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Registered on:9/5/2018
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FS TDV2 Pass $150 obo

Posted by FreeNeck18 on 11/29/24 at 2:40 pm
I will be in TDV1 early Saturday and can meet. Will be at the Central playoff game tonight. Could possibly meet locally before or after that game today. joshnordman@gmail.com...

re: Delete

Posted by FreeNeck18 on 10/8/24 at 10:28 am
Still looking...


Posted by FreeNeck18 on 10/7/24 at 9:45 pm
I just hope he understands the importance of #18. Sounds like you do at least! Earlier reply about seeing him in the morning was on the right tracks. Maybe bring some kolaches. ...

re: Sold

Posted by FreeNeck18 on 6/9/23 at 10:42 am
Check email...
Mezz Row B Seats 27-28. I'll send them through ticketmaster. $60/ea. Venmo or Paypal 281 684 9525 joshnordman@gmail.com...
Saw the vids he did with Ludwig. Interesting hearing him talk about the obscure cues to determine a locale....

re: LSU baw in Winter Haven Florida

Posted by FreeNeck18 on 9/28/22 at 9:11 pm
[quote]This thing is giving me Harvey vibes[/quote] I rode out Harvey on the island of Pearland. It felt like 3 days of driving rain that never seemed to slack off with periodic checks to see if the water was rising past its falloff point in the drainage flats. I don't know if there will be a perfe...

re: Big Lance is getting close

Posted by FreeNeck18 on 7/20/22 at 7:51 pm
Without looking I assume they were bookend tackles for a dominant Neville line as they're both from there. I'd expect those waters run deep. ...

WTS Garth 4 Floor seats

Posted by FreeNeck18 on 4/29/22 at 1:06 pm
Floor D Row 30 Seats 3-6 $150/ea or make an offer. 3185099404...

WTS 4 Garth Floor Seats

Posted by FreeNeck18 on 4/28/22 at 9:27 am
Floor D Row 30 Seats 3-6 $250/ea. Text 3185099404...
[quote]We’re Il 20 and this chick is talking about a 14 point lead[/quote] Did she think it was a 10 point game?...
[quote]frick this game is gonna go way over.[/quote] I've ruined two beautiful lsu covers with that thought this year by trying to juice it with the over. I think our D is still ahead of Vegas. Keep hitting unders until we stop smothering offenses. ...
[quote]Had Rich Rod said yes, Saban likely would have stayed with Miami another year, then signed as HC of Michigan in 08. And college football would look radically different.[/quote] Or the more likely scenario...Michigan gets their Michigan man, Herbie leaks it, alternate universe Joe Alleva le...

No. 3 adjusted defense on Kenpom

Posted by FreeNeck18 on 12/1/21 at 10:22 pm
17 overall. Who had WW with the 3rd best D in the country behind Houston and Mich St? ...
[quote]ARs are designed for right-handed shooters.[/quote] My Rock River LAR-15 LEF-T begs to differ. ...
Very legit. My immediate reaction was that of OP but on replay, left tackle was isolated on 3-man rush and stood DE up by his facemask. It was egregious. ...