Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:King of the normies.
Interests:God, wife and kids. In that order.
Occupation:Professional data nerd.
Number of Posts:1255
Registered on:12/3/2023
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[quote] Some people will say approach women in person but that’s dangerous now. They aren’t attracted to you, it’s not just a courteous no. It’s literally them either laughing at you or looking at you as a complete creep, offended that you dared to even talk to them.[/quote] So, I haven’t “dated” i...
[quote]They wouldn’t let me do anything, gave me no reason and no number to call for more information.[/quote] The fact your wife was able to get the check implies that there’s no issue with your account, or there was and it’s been resolved. So they should be able to tell you what the issue was...
[quote]In my experience, regions does some weird stuff when it comes to large transactions. If you have the money in your account, I don’t see how they can’t write you a cashiers check. It’s like withdrawing cash[/quote] In fairness to Regions, all banks are required to report transactions that ...
[quote]They don’t. They just scan it in and a message comes back saying do not proceed. It will get worked out, but I fly out early Monday for work so I need my license to be clear…just not sure what to do…dread the DMV[/quote] Yeah…they know. You need to ask more questions. Unless you’re a terr...
[quote]Did you specify US mortgage rates?[/quote] This. Also, what terms? Could those be ARMs or 15 or 10 yr fixed? Garbage in, garbage out will always be true no matter how “smart” AI becomes. ...
How would trashy people even be able to answer this? I’ve got no time for this nonsense. I have natty lights to drink and a Disney trip to plan for....

re: I been waiting for this moment

Posted by Dadren on 7/26/24 at 10:13 am
[quote]Does this number match? yes? Fantastic. No? Fantastic, let me get on the horn with the client. I love talking to people who wish I would go away. It’s a thankless job, but someone’s got to do it (per the SEC) Nothing like a Friday tie out. Who is with me.[/quote] Auditors are the sith o...
[quote]Have you been on the Politics board? The collective there swarms over anyone who doesn't fall in line lock step with their collective opinion. There's little to no real discourse there. It's just a bunch of like minded people spouting their collective beliefs.[/quote] This. 1000%. Her...
[quote]My wife and I talk about having kids, but it's just too expensive. We aren't blaming anyone for it. We got late starts in life, I didn't go back to school to get a better job until I was 28. HHI this year will be right at $100K, but I'm not having a kid and putting them into the public...
[quote]No way she can pick up and move and keep the same salary or her tenure in the company. [/quote] Does she need to earn that much if she’s not paying darn near $1 million for 1200/ sq ft? [quote]Not to mention her in-laws are here and her FIL is not doing well. My BIL owns his own business an...
[quote]Curious.....How dark is the tint on your windows?[/quote] The windows are all 30, windscreen is 70. I think the roof is 20...
[quote]That’s no crazy to realize but the only folks i know that are truly enjoying like in their 30s and 40s are either very wealthy and kill it financially at work or don’t have kids.[/quote] Statistically that’s true. People with kids in their 40s tend to self-report lower levels of happiness th...
[quote]You don't have to mass import sub 80 iq muslims/ africans to bolster the economy, china has millions of smart young people without behavioral issues[/quote] Well, mass importing 120 iq Chinese nationals to take all of the white collar jobs so Americans can do lesser paying jobs, while those ...
[quote]That's short sighted at best. Same thing happened in Europe and look what they had to import to fill job vacancies.[/quote] This. The same people dismissing the problem are probably going to be the same ones complaining about rapid demographic shifts and falling GDP as the workforce shrinks ...
I tend to be in the Elon Musk/Jordan Peterson camp on parenthood. It’s good for our species, but you have to choose to voluntarily take the role on and take it seriously. However, I will admit that young people have a bit of a double whammy. As a country gets wealthier, kids become more expensive...
[quote]let's say the rolls were reversed and he wanted the baby and she didn't. She can go get an abortion and there's nothing he can do to stop her. It's screwed up.[/quote] I can agree with that. A solution could be that if the father agrees to take sole custody of the child and contribute to...
[quote]Because the othe indicators aren't correlating with this number[/quote] Serious question, do you remember which ones they mentioned? 2.8% doesn’t seem crazy to me considering the increase in debt-fueld consumer spending. Not saying it’s a good thing, just saying it might be about right....
[quote]because it will have implications on the child who knows that their parent up and leaves them when they’re a 5 or 6 year old kid vs a kid who has 0 memory of that person or connection to them. [/quote] If a man is such a terrible person that he’d leave a kid that has bonded with him, there’s...
[quote]sunroofs[/quote] My cars roof is made completely of glass and I actually love it. Makes the interior look bright and open. I guess it does get a little warm sometimes but meh. Trade offs. ...
[quote]nope never said that. I said if he fricks a girl then finds out she’s pregnant and decides he doesn’t want to be a father he should be allowed to sign away rights at that time. Not later on when he decides too. The same way a woman can decide to put a child up for adoption and sign away her r...