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re: OFFICIAL "The Wire" M/TV Board rewatch thread (current discussion starts ~p. 53)

Posted on 7/7/16 at 11:18 pm to
Posted by H-Town Tiger
Member since Nov 2003
59195 posts
Posted on 7/7/16 at 11:18 pm to
Late Editions:

It's on. Freeman and Sydnor bust Marlo's code and are ready for a bust when Lester figures out they are on the resupply. So apparently the plan was once they got enough to make a bust Lester would do "fess up" that him and Sydnor had been working a source of information and had enough to bust Marlo. And they would use the phones and work backwards with a title III to tie them together. Still seems likely that someone like Levy would rip that shite apart but Daniels gives the ok and the bust everyone and Bunk serves his warrant on Chris. Lester is ecstatic but Jimmy is depressed, realizing the shite he's done wasn't worth it.

The sceene with Marlo, Chris, Monk and Cheese in jail is great. Monk lets slip that Omar was calling Marlo out. "in the street?" "My name is my name" All Marlo cares about is his street rep and wearing the crown. Quite the contrast from a pro like Vondas "My name is not my name"

The only big one to get away is Snoop. Because Chris is down on the murder he did for Michael, they don't want to take a chance and order Snoop to take Mike out. Mike is suspicious when Snoop tells him he won't need a gun and follows her. This leads to the 2nd most satisfying hit of the series. "deserve's got nothing to do with it" Sometimes though it does, bitch. weeerk

After consulting Carver on how he felt about busting Colicchio, she's drops dime to Daniels about Jimmy and Lester. Daniels and Perlman go to the evidence room and discover the number on the serial killer wire is Marlo's. Did they really think no one would ever figure that out?

On the politics front, Carcetti's bot is now asking Daniels and Rawls to Juke the stats. I don't know why Daniels never questions Carcetti about face to face.

Gus gets has a guy dig into Templeton and finds out he's even more full of shite then thought

Throughout season 5, we get token cameos of old characters to see how they turned out. Randy hard now in the group home. Poot working in a shoe store, out of the game and here we get Coke's boy Namond doing well in school, delivering a speech with Bunny and the Rev watching on.

Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151118 posts
Posted on 7/11/16 at 11:11 am to
Random thoughts for the last few episodes/half season or so. And I'll try to respond to others as well..

Omar going HARD on the streets for Marlo. Damn.

I'm starting to see why I hated the serial killer angle the first time. It just keeps getting more and more ridiculous. Like with McNulty and the fake phone call...made from the room next to the office. Stupid.

I do love how McNulty's bullshite with this keeps fricking over Bunk and getting in his way though.

Clay Davis beasting all over that trial is . Hahaa.

Poot in the Foot Locker. Forgot about that. Awesome.

Episode 8 and Dukie hasn't taken the money from Prezbo yet or gotten on the shite. I thought that was something that was fleshed out more originally. Guess not.

JImmy is Robin fricking Hood now.

RIP Omar. One of tGOAT TV show characters, and one of the most important people in the street, and he doesn't even make the paper. Sad. And I always hated how it was bitch arse Kenard that got him, but that's the point though...any time, any place, that shite can happen and anybody can get got.

The FBI nailing McNulty with their profile is so fricking awesome and hilarious.

Carcetti making mad deals..

All anybody cares about is exposure and how they can profit from it. Carcetti. Davis. A lot of the police force (especially the uppers). Even the FBI dude was hawking his books and bragging about them to anybody that would listen.

Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151118 posts
Posted on 7/11/16 at 11:21 am to
Daniels being told to juke the numbers now. Uh oh...

"My name is my name!" Good shite. That's such an awesome scene. I really like and appreciate Marlo's character a lot more this time around.

I forgot about how the shite with Michael and Snoop went down. He definitely sees that shite coming a mile away. And they don't go about it very smart either. "Hey,, I got this thing I need you to help me with. Don't worry about the details, and leave your gun at home.." Stupid.

frick YOU, NAMOND!

I figured Kima would be all about this serial killer angle seeing as how she gets OT, gets to work her cases, and basically has unlimited resounrces. But nope. Bitch arse.

Sad seeing Randy in the group home now. Dude is hardened by the system. He was a good kid that got chewed up and spit out. And frick the cops who let that shite slip and let him get lost in the system. That's a tragic story. I wonder why he never went back with foster mom once (if) she recovered..?

Clay Davis bragging about hustling Stringer. Damn. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. And Lester is going hard straight at that dude too for information. Giving no fricks.

Even the second time around, I am legit happy for Bubbles. That shite damn near made me cry.

fricking Kima. Ruining everything, and now Pearlman is all about covering it up when her arse is on the line. So much for doing the right thing and all that. Every single character at some point in the show has done something completely for selfish reasons and tried to improve themselves or their positions.

I think S5 has my favorite intro song of the series. And I didn't know it was Walon that sang it. That's pretty cool.

Love Jimmy's funeral. I'M A FREE-BORN MAN OF THE U.S.A.!

Best Slim Charles moment is him capping Cheese in the head. Slim is such a cool motherfricker.

All in all, S5 isn't as bad as I remember it being, but the SK thing was more annoying than I remember. And that sleazeball reporter is such a prick, but I guess shite like that happens ALL the time in media with people trying to get their recognition and move up in that world.

Second time through the series and The Wire is still my #1 show of all time. It's just that good. I still recommend to this day that anybody remotely interested in good television should check it out.

Great job with everybody who stuck with the thread. Although we slowed down lately (and I am partly to blame for that), we finished it in right around 7 months. Nice work, people.
This post was edited on 7/11/16 at 12:16 pm
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151118 posts
Posted on 7/11/16 at 11:59 am to

With more and more attention on the "serial killer", Jimmy is starting so show some regrets. The FBI profile describing Jimmy to tee was hilarious. Bunk, beyond pissed he can't get lab work done on Michael's step dad, forces Jimmy to sign off telling the lab its connected. Bunks case actually gives them something on Marlo's top guy. He obviously won't roll, but if the mayor and higher ups had let the major crimes unit continue, they would have gotten him.

It's amazing that literally nobody questioned anything with the SK. Like nothing at all. Jimmy had all these resources at his fingertips and nobody batted an eyelid. He was even taking on detective after detective and allowing them to work their caseloads, all while using SK-angled resources. And all it took was him lying on daily reports?

Seems like a pretty shitty check-and-balance system in place.

Templton gets called out by a homeless vet for making up shite. The money quote is when the vet tells Gus they had chocolate milk and donuts after Templeton said they had coffee. Templeton is a shameless slimeball. He doesn't even have a soruce for his lede quote on the vigil smh. Meanwhile Fletcher gets an actually good homeless story.

And it seems to go relatively unnoticed. Well, not by his boss (Gus) but nobody is biting on his piece, whereas Scott's piece is what people are talking about. the homeless piece isn't "sexy" or flashy enough to sell.



Carcetti is finding out being mayor ain't so easy. Now he has to cut deals with Campbell and Clay Davis to get support for his run for Gov.

And like I said, it's all based on what he can get out of it or how he can benefit down the road from it. We saw this originally with Valchek in S2 (and a little in S1 maybe??). And it continued throughout the show. All about "you scratch my back; I'll scratch yours." ALL of it. From Valchek to Clay Davis to McNulty to Bunk to Carver to Levy to Stringer to Prop Joe to Herc to Kima to everybody, on all sides of the law.
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151118 posts
Posted on 7/11/16 at 12:01 pm to

watching the series this go round i have a better understanding of why McNulty and Lester weren't thrown in prison for their shenanigans.

So what was the end result of that? Was it "okay" because they basically had (unintentionally) fricked over the right people who wanted it covered up to protect their own asses? I know it ultimately brought in the case against Marlo, but just about everything they did was HELLA illegal. How did they end up getting away with it?

Not to mention that everything they obtained was illegal and shouldn't be introduced into evidence either.
This post was edited on 7/11/16 at 12:05 pm
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151118 posts
Posted on 7/11/16 at 12:14 pm to

daniels' last act being giving carver the stripes (to the rank daniels was at the beginning of the show, i believe) was poetic, after all the stuff they went through early on and the character arc that carver had once he became a leader (including writing on coke's favorite cop character)

It was a nice arc, but I didn't like Carver the first tiem around, and I still didn't this time around. Just never fully trusted that dude.
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151118 posts
Posted on 7/11/16 at 12:25 pm to

The sceene with Marlo, Chris, Monk and Cheese in jail is great. Monk lets slip that Omar was calling Marlo out. "in the street?" "My name is my name" All Marlo cares about is his street rep and wearing the crown. Quite the contrast from a pro like Vondas "My name is not my name"

And it shows why Marlo, as good as he is and as perfectly cut out as he is for the street, will never reach any sort of level above that. Because he likes to get his hands dirty too much, and he cares about things that only a street thug would care about.

I remember talking about the "My name is not my name" thing back when we saw it happen, and comparing it to Marlo. And dude is even out of the game (for the most part), or at least on his way...with Levy getting him introduced into legit businesses and the social elite. But all he cares about is getting back on the street and making sure people know he's there."

The only big one to get away is Snoop. Because Chris is down on the murder he did for Michael, they don't want to take a chance and order Snoop to take Mike out. Mike is suspicious when Snoop tells him he won't need a gun and follows her. This leads to the 2nd most satisfying hit of the series. "deserve's got nothing to do with it" Sometimes though it does, bitch. weeerk

"How my hair look, Mike?"
"You look good, girl."
Why'd you go and lie to that bitch, Mike? Tell her how much she fricking sucks and that's why you're killing her.

Daniels and Perlman go to the evidence room and discover the number on the serial killer wire is Marlo's. Did they really think no one would ever figure that out?

That's what I'm saying. It was all so fricking sloppy, yet nobody ever really noticed shite.

And I guess Kima turning them in was the show's way of showing us that she didn't completely turn into McNulty, which is something they were driving down our throats for a couple of seasons.
Posted by H-Town Tiger
Member since Nov 2003
59195 posts
Posted on 8/3/16 at 8:40 pm to
I saw you said you wanted to bump this thread, I had been meaning too and forgot, then thought it was too late.


All anybody cares about is exposure and how they can profit from it. Carcetti. Davis. A lot of the police force (especially the uppers). Even the FBI dude was hawking his books and bragging about them to anybody that would listen.

that really sums up the whole series to me. In the end we have these institutions that allegedly serve the public, but the individuals in them are all self interested (just like everyone else) first. What really struck me this go round is what a selfish count Perlman is, always worried about her precious career going all the way back to season 1. She worried about Jimmy insulting Levy. She didn't want to file the subpoenas on Clay Davis, though it turns out that gets her promoted (short sightedness that cost people is also prevalent throughout the show). Now with the SK wire, she is probably screwed cause either she's in on it or as it turns out, just facking stupid, either way, yeah, maybe you won't be a prosecutor or judge (B O O H O O). I bet worst case, defense lawyers would hire you bitch. I really wish Daniels had gone to the gov. This poor bastard gets hosed, i bet if he goes to the Gov, he could have gotten some good post for himself


Best Slim Charles moment is him capping Cheese in the head. Slim is such a cool motherfricker

That was for Joe. I said before, Mike taking out Snoop was the 2nd best hit of the show. This is #1. Slim Charles


Second time through the series and The Wire is still my #1 show of all time. It's just that good. I still recommend to this day that anybody remotely interested in good television should check it out.

Me too man. Just this weekend i was in New Orleans for Guns N' Roses and told my friends to check it out, best show ever. And actual, the lady that sits behind me at work, saw me on this thread and started watching it again She just finished and we;ve been talking about it.

S5 is the weakest, but part of that is how good the other seasons are. The SK bit seems far fetched because of how realistic the show is overall. But there is still some great stuff in there and the last episode is damn good. I like the way things turn out, some good, some bad, some wind up with not what they want, but what others would have loved (Marlo gets what Stringer always wanted. All Marlo cares about is as Stringer said to Avon, having his name ring out on some ghetto street corner, but its Omar who's name rings out, not Marlo, who will likely be forgotten. Avon is a total boss in prison. Rawls is told he can't be Commish because he's white, but Valchek winds up there :lol: Daniels winds up doing exactly what is ex-wife wanted and on and on. In the end, the machine keeps rolling, drugs keep flowing and it's politics as usually.
This post was edited on 8/4/16 at 12:35 pm
Posted by H-Town Tiger
Member since Nov 2003
59195 posts
Posted on 8/3/16 at 8:43 pm to

Great job with everybody who stuck with the thread. Although we slowed down lately (and I am partly to blame for that), we finished it in right around 7 months. Nice work, people.

And special shout out to you Cokes for starting the thread and keeping it going, i know that took some work, so great show, glad i rewatched and discussed with you guys.
Posted by H-Town Tiger
Member since Nov 2003
59195 posts
Posted on 8/25/16 at 3:19 pm to
Posted by CocomoLSU
Inside your dome.
Member since Feb 2004
151118 posts
Posted on 8/25/16 at 4:00 pm to
I kept checking this thread and nobody had ever responded, so I figured it had sunk into the depths of the internet.


What really struck me this go round is what a selfish count Perlman is

Yeah. I remember not really caring for her the first go round, and she certainly didn't get any better this time either. I don't really hate her or anything, but she does sort of suck sometimes. Especially with the examples that you and I mentioned. She's all about bending the rules (like using her sexuality to sway Judge Phelan, for example) when it's in her favor, but then freaks the frick out when her arse is on the line.

She's just as selfish as the rest of them. Daniels could do so much fricking better than her.

Mike taking out Snoop was the 2nd best hit of the show. This is #1. Slim Charles

This one is awesome. Mainly because I love Slim so much, but you could just sort of see it building with Cheese. And NOBODY liked that dude, not even Joe when you think about it. And once Joe got got, Cheese had nobody there to protect him anymore.

Rawls is told he can't be Commish because he's white, but Valchek winds up there

I didn't even realize that, but you're right. And Valchek did it the tried and true way...kiss enough asses and do favors for the right people.

In the end, the machine keeps rolling, drugs keep flowing and it's politics as usually.

Yup. That's what's so great about that final montage. It shows us that some people made it out (looking at you, Bubbz..), but just as easily as that some people got sucked in (Dukie). And while some progress seems like it's being made, they still show the pits operating and running as usual.

No matter what you try to do, the game will always exist in some way or another, and people will always have some good and some bad in them. And ultimately, most of us are products of our environments.

And thanks for the props. And preciate you and the few others that stuck around until the end. This was a fun thread. I wish there would've been more participation throughout, but I guess keeping up with watching X amount of episodes per week is just too much for most people...especially when it lasts for six+ months. But as with Fringe, there usually seems to be a core group of a few who stick with it. And Lord knows I make damn sure to bitch at people for not participating whenever Wire threads pop up and everybody talks about how they want to watch it and discuss it.
Posted by Wally Sparks
Member since Feb 2013
29348 posts
Posted on 11/25/16 at 3:34 pm to
Bump because I was watching the last episode today and this


Valchek did it the tried and true way...kiss enough asses and do favors for the right people.

still pisses me off.
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