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Biography:King of the normies.
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Number of Posts:1998
Registered on:12/3/2023
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re: OT Lawyers, do I have a case?

Posted by Dadren on 1/13/25 at 6:05 pm
[quote]The company cited 2 incident reports (which happened months before the firing), and "disparaging comments" against the company (which ultimately did me in)[/quote] [quote]Some background: my clinic director and I didn't exactly get along[/quote] Two incidents, disparaging remarks against th...
Since WAFB didn’t GAF enough about their own article to link the actual article from nurse.org, here it is. Didn’t see any criteria for selection, but the site leads me to believe that it’s a small member base that just picked the schools they attended and voted on those. TL;DR: see post by m...
If this is a situation where people just don’t want to, have the money and would rather pay someone else to do it, I don’t have an issue with it, even if it’s basic stuff like changing light bulbs. However, doesn’t sound like this at all. These sound like people with parents who raised them to b...
If you haven’t had any issues with your BM’s you’re probably fine. Most likely just need to tweak your diet. Increases in fiber always give me gas…maybe check that?...
[quote]What is so hard about this lol[/quote] You tell me chief. You’re the one struggling with it. ...
[quote]Communism literally wants to dictate where your money goes and give it to others. He literally said he wants that money given to others. [/quote]No, he literally didn’t. You literally posted what he wrote literally. Where did he say that some entity should [b]dictate[/b] (your words) h...
[quote]I mean. This is literally what he said lol [quote]Could be better spent and given to better people[/quote].[/quote] Having an opinion on how people might want to spend their money is not communism. Either you don’t know what communism is or you have severe reading comprehension problems. ...
[quote]When the cost vs value gets out of whack people will do just that, and that point is different for everyone. [/quote] Maybe. People spend money without any regard to value all the time, and sometimes it takes someone pointing that out before people reevaluate. I think that’s all that was...
[quote]This is such a dumb straw man argument. This is a business and should be viewed as such. It’s not like the NCAA and everyone involved here had billions of dollars given to them to do whatever they want with and they said “instead of curing world hunger let’s do football stuff”.[/quote] I thi...
[quote]Like what?[/quote] Whatever they want? Why is the “what” relevant? The point you seem to be missing is that what you keep ridiculously referring to as communism is actually free market. Stop voting for this nonsense with your dollars. ...
[quote]Like the initial Tech boom, people have lost their damn minds.[/quote] It is [i]very[/i] much like that. If you just read the justifications on why Beck is getting this money, you realize that a small fraction has to do with football ability and the rest is just a mushy word salad about h...
[quote]Are agent fees regulated by the NFL CBA?[/quote] They’re regulated by the NFLPA and agents have to be certified by them. Just one layman’s opinion, but I think CFB is beyond the point where a CBA can be done. It would solve this (and a few other) problems but there are so many different i...
[quote]One hand- the players should get as much as they can from whatever deal is offered. That’s capitalism!! Other Hand- agents shouldn’t be getting 20% from college players. They should be limited to 3%-5%. What they are doing is greedy and unethical. Poor players are victims of capitalism!![/...
[quote]Any chance FCS college football gets more popular with FBS becoming NFL jr?[/quote] If it does, it’s just going to have the same problems that FBS does. More eyeballs, everyone will try to monetize those eyeballs, money comes rushing in and now Generic Valley State’s freshman QB wants $2...
Reading these posts about how the President creates or destroys jobs is like listening to grown men talk about how good a job the Easter Bunny is doing. ...

re: Proof of Time Travel (Examples)

Posted by Dadren on 1/10/25 at 12:26 pm
I put time travel and extraterrestrial aliens in the same bucket. If they exist, I hope humanity never encounters them....
[quote]I take Saxenda, down about 35 lbs in a year.[/quote] A healthier BMI is a healthier BMI. Good on ya and hope you keep making progress!...
[quote]How much does Bill Gates give to philanthropy? His goal is to make the world better for future generations, including his two grandchildren, Leila and Mia — and he has given away an astounding $59 billion in the process. At one point considered a “tyrannical technocrat,” today Gates is known ...

re: Once again, China is ahead of USA

Posted by Dadren on 1/9/25 at 9:02 pm
What in the name of CGI…...