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Registered on:2/8/2019
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Paid shills

Posted by Rough1 on 2/26/19 at 9:01 pm
So far I got Bunyan, Seldom Seen, and Olewarskulalum. Anyone else?...
Remember paste is for sticking 2 pieces of paper together, not for eating........
[quote]Can one of you libs please explain to me what, exactly, a Russian troll farm could possibly do? [/quote] Not a lib, but in 2017 they organized both a Texas Pride rally, and a Muslin rally near a mosque in Houston. They try to create and further discontent among Americans....

re: Matt Gaetz drops the hammer on Cohen

Posted by Rough1 on 2/26/19 at 4:44 pm
Bitch move by Gaetz. Very scummy. Cohen comes across as very scummy as well, but 2 wrongs don't make a right....
When keeping it real goes wrong...
Russian collusion is just a delusion. But, Russian interference, causing dissent, etc.. is very, very real....
[quote]Uhhh...no, no it wouldn't[/quote] A little hyperbole in my statement, but the death toll would reach into the billions, maybe 1/3rd to 60% if the worlds population following 2-5 years. All this given an estimated 60 nuclear airborne detonations. ...
[quote]Hopefully they hit it at the same time and we will call it a win win situation. [/quote] A nuclear war between India and Pakistan will kill pretty much every human on earth ...
I would add prisons. Private prisons are immoral on multiple levels. ...
[quote] Healthcare?  Insurance?  How much better would this world be if Wall Street no longer had the ability to make money in these fields? Imagine how much better all our lives would be if Millionaires and Billionaires couldn't take advantage of people trying to get educated or healthy or p...
The White male *Liberal is truly the most loathsome creature on the planet. *far left wacko intersectional liberal, not classic Liberal. ...
[quote]It was 5,000 and I am sure that was done on purpose. [/quote] We've had a historical presence in Columbia training the Anti-FARC forces....
[quote]fricking warhawks. Pull all our troops home and let’s circle the wagons already. Build the fricking Wall. We do not need to get intervene with the military in Venezuela. How many American lives is Venezuela worth? 0. [/quote] But think about it. Venezuela can be used as a staging area foe ...

re: Joe Rogan's podcast with Johann Hari

Posted by Rough1 on 2/23/19 at 9:46 pm
He's supposed to bring the twitter guy back and get all those questions answered...
[quote]Yang is a great candidate if you like substance[/quote] I agree, in that he has a defined laid out plan, then nakes his argument fron there. He's like the opposite of Hillary. Now whether his plan is sound and is what's best, is a different argument....
So popping some molly a half dozen times in the past 12 months is a way of getting out of prison? Bold strategy. No you see your honor on the occasional weekend, i like to do rails off of a strippers arse. Clearly I can't go to jail for this completely unrelated reason. ...
[quote]I'm not a fan of governments picking winners and losers. [/quote] Expand please. In what way does the above statement, have to do with this situation?...
[quote]quote: We underestimated the effect of the opposition's distortions and overestimated the intelligence and integrity of local elected officials. ? Best line in that article. [/quote] This is what going hard in the paint looks like....
Latest [link=(https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2019/02/venezuela-closes-colombia-border-aid-row-turns-deadly-190223065132911.html&ved=2ahUKEwiF49juhtLgAhUQ3Z8KHZMeC_UQlO8DMAB6BAgIEAU&usg=AOvVaw2C8avt2bElPiR4N2ZTYgfw&ampcf=1)]LINK[/link] ...