to me, my GF & buddy. edit. negativland is how I known the former soviet union had 11 times zones. ...