Favorite team:Arkansas 
Number of Posts:470
Registered on:7/31/2015
Online Status:Not Online

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nice. bases loaded 1 out. bring this shite home dawgs....
sigh. I'm stressing....
dear god don't give them a free base runner please...
what a fricking play...
their enthusiasm for balls in unmatched...
You guys were the class of the SEC all year long. Watching you guys become a baseball powerhouse is really good for the conference; plus, I love our basketball history and would love to get some baseball history with you guys as well....
I'm really hoping you guys win it all this year....
They like balls, just not his balls I guess....
Groomers sure seem to love balls...
[quote]Have you seen the history of A&M athletics? It’s on course for us to lose this then come back tomorrow night and lose a nailbitter. [b]Run through the sec[/b] all to lose a home series to Oregon lol[/quote] lmao, ran all the way to 4th best in the conference...
the groomers get ptsd every day over texas...

re: Would Vitello leave UT for Arky?

Posted by KootAR on 6/3/24 at 7:28 am
stfu groomer There is no opening at Arkansas, nor will there be....
[quote]So many pussies in here whining about some bubbles. [/quote] Not whining. Observing how your entire culture is built around homoerotic tradition. Personally, I think bringing children to your games is similar to taking them to drag shows. So stfu groomer....
that dude is not impressed with our pitchers lol...
margin of victory no longer matters from this point forward. just win baby....
holt with bases loaded. i take this every time its offered without question....
[quote]Well if hogs can’t take care of semo. We deserve to be bounced. Hogs disappoint again. New year same results [/quote] motherfricker, you drop to your knees faster than britanny spears...

re: LSU gets HOSED at Stanford

Posted by KootAR on 5/27/24 at 11:31 am
stanford coach is a piece of shite and they are a 2nd rate program...