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Registered on:7/20/2022
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Thank you all for the kind posts. I do need to leave for now but thank you the encouragement. I am definitely taking the advice to heart. I'll try to be back on later. ...
[quote]Just do drugs and move to the west coast. No more responsibilities.[/quote] I know this is meant as a joke but ironically part of me has thought about just running away and disappearing as much as possible. Leave everything behind and start new. Sadly I'm sure my family would try to look f...
[quote]First let me say I have been where you are. I was very close to the edge, and the thing that caused me to reconsider was the realization of what this selfish act would do to my family. Life is a series of challenges that God puts before us. Step up and do what you know is the right thi...
[quote]No, they won’t. I go to counseling once a week, and none of that happened. They won’t be able to contact your family unless you give them they’re info.[/quote] That's good to know. I know one of the first steps I need to take is some sort of counseling. ...
[quote]How do you spend your time away from work? [/quote] I have been trying to exercise several times a week but other than that typically just watching series/tv. I'm usually so mentally tired after work I just want to shut my brain off. ...
[quote]I know the question wasn't directed at me, but that's a plan that sounds a hell of a lot better than the alternative. I'd start with seeking out and find a professional to talk to that can help you work through these difficult times. Maybe they can present you with a plan that has the same re...
[quote]If you're really feeling like this, talk to someone, anyone. I've been there, it's dark, I know but it doesn't last forever. Is there anything right now that brings you joy in life? If not, it's okay. If you need someone to listen, I'm here.[/quote] Thank you. I feel like the big step I...
[quote]Get out there. I lived 3000 miles from my family and friends. I forced myself to join softball teams, bowling teams, flag football teams, whatever the frick teams work had. I never said no to an invitation or happy hour. I volunteered to clean up parks and playgrounds. I went for bike ride...
[quote]Absolutely. 100%. Without a doubt. I've seen it personally. It's devastating for the ones left behind.[/quote] I know it probably is and I wouldn't want that. But so many nights I want to fall asleep and never wake up again. I just want to go into the long sleep. I'm just tired and I fe...
You all really think it would hurt more people if I ended it? I've always thought I would just be forgotten pretty quickly. I mean I'm not anyone famous and even memorable. I'm pretty much the definition of a nobody. :lol: I've even had dreams where I've died and I've seen the aftermath. Sometim...
[quote]If you're really feeling like this, talk to someone, anyone. I've been there, it's dark, I know but it doesn't last forever. Is there anything right now that brings you joy in life? If not, it's okay. If you need someone to listen, I'm here.[/quote] Honestly, not like it used to. I used...
[quote]We've all been there, brother. I went through the same exact thing a year or so ago. It feels like your body is just on autopilot. Getting in that rut is very real. I sifted through my life and found what was holding me back so I changed them, one of which was my job. I stopped trying t...
[quote]You may think that, but have you ever asked them? Have you ever talked to any parents who've lost a child due to depression and asked them if they're better off? Again, I hate to be so blunt, but you're wrong. [/quote] I know it wouldn't take away the pain but maybe it would help them ...
[quote]Seconded. Just know that if you don’t fix the underlying issues, they will come back to bite you in the arse with interest 10-15 years later when the dog dies[/quote] I'd love a dog but ironically I'm allergic to them so I sadly can't even go that route. It's incredibly frustrating. ...
[quote]If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? Man, it's tough right now. And I have no idea what you're going through, but you have to hang in there. If you wanna talk I can message you my email??[/quote] 38 year old white male. Pretty much the prime candidate for this ironically. Su...
[quote]Um, I hate to be so blunt in a post like this, but those people you mentioned are the only people you should be interested in living for. None of the other people matter. They're the exact ones you should talk to in times like you're going through.[/quote] True but I feel like they woul...
[quote]wb 08[/quote] I'm confused. Is this supposed to mean something?...
I absolutely do feel like if life was a day I'm on the sunset portion right now. Not just the start of the sunset but deep into the sunset, almost dark. And once it goes dark I will be gone from this world. My entire life is miserable. I am single and alone. My job is tearing me apart and inflati...