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Registered on:12/3/2013
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[quote]Surely everyone realizes that the judge has been hired to trash Trump as much as possible with no expectation that a guilty verdict will actually occur or, in the unlikely event it does, the damage is done. Any lawyer with any knowledge whatsoever can see that these rulings are complete garba...
Terrible story, but its not like this sort of sh*t doesn't happen in our own country...
Yeah Paul Ryan is as bad as it comes! News like this makes me happy. ...
It has been the lefts goal for years to completely destroy anything that is primarily "white", especially anything that is ritualistic like the scouts, etc. That is why they infiltrate anything like scouts, comic books, any number of entertainment movies & tv shows. It is not to be diverse or anyt...
[quote]Is there any evidence at all that this is who he is attracting voting-wise?[/quote] So far zero evidence. Any poll that has RFK with 8-15%, usually has potato hovering around 33-35%. ...

re: Idiots still voting for haley

Posted by wareagle7298 on 5/8/24 at 9:16 am
All this means zilch. Go back and look at 2016 and see how many votes Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz got. Everyone said the same thing "Oh Jeb voters will never vote for Trump, Cruz voters hate Trump they will never vote for him". And well, they voted for him, or at least did not effect anything in Trump win...
Polls seem to indicate that they are for Biden at a much lower clip that 20. However, same polls say Trump have 20% black vote, so I guess I'll see it when I believe it. ...
[quote]Biden is soon going to have to pick a side.[/quote] his nose...
These people are such morons...they parrot this nonsense like people did not already live through 4 years of Trump. ...
Went to London, Paris and Amsterdam two years ago. Big cities in Europe are no different than big cities here...there are parts of down you don't want to go near. For the most part I would not have noticed anything, except I did go to a park in London, I think St James Park, and there were a lot of...
We are in a much better spot than the British. I will take 30 million Central Americans any day over what Europe have to done to themselves. At least the Hispanics ultimately (and usually rather quickly) assimilate into our culture. ...
If Trump doesn't carry all 50 states there is something seriously wrong with this country :usa:...
40 years was a good ride for this guy, but he is leaving some variables out like 3rd party. ...
Dems probably realize this is not a winning issue and they are just going to cut their losses, and once the protestors quit getting their pay everything will die down....

re: Bill Kristol is growing alarmed!

Posted by wareagle7298 on 4/30/24 at 10:25 am
Could you imagine following Bill Kriston on twitter? ...
fatal banana allergy? God that has got to suck!...
[quote]Here's the bad news: CNN did a poll with a bunch of undecided voters from swing states. While they agreed that Biden is a failure and that Trump's presidency was better, these morons still don't know if they will vote for Trump in November because they consider him "divisive," a "bully," and ...

re: Patriot Front - Unmasked

Posted by wareagle7298 on 4/29/24 at 7:52 am
Out of curiosity, I just Google'd about a dozen of the 31 names in the mugshot report. Not surprisingly, there is almost zero past info on any of these people. Try putting almost anyone you know over the age of 21 in Google and you will find something - social media accounts, a mention in Grandma'...
[quote]It's election year chaos do people really not see this yet? 2016, 2020 and now 2024 all had stupid shite like this that they tried to pretend was organic protests[/quote] Don't forget 2012 "Occupy Wallstreet"...
It is too little, too late. You spend thousands of years building civilization, only to destroy it in about 20 years. ...