Favorite team:Louisville 
Number of Posts:14
Registered on:9/5/2014
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[quote] Washed up worthless bum. [/quote] But sometimes in life, we can rise From Bags to Riches. ...
I heard Parcells is arrogant and not kind to the local media. I'm glad he didn't coach for the Saints. The local media deserved better. Still do....
Make Dunc Shots, not cheap shots....
I've got my favorite flavored coffee and some comfy pants for this one. [link=(http://www.nola.com/saints/index.ssf/2014/12/discussing_the_splash_reports.html#incart_river)]LINK[/link] [img]https://brightcove01-secure.brightcove.com/6/268012958001/201411/2354/268012958001_3880651387001_vs-545...
I'm not trolling friend. The NFL Network is a fine national sports outlet, which anyone would be honored to appear on, perhaps to give a local slant. ...
I think Goodell has proven to be on the up and up and will be vindicated before long. His leadership has grown the NFL exponentially, including the NFL Network, which does national sports coverage. ...
If I were a Saints fan, I would want someone who wasn't so arrogant and antagonistic towards the local media. ...

Jeff Duncan's Dis & 'Dat

Posted by JDTP on 12/2/14 at 4:14 pm
I like the title. It's cute and playful. [link=(http://www.nola.com/saints/index.ssf/2014/12/deciphering_the_splash_reports.html)]LINK[/link]...
Wow, I was having a crummy morning, but this really turned my day around. I wish there was more writing like this happening. [link=(http://www.nola.com/saints/index.ssf/2014/11/47_years_ago_today_saints_win.html)]LINK[/link]...
He did say that, and everyone dismissed him...
Knocks it out of the park yet again. You won't hear this on First Take. [link=(http://www.nola.com/sports/index.ssf/2014/09/time_to_see_if_the_atlanta_fal.html)]LINK[/link]...
Let's enjoy him while we can. He won't be covering New Orleans sports forever. [link=(http://video-embed.nola.com/services/player/bcpid1949030309001?bctid=3767722078001&bckey=AQ~~,AAAAPmbRMTE~,BWCCSzT6s9kk8xlYY9rVrKw3SC5F9_7L)]LINK[/link]...
I love these. [link=(http://video-embed.nola.com/services/player/bcpid1949030309001?bctid=3767341089001&bckey=AQ~~,AAAAPmbRMTE~,BWCCSzT6s9kk8xlYY9rVrKw3SC5F9_7L)]LINK[/link]...