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Just from a raw business perspective, it doesn't benefit the WNBA to openly admit to there being trannies in the league, however it would benefit them to secretly have them to produce a better on-court product....
[quote]Not to smart, but isn't already broke? Democrats are worried what Trump will do as President I am worried about the corruptin inside our government combined with the snowbowl impact of national debt... it's just a matter of "when things collaspe" [/quote] It's collapsing in motion, its ...
[quote]Let’s be honest. There is no way it’s 3.4 million now. It’s probably double that and totally on purpose. [/quote] I recently learned that 1/3 of Venezuela's population has left since 2015. That's over 9 million people. Not all have gone to the US (in fact, its become kind of a growing issu...
What was more effective under Trump was the rhetoric. It dissuaded people from even making the attempt to begin with and once Biden got in, the messaging across the world to come to America changed, so people actually tried. It's as simple as that. If people think they cant get in with someone t...
The enemy has always been establishment Republicans. Democrats are going to be democrats, they will steal elections because that's what they do, but its up to the GOP to stop them. That's firmly what I believe what happened in 2020, the GOP just basically helped the Democrats steal so that McConnell...
[quote] That these cities became wastelands isn't really on the citizenry IMO. This was planned across the board for all major US cities. SHORPY -- an 'Old Photos / Vintage Photos' website. (punch in "Old" ___) SHORPY > Search any of the above "high crime rate" cities before WW2 and you...
[quote]Maybe his is correct this time, but look up other Dimon predictions. He is almost always negative. That guy convinced me several years ago the market was going to crash. Went to cash in my 401k and missed out on a great market run.[/quote] You are a pleb, you aren't meant to follow Dimon's...
[quote]What about the government and the Fed? They are worse than Enron and get away with it everyday. [/quote] Yep, 100%. The only really well done documentaries I've found that at least try to dig at the system as it is are Adam Curtis, even if he is kind of a leftist, I think he's actually far...
[quote]Not really, it’s played out during human history. Just happened with covid. Trying to do the same thing with biology and men and women. People with all the markers of being intelligent thinking it’s healthy for kids to believe in Santa and want to take hormone blockers. [/quote] S...
[quote]the journalist that questioned enron's price, Bethany McLean...man have u guys seen her recently? talk about aging like fine wine.[/quote] She's actually brilliant too, I've been following her work for a while. Very sharp woman to go with the looks. ...

re: Favorite Kanye song

Posted by roothog1 on 11/1/22 at 10:59 pm
Its really hard to beat everything on Dark Fantasy for me, that was one of the few albums of the decade worthy of being listened to in full. But if we're just talking single songs, easily Kanye's most underrated & one of his best is Hold My Liquor, the production is truly unbelievable, that guit...
[quote]Why is XI really doing this?[/quote] Chinese are threading a very thin line to prevent outside intervention at a precarious moment in time. Next month is the 20th Party Congress. At a time when the global financial system is collapsing, the Chinese are hyper paranoid to avoid another C...
They keep crossing the rubicon more & more. It basically just legitimizes anything coming their way should Trump get back power....
[quote]Their goalposts always move so if you’re comfortable with this because “he was meaning the OTHER republicans, not me!” Then rest assured that once that problem is addressed, you’re the next problem. Republicans and democrats alike have both moved more and more left. Republican values haven’...
If you use Ben Shapiro as the bellweather for neutral to non-Trump Republican, he thought this was horrific optics for the Democrats. ...
[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmarja.az%2Fstorage%2Fthumbnail%2Fcover%2Fcdn%2F2022%2Favqust%2F25%2Fqaz.jpg&f=1&nofb=1[/img] Former President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has issued an updated forecast for gas prices in the European Union, saying that they will sky...
[quote]Masters is down by 3 in the Trafalgar poll released today. McConnel is such a cuck[/quote] Here's the thing, AZ already has more registered Republicans. What the hell do they need Mitch's money for anyway? They need to work their asses off & make up the difference with on the ground energy...
[quote] So glad to see somebody else sees it! Look at VA for the perfect example of evidence. Remember the bird-dogging that Terry McAuliffe & the democrats got caught at? The fake militia khaki wearers that were exposed that tried to make Youngkin look racist and MAGA? Suddenly at the l...
[quote]Totally agree. Except for turtle thinking he can win. He’s ok with not winning as long as he keeps power and his gets his payoff [/quote] He is, except that this election is for all the marbles. You let the Dems win the Senate & the House, he's literally handing the keys to Elizabeth Warre...