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Bro at least try to refute what I said. But I guess getting anyone on this board to use their words and well though out positions is impossible. :pimp:...
We're going to be out of this by the Summer thanks to this new administration. Y'all should be thankful to have a president that cares. :rotflmao:...
Wait NOW you care about representation when y'all have been telling minorities to "get over it" or "it doesn't matter" since forever? HMMMM It's almost as if representation always mattered but you didn't care until you felt as if you were starting to lose out. Really makes ya think eh? :cool:...

re: Shrevecago is out of control

Posted by DangerousBacon on 3/30/21 at 9:52 am
Oh man just wait until you hear that some of largest changes in murder rates are happening in republican cities but y'all don't want to talk about that. It's almost as if political leaning has no real correlation to crime and it's more of a factor of low income and population density. If conservativ...
[quote]People on the right like to think the left somehow believes in their logic, they do not! However their brain dead logic does tend to work on very low info and young people, which is why they use it. People like Anderson Cooper probably know the truth, but don't care because ends justify means...
This thread is a conservative snowflake circle jerk. :booboo: ...
Watch the only real source of news. Destiny on youtube. ...
[quote]if there was nothing to hide they wouldn't be working around the clock to block any attempt at transparency. use your head you dolt.[/quote] Who's doing this? How are they doing it? Where is it happening? Reality is that you don't have any concrete answers to any of these and are just goin...
[quote]Aren't all of these based on the European scale of music?[/quote] If you want to be so reductive and say that notes are an entirely a European construction then maybe lmao and even that's not really true :lol:. Don't be that disingenuous. The things that actually define a genre such as arr...
Western Culture lmao. A lot of western culture and traditions come from black forms of arts like Jazz, R&b, Hip-hop, Rock N' Roll. It's also funny that you believe there's some universal western culture when there's already huge cultural divides between states, urban vs rural living, the wealthy and...
There's nothing to hide in terms of election fraud. Aside from Trump not wanting to investigate fraud in the states that he won. Really makes ya think eh?...
Don't listen to anything here. Don't listen to "editorials". Don't listen to people who have no credentials speaking like they're super well informed on anything (The biggest reason we're in this mess). Stick to primary sources and do your due diligence. If you actually think the election was fraudu...
"I think" That's where you went wrong bucko. Follow data, not a cult of personality. ...

re: My 85-year-old Mom...

Posted by DangerousBacon on 3/29/21 at 10:05 am
Nah he got voted out and galvanized people to storm the capitol. Don't you remember? :rotflmao:...
1. Drop the race-baity rhetoric. A lot of minority families are way more socially conservative than you believe but right wing pundits ostracize them. You're missing out on a huge voter base. 2. Don't run on conspiracy theories. Don't even mention stolen elections because you'll out yourself as a...
Yes. I don't really care what side of the political spectrum they're on. Anyone can say dumb shite or spin a misleading story. ...
It's about proportions. The same thing conservatives bring up when you want to talk about representation in violent crimes yet you conveniently leave it out this time. Why is it always the case that voter laws that get passed specifically target the ways and areas in which black people vote? ...
How about you guys get outraged about something that isn't in the "editorial" section of the news? But I guess, y'all would believe anything after thinking an election was stolen with no evidence. Be mad but you can at least be accurate. ...