Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:LSU BASEBALL, hunting, fishing, LSU football & basketball,Saints, Cubs
Number of Posts:472
Registered on:10/31/2006
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Did he continue to get paid the last few years after retired. And if it wasnt the s hool is that something a disability ins provider would have covered due to his health issues? It was wrotten at the time of his retiring that "Mainieri is under contract through June 30, 2024, at approximately $1....
did nobody in this entire thread read the exception to this rule that is spelled out? the between the lines doesnt apply because of the exception. end argument. ...

re: Man this pitching staff is asses

Posted by diehard24 on 4/6/24 at 3:33 pm
Why hasnt fidel,guidry, anderson or dutton been in???...

re: Jury trial vs only a judge

Posted by diehard24 on 3/11/24 at 12:02 pm
dude got arrested for 3 DUIs so far and you cant figure out why he is a POS? ...
One of the best opening scenes to any movie...

re: Actor Tom Selleck is Red Pilled.

Posted by diehard24 on 12/12/23 at 9:24 am
rob lowe as well i believe...
they probably are looking for an answer that provides both a mathematical answer and a philosophical answer, while also concluding that the correct answer depends upon the perspective of the person asking the question. ...
also, why does n have to be a positive number? ...
It is the same question as asking "what's larger, infinity or infinity + 1?" Neither is larger as infinity is equal to infinity. Anyone who says differently can't see the forest through the trees. ...
This could be the dumbest viewpoint ive ever seen. Why even care about any game after 2 losses if thats how you look at things?...
in the 4th quarter i kept looking at the time of possession, number of first downs, and total yds compared to Jacksonville and was amazed how much they seemed to differ from the reality of how the game was going. ...

re: Derek Carr pass chart

Posted by diehard24 on 10/20/23 at 11:44 am
it seemed like there were a lot of passes to receivers with a defender right on top of them. Ive noticed with carr that when he throws it to the WR it is right to their body rather being thrown to a spot that would allow the WR to catch it with some separation. I chalk it up to carr still not bei...
[quote]Do not buy from a company named Salt Poolstore.[/quote] I agree. the one I bought from there only lasted 15 months. thankfully it was cheap enough to where I wasnt too pissed off. I also went with blue works salt cell this time around. Hope its better! ...
My T15 started reading low salt and would shut off generating chlorine. I knew I had enough salt (actually prob had a little bit too much), so it was definitely faulty readings from the cell. I changed the T15 to read as a T3 in the settings and it brought the salt readings up enough to restore ...
Taysoms problem is that he cant be the starting QB for 4 games in a row because he plays way too physical. But there's no reason why he cant be your go to QB inside the 10....
Not having Taysom handle at least 1 to 2 of those snaps from inside the 10 is insane. The fade call was just as crazy. We havent seen the fade executed well all year. Carr and the receivers are not nearly on the same page enough for it to work. Olave is not a physical enough player to where I wo...
his demeanor is the only thing that gave me hope for the future with him at quarterback. he needs to call out people that dont have their head in the game and are not giving 100% effort on plays they dont think they will be involved in....

re: Garage Built Boat

Posted by diehard24 on 9/6/23 at 10:01 am
I always wanted to try this. Its definitely something on my bucket list but I think I will have to wait til the kids are older and they no longer want to hang out. ...