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Registered on:10/13/2014
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I skipped a visit to the Little Dooey today because the rainbow warriors had a “bazaar” going on at the park next door. [link=(https://www.starkvilledailynews.com/news/starkville-to-celebrate-lgbtq-community-with-rainbow-bazaar/article_736a7802-fd00-11ee-b51c-1bce754033c3.html)]Starkville to cele...
Or so it seems. Not a big tech person but this Microsoft thing on the computer that pops up all the news stories has suddenly shifted from non-stop stuff about the mean old people with 401k accounts and people who can’t afford their rent and car payments etc to stories about all the military might t...
All the same tents. Wonder who “sponsored” them?...

re: Meet NPR's new CEO

Posted by DingLeeBerry on 4/14/24 at 6:27 pm
[quote]Wearing a mask in 2024 my god[/quote] If I was dumb enough to leave the house wearing a Biden cap I’d wear a mask too....
[quote]I’m sure at one point in his life he was the starting point guard, scored 40 in the national championship game and won UCONN a national championship game all by himself[/quote] You don’t remember that dunk he had on Corn Pop? [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2...
[quote]He was running his mouth all series long against LSU. Had to be separated a few times by umps.[/quote] That’s rich coming from an LSU fan the way your dugout acted like trash the whole series. ...
[quote]It was a hermaphrodite or as they say now intersex. Born with both ovaries and nuts. No chest.[/quote] [img]https://res.cloudinary.com/simpleview/image/upload/v1455227601/clients/batonrouge/laugh_c86bb048-e88c-4ff6-a64c-fcd45f3d984d.gif[/img]...
So this is the real reason they let all the illegals come in, they have to get them in the US so they can legally spy on them....
From Gov. Tate Reeves on Facebook. The Nextdoor posting funky fondrenites and their fur babies won’t like this. [quote]Last night thanks to JPD, Pearl PD, Capitol Police, and MBN, Alejandro Contreras – an illegal alien from Mexico – was arrested for committing a murder in Jackson on Thursday. ...
Just another day in Joe Biden’s America. [link=(https://www.wlbt.com/2024/04/04/man-arrested-looking-under-stalls-womens-restroom-diberville-walmart-police-say/)]LINK[/link] [img]https://gray-wlbt-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/v2/6YTMY5T7UVFXRF4RXBU2XXXQM4.png?auth=fc6e366abaf5e96505e30845f...
[quote]In December 2022, Daphne Kasperek, a doctor, filed a federal lawsuit against Inova Loudoun Hospital challenging the requirement she be vaccinated for COVID-19. That case ended in a settlement in November.[/quote] [link=(https://www.loudounnow.com/news/loudoun-couple-charged-in-jan-6-riot-at-...
Maybe he was identifying as Josephine Biden when he signed it ...
[quote]He’s gonna troll a shite ton of the media with that subject line [/quote] Democrat AGs will have him arrested for election fraud. Trying to disenfranchise democrats by tricking them into not voting against him ...
[quote]A migrant TikToker with a 500,000-strong online following is offering his comrades tips on how to “invade” unoccupied homes and invoke squatter’s rights in the United States.[/quote] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8Fj6IIwWX-Q/maxresdefault.jpg[/img]...
[link=(https://news.yahoo.com/scotland-no-longer-free-country-145901727.html)]Scotland is no longer a free country - The Telegraph (via Yahoo)[/link] [quote]Next month, the infamous Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act finally comes into force. Essentially, it allows the courts to jail in...
It could be used to delay the 2024 election due to the inability to ensure a “safe and secure” election? I’m starting to wonder....
[quote]Charges against lawyer was for leaking sensitive Dominion emails/documents.[/quote] To the police. Nice try. :lol:...
Yeah, I entered the lottery but didn’t get drawn. They also limit your lottery entrance to one location only to cut down on the scalping....