Favorite team:LSU 
Occupation:Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Number of Posts:10
Registered on:10/8/2022
Online Status:Not Online

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1. So number of posts and time on this board is evidence of being a fan? Sure, that makes sense. 2. Yeah because we were supposed to beat the life out of them. I felt awful after those losses…like they took my soul. Apparently you didn’t feel that way because you’re not a true fan. ...
It’s so annoying that they have two wins over us the past 10 years. Especially since they’re so bad. I can’t believe they took our souls twice…and with our own head coach! What a bunch of pussies....
I agree. We totally deserve what’s happening to us for taking Notre Dame’s garbage...
He’ll continue to take some blame but tell us that everyone else is way more responsible for that second half shite-show...