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Number of Posts:97
Registered on:8/13/2021
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[quote]It was going to be messy after we left. We should have controlled the exit, and could have. [/quote] Still wouldn't have helped the Afghans who spent the last twenty years working for us. They have targets on their back and they know it. All this bs about a more "moderate" Taliban coming f...
[quote]Farid Zakira on CNN just said the only way Biden can save this is to do what we did with the Vietnamese boat people and take in everyone that wants out. Curious if this will happen [/quote] God, I hope so.[link=(https://twitter.com/abc/status/1427339833425399812?s=21)]This is a start.[/...
[quote]This also would support reports that the Taliban are, in fact, going door-to-door.[/quote] They are. And they're just waiting for the moment when there is no more resistance. fricking terrifying. I can't even imagine....
[quote]Says the guy who hasn't made a single comment on Biden's lack of communication for three days. [/quote] Yes I did.[link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/display.aspx?sp=97798371&s=2&p=97724916#97798371)]You even responded to it.[/link] Need to hear more? Biden fricked up big time. He sh...
[quote]I don't know, are you? You've made nothing but claims, with zero proof. At all. In any of your posts. [/quote] Here's the announcement of the Pentagon confirmation: [link=(https://twitter.com/abc/status/1427339833425399812?s=21 https://twitter.com/abc/status/1427339833425399812?s=21)]A...
Holy shite. Are you drunk or something? [quote][quote]So the Pentagon confirming they will "provide protection, air transportation, and processing of up to 30,000 at-risk individuals from Kabul" was orchestrated by whom? [/quote] I'll wait until this actually happens. But to answer your q...
[quote]RogerTheShrubber[/quote] Do I need to submit a restraining order? Why don't we go back to the thread where you were making an arse out of yourself on antitrust history?...
[quote]You're the one claiming he's making decisions from Camp David. The onus is on you. You made the first claim. [/quote] No I didn't. Are you having memory trouble? [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/display.aspx?sp=97800786&s=4&p=97724916)]Refresh your memory.[/link]...
[quote]And your proof he is what exactly? Feel free to share the links. [/quote] You're the one making the claim. The onus would be on you to back it up....
[quote]You and Vohalla have been actively attacking any critique of Biden being silent for 96 hours. [/quote] :lol: how fricking dishonest....
[quote]What part of the fact POTUS was silent for THREE frickING DAYS while Afghanistan collapsed is fabricated bullshite? [/quote] The fabricated bullshite is your suggestion that the Pentagon is orchestrating an extraction from Kabul with no direction or input from Biden and his cabinet....
[quote]After what you’ve seen in the last 72 hrs all the way up to that presser today, how can you still throw up a defense for Biden, his advisors or anyone tasked with running the country? This shite is indefensible.[/quote] You don't need to defend Biden to call out obvious bullshite. No one I'v...
[quote]Absolutely. I don’t think anyone is claiming this administration hasn’t made many mistakes in handling this situation. They definitely have. But that doesn’t make this “he went to Camp David so he went on vacation” claim that you and other posters have made any less ridiculous. [/quote] ...
[quote]I'll wait until this actually happens. [/quote] Okay. [quote]But to answer your question, you answered it in the third word of your post. [/quote] So the Pentagon is just operating outside the direction of the Executive at their own discretion? Got it....
[quote]Of course not. [/quote] Gotcha. Didn't want to misunderstand what you were saying. [quote]He simply chose to ignore them and not take any action. [/quote] So the Pentagon confirming they will "provide protection, air transportation, and processing of up to 30,000 at-risk individuals from...
Let me be more clear. Do you think Biden had no communication with military command/assets/allies regarding Afghanistan while he was at Camp David?...
[quote]Presidents don't go completely silent for three fricking days while a country collapses. [/quote] Are you saying that he went silent from speaking appearances or silent in terms of communication regarding Afghanistan?...
[quote][quote] What about the Oath Keepers is similar to the Taliban? [/quote] Not much other than terrorism. [/quote] Not sure why this reply was to me.. didn't post it....

re: The Auburn Nightmare Start

Posted by psychonAUt_tiger on 8/16/21 at 6:32 pm
[quote]I remember I even bought the hype, I was telling people “this guy is supposed to be great” smh, tho now I don’t understand the Bo Nix hate on here, he had a sweet play on A&M when things broke down, I’d argue he needs a better OL to start [/quote] Our season completely hinges on it, so you...