Favorite team:LSU 
Location:At Death Valley
Interests:LSU football
Number of Posts:5488
Registered on:4/24/2004
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[quote]Gary crowton won a natty his first year as OC lol...not sure where the hate came or comes from.[/quote] Final 2 seasons: 09: Scoring- 73rd, Rushing- 90th, Passing- 97th, Total- 112nd, 3rd down- 71st 10: Scoring- 45th, Rushing- 27th, Passing- 107th, Total- 86th, 3rd down- 72nd...
[quote]Michael Turner has moved to CB[/quote] If you watched him play both sides of the ball in high school it’s not shocking. Dude was gifted as a corner....
Keep Cain as far away from this program as possible....

re: South Carolina Hiring Mainieri

Posted by lsutigertalk on 6/10/24 at 4:06 pm
Hope they enjoy. ...
[quote]Dutton gave up 3 runs.[/quote] Shouldn’t have started this game. I also thought Coleman was the play and he had to be yanked. Was nervous when Hellmers went in and he had the game of his life. Jay pulled the right strings the majority of the weekend, but his gamble that time just didn’t pay ...
[quote]Is West Virginia good? I know nothing about them. [/quote] Pretty scrappy ball club from what I’ve researched. Have not gotten the chance to fully see them play, but not a bad team. ...

re: We gave UNC every bit of it

Posted by lsutigertalk on 6/3/24 at 8:37 pm
Knew it would be a tough regional and would be tough to come out of. Team had to fight their way into the tournament had to fight time and time again to keep the season alive. Eventually it wears you down. Proud of the fight....

re: Brown is dying on the inside

Posted by lsutigertalk on 6/3/24 at 8:36 pm
Same people condemning are quick to forget his homer is the reason we had a 10th inning....
Freshman in a big moment on the road. He doesn’t hit the homer early on we aren’t even in extras. Had to score in the 9th and didn’t get the job done. His drop was bad, but he’s a young kid and made a mistake at an awful time....
Bro had the smuggest little smirk on his face, welcome to the ump show....
[quote]I get it if there's base runners then you could manipulate a double play, etc.[/quote] To prevent a pitcher from chucking it 10 rows up the bleachers and have no repercussions. ...
[quote]not many hitters i'd rather swing on 3-0 than tommy white or jared jones.[/quote] It was selfish. Jones has been protecting him well, and this is a 75% fastball pitcher in the game. Jones vs a fastball it was easy to foresee a potential homer....
I’m still saying this. ...
Hey I’m sure this has been asked, what happens to Jay tomorrow?...
I mean this is humiliating for the SEC. Then to toss a coach after a hissy fit. ...
He is infamous for not giving the most important things during an audio broadcast: how many outs, the inning, the score, the count. ...
Not sure if is head or his ego hurts worse after he watches the replay later....
[quote]No players called out that’s his job[/quote] So now we’re mad when coaches show class and don’t call out players in public and handle it behind closed doors? Would love some clarification here....
Signal is being sent out of a state with no internet. ...

re: LSU 5 @ Miss State 15 Final

Posted by lsutigertalk on 3/17/24 at 1:32 pm
Celebratory wave due to no coverage cut outs for a half inning?...