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Registered on:3/21/2007
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re: Tips for lengthing backswing

Posted by KGSoloMan5000 on 3/28/18 at 7:45 am
Mmm, you sound exactly like the old me. I will bet a million bucks you are too tense overall (which you basically admitted to), grip the club way too tight, and lift it up with your arms instead of you shoulders. Reverse all that stuff. When done correctly, you should be able to feel the ...
40-somethings alone, crying, blasting "Down in a Hole" by Alice in Chains in dark rooms....
[quote]Alleged bad behavior prompts 6th LSU fraternity, Kappa Sigma, to expel members [/quote] this stomps my buzz so hard i might sky my own rack...

re: Brennan will be a Tiger

Posted by KGSoloMan5000 on 12/7/16 at 2:51 pm
[quote]I have never been more excited for a QB to be a tiger [/quote] Ditto...
Brennan is so much better than Narcisse it's not even funny. Brennan looks like a younger, more athletic Peyton Manning. Narcisse looks like present-day Michael Vick but with a girlier throwing style....
Nah, just ESPN gratuitously turning up the pressure on Herman for UT...
Obama got 508K in 2012...
If he does the same as Romney in 2012, he will get a 183K bump from the outstanding panhandle counties...
honest prediction: that thing goes viral and at least one of those nerds commits suicide. im legit worried for them. ...
Stoops in a heartbeat over all those dudes. Hell, over everyone....
You should fall to your knees and thank god instead. Stoops would be a grand fricking slam....

re: No charges for Cam and Hootie

Posted by KGSoloMan5000 on 6/21/16 at 12:46 am
[quote]So, you'd waste time and money to run a DNA analysis on a gran of pot in hopes of getting a misdemeanor charge? [/quote] Hey, dipshit, the [b]D.A.[/b] was talking about hypothetical DNA from the gun under the seat, not from the bag of weed. Your "No wonder Louisiana is broke" zinger was...

re: No charges for Cam and Hootie

Posted by KGSoloMan5000 on 6/20/16 at 6:47 pm
[quote]First, unless he said it was his you have problems over which one "owned" it. Second, you might not be able to prove that either one even knew it was there. Third, not knowing an item is stolen is a defense to possession of stolen property. [/quote] You don't have to be the "owner" to be a...
Reaction to thread title upon first reading: F U U F'N F! Reaction to thread title after clicking link: Ha. I would have said the exact same thing....
Team LOL. He's a poor decision making point guard with no left hand. Not one facet of his game is special. ...
No one ask him what he's doing in Malaysia. It's the whole point of this thread....
no comma after "yours truly," Glenn...