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I'm just saying, from the beginning he was trying to sell this to newspapers and present himself as someone who wasn't a Trump supporter but was a left-wing activist who therefore shouldn't be condemned and arrested or whatever. He's obviously a dumbass and I'm glad he is getting the same charges as...
[quote]Who said he mind-controlled them?[/quote] Well, usually you guys don't try to actually explain anything because then it would all just fall apart. Better to just say "Boooom... hooooly shite" and "this proves everything", etc....
You guys know he was described in articles from the very beginning as a left-wing activist who was in there recording? I'm glad he was arrested too, but what is supposed to be news here? How did he mind-control the Trump supporters into breaking into the capitol?...
[quote]there's nothing in this video that squarely and blatantly proves these were antifa or non-Trump supporters[/quote] Dude, there's nothing in the video that even indirectly indicates it, either. This place is honestly hilarious to browse sometime....
[quote]This will be the end of social media. Or at least, the platforms that currently dominate the landscape. They'll all go under for this.[/quote] What is happening is what always happens with something like this. Regulations will be introduced to control what websites can and can't do. The re...
[quote]Yeap rt wing crazies. Or maybe just maybe, you left wing nut jobs project every thing you do wrong onto others. Durrr durr.....[/quote] Dude, you serious? Google Steven Carrillo. Why am I not surprised your didn't get the news in your echo chamber......
[quote]shite. First Europe now Mexico. What's going on? I can't be on the same side as the globalists, I'm going to have to change my opinion.[/quote] Because they are actual lefties who are arguing that a business shouldn't have the power to decide who gets to post on their own website. You are a...
Kind of an inconvenient fact that a right-wing boogaloo dumbass was the one who set the building on fire :lol:...
Funny thing about that... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd...
[quote]they are a private company, why do you want the government controlling a private company?[/quote] Exactly. The parler stuff is different and there are actual arguments there about unfair business practices, especially with Apple IMO. But if a website wants to ban me that's their business. ...
So why didn't John Ratcliffe get on prime time TV to tell America that this was happening? Not as serious as the Iranian emails?...
I was banned from thedonald.win. Add it to the list....
https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/11/us-sanctions-ukraine-officials-linked-to-giuliani-ally-for-meddling-in-2020-election.html [quote]Derkach has previously worked with Rudy Giuliani to dig up damaging information on President Donald Trump’s Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, and his son Hunter.[/quote] ...
So now this board is seriously lining up with the Europeans and is ready to declare people have fundamental rights to post shite on other people's websites... gotcha......
[quote]When Germany says the USA is too far left, we have arrived[/quote] Imagine thinking regulating how businesses moderate their own websites is to the right.. :lol:...
[quote]I don't think TD is hosted by Amazon AWS.[/quote] Yep, looks like TD uses [link=(https://www.media3.net/)]media3[/link]...
[quote]There’s no way to square the laissez faire attitude of the cops on her side of the barricade with the deadly force on the other side.[/quote] The officers who left were the ones I was referring to who were shoved up against the wall initially. They seemed to be overpowered and in no positi...
[quote]There were cops on both sides of the door almost equal number of the people in the hall. It wasn't like a 100 vs 1 situation.[/quote] It was very much a hundred to 1 situation. There were hundreds if not thousands of them already in the capitol building. They had already gotten to the 2nd ...
[quote]The 10 cops on the other side of the window seemed to disagree.[/quote] The cops with rifles and body armor had literally just arrived from the stairwell. A few seconds later she was shot. The 3 officers who were shoved up against the wall were in no position to take control of that mob. ...
[quote]If this is the use of force policy, do you still think this is a good shoot because she may get in the vicinity of "VIPs?"[/quote] It is reasonable to believe that the people they are protecting were in imminent danger from that mob. The standard allows them to use lethal force to protect ...