Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Born in Baton Rouge- LSU Proud
Interests:Camping, hiking, anything outdoors
Occupation:Petroleum & Environmental Engineer
Number of Posts:709
Registered on:9/3/2016
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And when you tour Normandy, and witness endless rows of crosses; walk the Ardennes forest; cemetaries all throughout Europe; death camps in Poland & Germany and wonder, "how did it come to all this?" I would argue THIS is where it starts. Free speech. It is the bedrock of sound government. When

re: If time is a river

Posted by 87PurpleandGold on 2/15/25 at 7:31 am
The book is outstanding. Written by Norm Maclean.

"At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear. It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us. You can love completely without complete understanding."

re: Food Stamp changes from RFK

Posted by 87PurpleandGold on 2/14/25 at 12:49 pm
Whats bout cracklin? Das waycist.
It is indeed. I asked my wife what did we eat on when the kids were little? She said mostly plates but sometimes paper plates bc it was just easier. LOL...we eat off plates all the time now.

But regarding this thread, I thought we got a govt spending billions of our tax money on all kinds of w
I prefer dish plates vs paper. But it's just me and my wife. If young kids and routines in the morning, I'd resort to paper. So I think it depends on your situation. I do hate those cheap stiff paper napkins. I just grab a small kitchen cloth towel and throw it over my shoulder...lol
DEI hire who couldn't find his rear end with both hands.

re: Bondi warns leakers

Posted by 87PurpleandGold on 2/10/25 at 12:48 pm
Like Elvis said, "little less talk, and a LOT more action"!

re: Holy crap - Pam Bondi!

Posted by 87PurpleandGold on 2/8/25 at 5:23 pm
Long story. Pizza, hot dogs, and pepperoni were code words for children, little boys, and girls. Also called the DC child trafficking ring.

Pizzagate Documentary
There's always one...always. All the evidence staring them in the face. It's NOT that they don't see it. They DO NOT WANT to see it.

re: Holy crap - Pam Bondi!

Posted by 87PurpleandGold on 2/5/25 at 8:23 pm
She also needs to look into Obama hosting a party at the WH where he ordered $65K worth of pizzas. And all the coded language for "hot dogs" , etc. All the Podesta Piizzagate was a child trafficking ring.
That's because his a$$ is about to be shipped to GITMO then transferred to El Salvador's prisons. The halfwit didn't pardon himself. Throw him in prison ans seize his assets.
She was all up into the poll data. I started following her then. Her ability to process through the amount of data AND put it in an easy form to interpret is amazing.
Lord, what a 180 on Press Conferences. Wow, I'd forget my question and hardly hear a thing she said. Where did they find her? She manages the Press like a pro. Today was my first Press Conference in years. When's the next one?

re: Trump Fires Senior FBI Ranks

Posted by 87PurpleandGold on 1/31/25 at 6:31 am
Maybe so Patel doesn't have to? Trump clearing his path before he lands. Trump is on a mission. He's moving so fast the swamp can't keep up. It is fun to watch.
It's not much better with LTC. There are good caretakers, but you go through a lot of bad ones too. I managed my Mother's LTC. During hurricanes, bad weather, etc they'd just not show up or give you a heads up that they weren't coming. At times, it was a nightmare to do deal with. I just soon ta
It's not much better with LTC. There are good caretakers, but you go through a lot of bad ones too. I managed my Mother's LTC. During hurricanes, bad weather, etc they'd just not show up or give you a heads up that they weren't coming. At times, it was a nightmare to do deal with.
Good. I'm tired of seeing obese people buying cart loads of oreos, chips, etc. all with taxpayer money. Another sham like DEI that needs to end.