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Registered on:9/14/2014
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No major melt... Just seems like a waste of a pick. The idea of him being a starter seems like a major long shot...

Game 3 Potential

Posted by heatwave on 4/25/24 at 9:14 am
Let's be honest, last night was rough. It was a dark night between the ice cold 1st quarter at the 3 point line and everyone not named Jonas getting beat up. But what if, come Saturday, the Blender is rocking and the 3s are dropping. The Pels aren't going to just quit. Everyone in the NBA thinks ...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 11:31 pm
It's a valid point for sure, maybe a BI or CJ penetrate and kick but we got what we got. CJ struggling to dribble and then getting a sloppy but open look at the basket...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 11:28 pm
Dyson got a few minutes tonight...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 11:27 pm
The final shot should've been drawn up for the leading scorer and the man 5 for 12 (I think) from 3...trigga trey...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 11:08 pm
[quote]Willi not challenging that last SGA and 1 lost the game.[/quote] I never saw the contact ...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 11:07 pm
[quote]I’m fricking over this iteration of the team. fricking DONE until BI, Willie and crew are done here[/quote] Until Wednesday at 8:30, am I right? Lol we all coming back for seconds...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 11:06 pm
[quote]You all know it in your heart that the only guy who should have taken that shot was Trey[/quote] I think he and CJ were supposed to do a two man game thing there but when the ball got poked out CJ had to abandon to ensure a shot...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 10:45 pm
The energy from Larry and Jose is an absolute weapon. Tonight it is Larry bringing it...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 10:04 pm
The only claim could be that CJ wasn't set on the pick, but it was def a weak call ...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 9:59 pm
I'll settle for trey getting hot, he looked like he was feeling that last 3...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 9:57 pm
This is definitely the game to steal on the road ...

re: Pels vs Thunder: Game 1

Posted by heatwave on 4/21/24 at 9:22 pm
[img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/YE5GzVcCVKEcbOGmu9iI7LPiLGE=/0x0:1099x733/1200x800/filters:focal(0x0:1099x733)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/31418801/98309574.0.jpg[/img] This is the man for the job. Half coach, half GM: Jeff Bower...
I just bought tickets for Game 4 in the Blender. Hoping for a speedy recovery so Zion can help us close out the sweep...

re: Former Pels Players in Playoffs

Posted by heatwave on 4/20/24 at 7:39 pm
I forgot to mention ol Buddy! We just didn't have the time he needed to develop. Definitely glad for him too. I wonder if I missed any others ...

Former Pels Players in Playoffs

Posted by heatwave on 4/20/24 at 6:19 pm
Fun to see Josh Hart and NAW on successful teams in the playoffs. Both were fan favorites and played hard for us. Glad to see them winning Jaxon Hayes is out there too but he plays with AD and I hate the Lakers, so no love for that situation And Eric Gordon can get lost, dude is terrible ...

Unpredictability of the Pels

Posted by heatwave on 4/19/24 at 12:29 pm
Every time I feel great about a game with the Pels, it seems to never fail and we lose... Recently, with the Spurs and twice over with Orlando And it seems like every time I feel terrible about a game, the Pels find a way to win...we beat Phoenix in Phoenix, Warriors in SF, and the Kings in Sac ...
I'll keep watching and let you know when your protest has worked...