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re: We want Dalton

Posted by Gwalchgwynn on 9/13/22 at 8:35 am
Remember that game where Brees threw 3 ints? Oh wait, he did that like a dozen times actually. Yeah, Brees sucked....
With the extra rolling over on top of him, yeah....
From the rulebook, "It is a foul for intentional grounding if a passer, facing an imminent loss of yardage because of pressure from the defense ..." https://operations.nfl.com/the-rules/nfl-video-rulebook/intentional-grounding/ If you saw it in one other game, then this is the 2nd time it's been...
Except it's not right. "It is a foul for intentional grounding if a passer, facing an imminent loss of yardage because of pressure from the defense ..." From the first sentence of the rule in the rulebook. https://operations.nfl.com/the-rules/nfl-video-rulebook/intentional-grounding/...
Yeah, it looked like he hit Lattimore in the face twice, the second time after the whistle, and then gave a Neymar-esque flop. ...