Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:FL Panhandle
Biography:USAF Vet
Number of Posts:1797
Registered on:5/21/2018
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I wouldn't give a statement like that from Mick a second thought. The depth of knowledge he has on LA issues could be measured in fractions of a millimeter. And the amount of time he spent on the issues has a similar deficit. It was a super safe pander throwaway comment....
[quote]There's zero chance a more conservative speaker will result."[/quote] This statement, sadly, is correct. And it’s really the only reason that can justify not ousting Johnson....
Hopefully it starts a nationwide trend....
There’s two very solid indicators of unsound nations - 1) unfettered immigration from the 3rd world, and 2) cultcha. The safest nations in the world have neither....

re: Patriot Front - Unmasked

Posted by FlySaint on 4/28/24 at 10:55 pm
You’re making the flawed assumption that the truth about PF matters. It doesn’t. All that’s needed is for the MSM to have a cover story they can hide behind. They literally don’t care that you know they’re Feds. The actual truth will never be reported on or entered into evidence in any court. P...
I certainly don’t agree with shooting the dog. But on top of that putting the story in her book shows incredibly poor judgement. The kind of poor judgment that should eliminate her from consideration....
By postulating that blacks are as a race better athletes than whites does the door open for the discussion of other possible less flattering race based differences?...
The school would benefit from that thing receiving a blanket party....
[quote]Whatever culture produced this is a sick culture that needs to do some [b]serious prison time[/b]..[/quote] FIFY...
[link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yooJmu30DxY)]DCA near collision audio link[/link] Draw your own conclusion....
[quote]Not in this country. Crime rates were on par with whites until the 60s.[/quote] Before the 60s there was a very real action-consequence linkage that even low IQ feral sociopaths understood....
So they’ve had enough time now to destroy all the incriminating ballots and data cards that would otherwise come out in discovery....
Just move for a directed verdict and get this charade over with. No way this case survives appellate review. ...
What a ridiculously stupid comment that’s 180 out from reality. The Nazi leftist have routinely threatened jurors in cases having defendants with R’s by their name. ...

re: Meet NPR's new CEO

Posted by FlySaint on 4/14/24 at 2:25 pm
Maybe not. Could the mask be hiding something?...