Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Were the old guys on the intranets yelling ‘get off my lawn’
Number of Posts:452
Registered on:10/16/2007
Online Status:Not Online

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re: 5 Day Water Fast

Posted by tigerfan7806 on 2/6/25 at 11:34 am
Day 2 is the worst. Halfway through Day 3 you’ll have brain fog and get into a zone that pushes you through Day 4. Day 5 is intense because you’re right at the finish. You got this! Drink a broth to break your fast, anything heavy and your stomach will regret it.
First off, LL3. Hope Greg pulls out with the best possible outcome. Things could have probably been done differently and better. None of us were there before, during, or after. Only question I have is with Sr. He says he never heard anything from anyone. Does that include from Jr? Just because you s
*inserts free advertising* there’s already a casino in Texas. Come on down to our native owned Naskila casino in between Livingston and Woodvillle.

re: Corso’s last year?

Posted by tigerfan7806 on 1/20/25 at 7:22 pm
No denying his head gear and quips made GameDay but will you remember that or the last few years where he was held hostage by his own family.

Corso’s last year?

Posted by tigerfan7806 on 1/20/25 at 6:33 pm
Has to be, you would think? The legacy he created on GameDay is being destroyed by his handlers. It’s painful to watch.

re: WFDT

Posted by tigerfan7806 on 1/9/25 at 8:36 am
But if you’re in the area, drive over to Devalls Bluff and try Craig’s BBQ. Great stuff. If you’re here on a weekend, Murrys in Hazen is great also.

re: WFDT

Posted by tigerfan7806 on 1/9/25 at 8:32 am
I work in Carlisle a lot and have never eaten there, how is it?
Leonard’s BBQ and Uncle Lou’s Fried Chicken. Leonard’s has a buffet style lunch, if you leave hungry, that’s on you. Uncle Lou’s you just can’t go wrong. Met Penny Hardaway there.

re: How to get enough protein

Posted by tigerfan7806 on 1/7/25 at 7:11 am
Have to prepare your meals, it’s a must. I’ve went from 475 to 230. No medicine or surgery. 2 servings mixed with a teaspoon of honey pre workout or a barebell protein bar if I’m running late. I’ll have ground turkey or 96/4 beef with egg whites for breakfast. Greek yogurt mixed with a scoop of flav

re: Houston check in

Posted by tigerfan7806 on 12/31/24 at 12:19 pm
Here from Arkansas, about to anrrive. Any events around the stadium going on?
Lol list all products you buy or consume and I’m sure we’ll find you supporting the woke agenda. It’s not that serious.
I’m already paying for Netflix, why not?
Screen isn’t taken up with useless graphics and ribbons. Camera work is great. I’d watch all NFL on Netflix.
Man it’s really created a whole new complex. Love the work I put in but I’d like to be able enjoy it more. Didn’t know if it was possible to get rid of it naturally and if anyone else had done it. Thank yall.
I am now down to 225-230 and fluctuate between there. This is no medicine, no surgery. My problem is now the extra skin. In the gym 6 days a week, restrictive diet still. I feel like I can still get down more but wouldn’t be able to without skin removal. Just my gut area. Everywhere else, I see musc
Moved to Florida but is from Kinder.
Oregon barely beat an Ohio St. team(at home) that lost to Michigan, that lost to Texas, that lost to Georgia, that almost lost to Kentucky. Just nut up and play.

Recommendations for a place to eat.

Posted by tigerfan7806 on 11/24/24 at 9:58 am
Taking my son to see Mike before we head back to Arkansas. Looking for a recommendation for lunch, anything new worth checking out?