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Odysseus' Weight Loss/Gain Log - Never ever ever give up

Posted on 10/12/20 at 7:04 pm
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/12/20 at 7:04 pm
Hello. I posted earlier today about if this was allowed and I got two responses. One told me to consult the strength check in thread, and one told me it wouldn't be an issue. so here I am.

I am (as of 2020) a 28 year old former athlete-ish. Growing up I was extremely active, even going so far as to develop Osgood-Schlatter Disease that can still be seen to this day (luckily no pain). Despite my affinity for moving, running, jumping, riding, and playing football and basketball, what I really loved was food. I remember my favorite part of the week was Sunday afternoon after my mom came home from the grocery store, because I would immediately start eating any easily prepared food she procured. This extended into adolescence and into my early adult years. Fortunately, at the time I was playing football in the Louisiana heat so the food didn't stick. Likewise, in the winter and spring I'd play basketball, run, ride my bike, and do basically what a lot of kids do. Thus, the need for portion control was never an issue.

At 18 years old after high school I was 5'7" (still am) and a very solid 185 pounds, mostly in my legs (I was really keen on squatting). The only issue was that my sports career was over. Being so small, I needed to be fast or quick to get a scholarship, both of which I was not (relatively). Despite a few visits to small Louisiana schools (McNeese, ULL) I just wasn't destined to be a college ball player.

So that ended my athletic career. Unfortunately, my eating career had just begun. With all the extra time why not put it into my favorite pastime? So I did, and while I did not become the most excellent cook, I learned enough that I could get fat even with the salary of an aimless, job hopping college dropout. So I did.

After high school I fluctuated for years, ranging anywhere from 205-250 pounds. I'd try to cut back, or I'd find a job where I could work it off (warehouse, lawn care, farm work, etc.) but I never was able to deliberately lose weight. Until Now.

I will not lie, when COVID hit I was scared. I have an extreme fear of dying (actual health anxiety, numerous e/r visits, unnecessary scans, medical debt, etc.). So when COVID hit and we learned more about who it attacked, I was forced to take long hard look in the mirror. I was nearing 240 pounds again, my eating was out of control, and I was shortening my life with every sip of whiskey and every DELICIOUS hamburger I ingested. Even worse, my childhood asthma that I thought was gone forever had been an issue since moving to Idaho. So with a lot of fear and doubt I said frick it, let's get to work. It got a little tough there in the middle around July but since the end of March I am down to 195 from 236. I can't express how good it felt to see that scale read a weight that didn't start with a 2. It's been years since I've felt this light and felt this good, and I'm not stopping now.

(I don't expect anyone to have read all that btw. Mostly for me)

Current Stats
Age: 28
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 185.0 Pounds (5/16/21)
Squat: 365 1RM? (estimate, haven't squatted in 2 years)
Bench: 215 1RM? (again, an estimate)
Deads: No clue. We did powercleans in HS so I never really deadlifted
1 Mile: ~7/mile
3 Mile: ~8/mile

Current Goals
Weight: 175 Pounds (Haven't been this light since middle school)
1 Mile: 6/Mile
3 Mile: 7/mile

That's really all the goals I have right now. I am back in school after a very long hiatus, so between that and work, I'm putting strength training on the back burner. I do bodyweight in the meantime.

Long-Term Goals
Weight: 185 Pounds
1 Mile: 6/Mile
3 Mile: 7/Mile
Bench: 275 1RM
Squat: 425 1RM
Deads: 365 1RM

I am aware this does not match up with the deads and the squats. But like I said, I've never really done deads so when I get back into the weight room I will start slow and try to keep a strict form.

If you read, thanks. If you didn't, I don't blame you.

I'll update the next few pages with my plan of attack physically and nutritionally.
This post was edited on 5/16/21 at 8:59 am
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/12/20 at 7:04 pm to
Plan of Attack - Working Out

Like I said in my intro, I am not in the best shape, but I am getting back to normal. While my main goal is to lose weight, I am not putting results completely out of my mind. I feel as though if I can go into a run and focus on a number and have to push myself to hit that number, that only means my body is working hard. A harder working body = more calories expended. Right?

Anyway, right now (Mid-Oct 2020) I can run about 7 miles without stopping, albeit pretty slow pace, around 10:30. I don't mind this as I am not trying to get into marathon running. My normal runs are anywhere from 3 - 5 miles and I try to stay within 8:30 - 10 on my pace. I try for a quicker pace when I get down to the 1-3 mile range.

As far as resistance training, I tried my best to give an estimate of where I am, but I really have no idea. When I hit my goal weight I will get back in there to see what the deal is. Right now, I'm not even thinking about it.

My usual weekly routine consists of a long run on Monday with stretching. Mondays universally aren't great, but I feel like this gives me an endorphin rush and focuses me a bit. I follow that with the stationary bike and a bodyweight workout on Tuesday. Wednesday is a shorter run at a quicker pace. Thursday is my rest day because of my evening classes. Friday I am pretty spent, so I decide to have some fun and crank out single mile runs and see my time. Saturday is gameday, but I have replaced my 9 AM drinking routine with stretching and then getting on the stationary bike for the earlier games. This sets me up for success later in the day.

Monday: Long Run (4.5 - 7 Miles)
Tuesday: Stationary Bike (45 Mins), Full Body BW Workout
Wednesday: Short Run (2.5 - 3.5 Miles)
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Quick Run (1 Mile Splits)
Saturday: Stationary Bike (1 Hour), Full Body BW Workout
Sunday: Rest

Other Notes
Are you going to join a gym?
Once I get down to my goal weight I think I will. Our apartment complex has a really nice small gym (surprise) with free weights, but it's always in use.

Why not ride a real bike?
I love riding my real bike. Especially here in Boise where there is a dedicated Greenbelt that runs through downtown and the surrounding areas. The issue is that we moved about 3 months ago 10 miles West and now live in an apartment complex in Suburbia. The roads are not bike friendly, and it's a pain to ride 10 miles there and back just to start enjoying my ride. We will likely be moving again in 6 months (lease will be up), so we can see about moving back closer to downtown. I have a Trek 1000 series that I've ridden for about a decade.

Is this a strict schedule?
I really try to make it that way, and most weeks its easy to keep to. But sometimes I am just beat. So occasionally you will see a slip up.

How do you track your workouts?
Strava for runs. When I get back into the weight room I'll use old fashioned notebook and pen.
This post was edited on 10/14/20 at 6:05 pm
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/12/20 at 7:04 pm to
Plan of Attack - Nutrition
Whereas many people have trouble sticking to a workout plan, I have never had that issue. Whenever I get bored my default is to go on a long ride or run, or take to the foothills. My issue is food.

As noted in my 1st post, I have a real issue with this. However, I do have methods that I know work and know do not work. Therefore, the real issue is willpower and understanding that there can be no shortcuts.

To start, I am weighing all my food....sorta. I don't weight things like strips of bacon, or an egg, or my coffee. If it comes in a package and is split up by unit, I typically don't bother with a weight. I do, however, weigh anything I put in my daily salads, including produce, dressings, cheeses, etc.

Dinner is a little bit more difficult, and by difficult I mean a pain the arse. Tonight (oct 13 2020) we are having pasta. To calculate the calories in this, I will weigh everything I put into the pasta, look up the calories, fats, carbs, and protein, and add it all together. When it's done, I weigh the entirety and note the weight. I then divide that against how much I eat. It's a fricking pain in the arse. However, it is what I have to do to actually see progress.

TDEE: 1780 Calories

Obviously this is the golden number and will change depending on my weight and goals. I use My Fitness Pal for all of my caloric needs, including calculating my TDEE. I was a bit weary at first but it has done a swell job. I am not focusing too much on my Macros right now, but I am beginning to try to eat more protein rich food as I lose weight. When I start to bulk back up I will be more strict on trying to get at least .75 grams of protein per body weight.

This is based on the goal of losing 1.5 pounds a week (a bit aggressive) and setting my activity level to lightly active. I do doordash which I think is more than lightly active, but not quite active.

Common Foods
One of the more drastic ways this weight loss attempt differs from those in the past is my understanding that this needs to be a lifestyle change. As such, we slowly phased out junk and phased in healthy whole foods we actually enjoy. There are still a few things with HFCS and I do still splurge if I know I can afford it (I just ate a serving of gummy dinosaurs), but for the most part we eat very clean. The following are things we buy weekly and/or keep on hand at all times.

* - Denotes intermittent purchases

Apples, Bananas, Carrots, Potatoes, Pineapple, Strawberries, Blueberries, Onions, Garlic, Broccoli, Bell Pepper, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Spinach, Lettuce, Zucchini

Bulk Bin Foods:
GF Flour, Dark Choc Chips, Sunflower Kernels*, Brown Sugar, Walnuts, Herbal Tea

Turkey Bacon, Chicken Thighs, Chicken Breast, Salmon Shredded Cheddar, String Cheese, Sausage, Feta Cheese, Steak*

Almond Milk, Milk, Eggs, Butter, OJ, Greek Yogurt, Creamer, GF Pizza, GF Waffles

Dry Goods:
White Rice, Brown Rice, GF Pasta, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Apple Cin Crisps, Honey

Pam, Veg Oil, Olive Oil, Coc Oil, App Cider Vinegar, Vinegar, Salt, Pepper, Tonys, Paprika, Oregano, Kitchen Bouquet, Celery Salt, Tabasco

You likely noticed the use of GF a bit up there, as well as a lack of any bread. That's because my wife is gluten intolerant. No, frickers, she didn't jump on a bandwagon. She doesn't do it to be hip. In fact, on numerous occasions she has actually cried when I have been eating a burger and she can't. It took a very long time to figure out the issue and we have tried to wish the issue away by magic, but if she has gluten she gets incredibly sick. Sometimes, she doesn't care and understands what is going to happen. Most of the time, though, we eat gluten free and/or try to buy alternatives to common items that contain gluten. I know many people that have gone gluten free just to do it, and this is not the case. It's been a really tough adjustment, not even mentioning the looks she gets when she mentions it. Yes, she has seen a doctor, yes she has a GI she sees every 2 months, and no I will not take advice from anyone other than her primary or her GI.

Common Meals
I eat the same breakfast and lunch nearly every day (with a few changes), but we eat 2-3 different dinners throughout the week and rotate them. Here are a few:

Chicken and Vegetables
Chicken and Mashed Potatoes
Salmon and Green Beans and Brown Rice
Chicken Pasta
Red Beans and Rice
Turkey Patties and Broccoli
Chicken Spaghetti

As you can see, lots of chicken.

Other Notes
That seems like a lot of work. Can't you just use portion control?
No. I have tried many times and I can't. The only time I have been able to lose weight in a methodical manner is by weighing my food. This is not a new revelation, I have known this for many years. If I do not weigh my food, I will gain weight. It's the only true constant in my life.

Do you ever slip up?
All the time. Like I said, this is toughest part. I usually do a cheat day once every week and a half to two weeks, but I keep it within reason. A cheat day can undo a lot of progress. In the past I would go all out on a cheat day, but now I just get a slightly larger meal from McDonalds or something.

Does your wife weigh her food?
No, and she doesn't need to. She's been the same weight since I've met her. Good genetics there.

Why are you writing so much?
Idk I like to be comprehensive

Do you drink?
I do, but less and less lately. I drank for the first time in a couple week this past weekend and I just felt shitty. I have a bottle of Woodford Reserve and Old Forester in the cabinet and they will likely sit up there for another couple of months. If I do drink I notate it in MFP.

Do you eat back your calories expended working out?
On the stationary bike, generally I'll give myself a 100 calorie leeway. If I run, I use strava which tracks calories. However, those calorie counters can be way off, especially as your body adjusts to the exercise, so I typically round down to the nearest 10 and take half.

For example if Strava says I burned 557 calories, I'll round down to 550 and take half, which is 275. Then I'll input that amount into MFP.

This post was edited on 10/14/20 at 5:11 pm
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/12/20 at 7:05 pm to
Progress Pics
Posted by TideSaint
Hill Country
Member since Sep 2008
76981 posts
Posted on 10/13/20 at 9:28 pm to
Where you living in Boise? I lived in Mountain Home for 4 years.
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/14/20 at 9:23 am to

Where you living in Boise? I lived in Mountain Home for 4 years.

We were a couple blocks awa from albertsons stadium for almost 2 years, but we recently moved to Meridian. Probably gonna be heading back close to downtown Boise when our lease is up.

I've driven through mountain home a few times. It's got a great proximity to some really cool sights.
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/14/20 at 9:46 am to
Tuesday October 13th, 2020

Morning Weight: 194.8 lbs

Stationary Bike: 3 x 15 minute segments
Pushups: 3 x 25
BW Squats: 3 x 40
Situps: 3 x 15

Thanks to the Saints going into OT I only got about 6 hours of sleep Monday night, so this workout consisted of me just slogging through. I felt sluggish on the bike, and my idea was to do 3 sets of 50 pushups. As soon as I got to 20, however, that was a wrap. I just felt sorta weak. The bike can be a bore, so I usually do 15 minute sessions and then do my bodyweight workouts in between. It's really tough to pedal in the same place for an hour. Oh well, hopefully my run today will prove more fruitful. As long as I'm consistent, results will follow.

Breakfast (6:30 AM): 2 eggs, 3 strips turkey bacon, coffee w/ creamer and sugar
Snack (10 AM): Gala apple
Lunch (12 PM): Spinach Salad w/ bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, feta cheese, italian dressing
Snack (2:30 PM): 2 servings gummy dinosaurs
Dinner (6:30 PM): GF Chicken Pasta, Milk
Dessert (7:30 PM): Herbal Tea w/ Honey (not on MFP)

The fat free feta was a mistake buy. I typically buy feta specifically for the fat in the cheese. Other than that, not a bad day. The pasta, despite containing Gluten free pasta and gluten free flour was actually really good. I make a big pot, so we will be having it tonight and tomorrow as well. I love leftovers.

Other Notes
During my workout I watched The Cabin with Bert Kreischer on Netflix. I thought it was decent enough, definitely some laugh out loud parts, but overall not something that gets me hooked. One of my biggest peeves about the stationary bike is that I can't find anything good to watch to ease more boredom. Talk about a 1st world problem.

Gonna do a short quick run today for exercise, other than that it's school. It's the middle of the semester, so things are starting to ramp up. I currently have all A's and I intend for that to stick until I graduate. 3 more semesters, hopefully an internship or two, and I will be graduating from Boise State with an accounting degree.

Posted by Gings5
Member since Jul 2016
8820 posts
Posted on 10/14/20 at 10:04 am to
I legit read everything. Good write up. Why the gummies though?
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/14/20 at 10:10 am to
Thanks! I appreciate it.


Why the gummies though?

Guilty pleasure. I haven't had gummy candy in a number of months, I knew that the pasta wasn't gonna overload me and thought why not. I was actually regretting it at the end of the night, though, because I wanted some more pasta but couldn't afford it
Posted by KoozieKing
Baton Rouge
Member since Oct 2015
205 posts
Posted on 10/14/20 at 10:40 am to
Your protein goals are really low.
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/14/20 at 10:43 am to

Your protein goals are really low.

Like I said, not particularly worried about macros right now. I'll re-evaluate when I get back into the gym.

Thanks for reading!
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/15/20 at 7:48 am to
Wednesday October 14th, 2020

Morning Weight: 194.2 lbs

Run: 3 Miles @ 7:56 Pace

I was very excited about this run. I felt good, the air quality was good, I just pooped so I knew that wouldn’t be an issue and it went great. I started a little too strong in the beginning, running my first mile and a half at about 7:40 or so, but I did my best to slow my pace during the last half. I’ve been trying to come in under 8 minutes per mile on my 3-mile run for a while now, but I’m always hovering around 8:05 to 8:10 so this was nice.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 3 strips turkey bacon, coffee w/ creamer and sugar
Snack: 12 oz Blue Powerade (After Run)
Lunch: Romain lettuce Salad w/ bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, feta cheese, italian dressing
Snack: Greek Yogurt, GF Pizza Slice
Dinner: GF Chicken Pasta, 1.5 c Milk
Dessert: Hot Chocolate, .5 c Milk

Pretty good day for my diet. I find that if I eat those small meals in the morning, I’m satiated enough to last through the day, but not so full that I am ever bloated. I keep powerade in the house specifically for drinking after runs of 3 miles or longer. I don’t like all the sugar, but it does have good B vitamins and other nutrients that make it worth the squeeze if I’ve just don’t strenuous exercise. Still, I don’t drink it much.

I finished my fat free feta on the 12th, so I am back to my full fat feta. It says "light" although I am not sure what that means. There is still a lot of fat in it. I also got to eat some of my wife's GF Pizza. Despite only having a piece, it was quite calorie dense. Very good, considering!

In case anyone is sad for me because I eat these salads every day, I have taken a pic to share that it looks quite scrumptious (and it is).

I have come to crave these salads. A burger would be fantastic, but I know that it just leaves me sluggish and bloated for hours afterward.
Since Strava said I burned somewhere around 550 calories, I added back 275 to my food. This gave me the opportunity to replace my herbal tea with hot chocolate. It was appropriate since the temps were in the low 50’s. Not cold for Idahoans, but for a Louisiana boy it was downright chilly. I actually ran with a beanie and gloves, which I’m sure got some strange looks.

Other Notes
I think this journal is really helping me. Despite the fact that it’s only seen by a few people on a board that doesn’t get terribly much activity, I feel like I have less of an opportunity to flounder because I don’t want to be known as the guy who started this elaborate journal only to let it fall to the wayside. It’s not like I would just disappear in that case. I’ve been posting here for over a decade; I don’t think that is going to stop any time soon.

Cravings are low, motivation is high, hopefully I can be under 190 pounds before November. If I see that scale with the first 2 digits of 18 I may cry. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been that light.

Hope everyone has a great day. Thanks for reading!
This post was edited on 10/15/20 at 7:50 am
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/16/20 at 8:14 am to
Thursday October 15th, 2020

Morning Weight: 193.6 lbs


I planned to have my rest day today. I had a very busy day with my evening classes, accounting test, and trying to squeeze in some work. I also had a pre-hire event first thing in the morning.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 3 strips turkey bacon, coffee w/ creamer and sugar
Snack: Gala Apple
Lunch: Spinach Salad w/ bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, feta cheese, italian dressing
Snack: Pineapple, Ramen Noodles w/ 2 eggs, 1 cup Milk
Dinner: Taco Bell - 2 soft tacos, 1 5-layer burrito

Ah, today got me. I knew there was not going to be enough of the pasta for me and my wife to both have a plate, so I decided to let her have it since I had my evening classes today anyway. I ate some noodles with some eggs and milk to give me energy to last until the end of my classes (8 PM) and my plan was to grab 2 soft tacos from taco bell on the way home. That would have put me right at my caloric goals for the day. But dammit, when I pulled into taco bell I had to have a 5 layer burrito. My willpower always starts to dwindle by the end of the week, and it got me yesterday. I was still under my number for maintaining my current weight, but the day pretty much comes out as a wash diet wise.

Other Notes
I mentioned a pre-hire event up at the top of the post. Amazon opened a facility here and has been looking for workers. I don't really like the idea of working for a global behemoth of a company, but they pay decent enough for the job, they offer benefits, and I wouldn't need to worry about my income. Doordash can be very lucrative if you are smart about it, but there are also days in which I'm sitting in a parked car in a parking lot for an hour at a time. While it usually evens out over the course of the week, my anxiety can get the better of me. The Amazon position is warehouse and overnight 6pm - 4:30am 4 nights a week. Ideal for school, but less ideal for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I will have to be very vigilant. If it starts to take a toll on me, I can always go back to doordash.

As far as my evening classes, my stats class got cancelled, but I couldn't leave because it is held in the same room as my accounting class in which I was taking my 2nd exam of the semester (out of 3). I was so tired by the time the test started around 7 PM, but I got through it. Those first few sentences bout manufacturing overhead and depreciation expenses seemed like gibberish but they started to make sense after a couple of re reads. My brain was done at that point. I got out of there with close to a 94%, good enough for me given the circumstances.

I'm posting this on Friday morning. Going to work some today, try to hit $125, and come home and finish up some homework. It's a shame the Tigers aren't playing tomorrow, but they can use the bye. Plenty of other decent games to watch.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Posted by StringedInstruments
Member since Oct 2013
19028 posts
Posted on 10/17/20 at 6:37 am to

Run: 3 Miles @ 7:56 Pace

Just curious - do you know your heart rate for the run?
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/17/20 at 6:49 am to
Friday October 16th, 2020

Morning Weight: 193.6 lbs

Run: 2 1-Mile Runs followed by a walk home

Well, that image there only shows my 2nd run. My first run I was CRUISING. I set a playlist, and since it was just a 1 mile run I knew I only had a song and a half to get through. So I was running and realized that I was maybe only a minute and a half into my second song when I was coming up on my 1 mile marker. I realized that I was gonna come in around 6 minutes per mile. So I took my phone out of my pocket to pause strava as soon as I hit my mark to realize that, due to shitty cell service near our apartment, the GPS never acquired signal before I started running. I was PISSED. I was doing these runs to see my progress, and what I thought was likely going to be my fastest mile since my weight loss began has nothing to show for it.

I was pretty winded, but I was determined to come in on my 2nd mile below 7, because I was positive that I could do way better than that at full strength. So I walked for a bit and started back again. What do you know, 6:57 mile after being gassed from my first one. I was pleased, but still upset because I knew that meant my first one was likely right at 6 minutes, just going off the difference in my leg drive and breathing.

Nothing I can do except look forward and make sure I destroy my next time trial in about 2 weeks.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 3 strips turkey bacon, coffee w/ creamer and sugar
Snack: Gala Apple
Lunch: Lettuce Salad w/ bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, feta cheese, italian dressing
Snack: Powerade
Dinner: Roasted Salmon and Green Beans
Dessert: GF Choc Chip Cookies (homemade) w/ milk

Alcohol: 1 2oz pour -- Woodford Reserve Rye

Despite drinking a single glass of whiskey and having some chocolate chip cookies, I still came in under my calorie allotment.

The Salmon was incredible and gave me some much needed protein. I think I'll incorporate another fish day every week for that extra boost in protein. I also read that the skin is packed with nutrients, which happens to be my favorite part.

I was going to have another glass of whiskey after my meal, but I just thought better. I had one glass while cooking and I was gonna eat, have another glass, and then start on my homemade cookies, but I just had no desire. A single 2 oz drink it was.

If you noticed those blue splotches on my journal entry and wonder what they are, those are just me blotting out my name. Like I said, I add up all my food, weigh it, and divide it against mine. So that means I have to create foods in MFP, usually with my name. While anyone who knows me IRL could easily figure out who I am just based on my location and username, I figure I may as well be cautious? Idk I don't really post anything on this site that others don't already know about me.

Other Notes
I am up early this Saturday morning and boy, not for a good reason. We go to bed pretty early, around 8:30 pm, and I try to get 9 hours every night. Well last night I set my sights on 10 hours to wake up a half hour before gameday to get this post out of the way. I woke up from some bad dreams around 4:30. I know it is the alcohol because this happens every time. Even with a single 2 oz pour of 80 proof Rye I can feel a tremendous difference in my sleep quality.

Coffee will push me through, and my stationary bike should give me some good endorphins to last throughout the day, but I'm already looking forward to bed tonight after the UGA/Alabama game.

Anyone see BYU last night? I wanted to watch it but could only catch a few plays. I remember being impressed with Wilson last year before his injury (even though all they would talk about was his ute fandom), and I hear he is TEARING it up this year. I need to catch a few games of theirs before the season is up, but it just seems like they play at inopportune times.

Mormon Manziel

Another kid I'm interested in to see how he does after his junior season is Brock Purdy. Always has a fantastic October, however he is a little undersized. Although, shorter QBs seem to not have as much of a disadvantage anymore. Russell Wilson, Drew Brees, Kyler Murray, etc. all say hello.

Look out for Florida LB Miller. Dude is a hammer.

One last kid who I think will be a BIG PLAY guy when he gets to the next level is the Louisville WR Tutu Atwell. Small guy, sorta like a skinnier Marquise Brown, but I'm telling you this guy is really a baller. Great routes, great hands, speed. He just doesn't have the size to be a true NFL #1.
This post was edited on 10/17/20 at 7:21 am
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/17/20 at 6:52 am to

Just curious - do you know your heart rate for the run?

I don't. Although it is something in which I am very interested. I have been thinking about investing in a quality HR monitor for my runs, and maybe even to gauge how I'm sleeping.

Posted by StringedInstruments
Member since Oct 2013
19028 posts
Posted on 10/17/20 at 8:00 am to

Although it is something in which I am very interested.

I’ve been focusing a lot on heart rate and trying to see if doing so can help me with improving my vo2 max. You’re my height but 30 pounds heavier and took a lot of time off from exercising. Yet, you’re running 3 miles at an 8:00/mile pace and I’m struggling to do so at a 10:00/mile pace without my heart rate shooting up to 180. I’ve been running for three years now.
Posted by Odysseus32
Member since Dec 2009
7839 posts
Posted on 10/17/20 at 8:25 am to

I’ve been focusing a lot on heart rate and trying to see if doing so can help me with improving my vo2 max. You’re my height but 30 pounds heavier and took a lot of time off from exercising. Yet, you’re running 3 miles at an 8:00/mile pace and I’m struggling to do so at a 10:00/mile pace without my heart rate shooting up to 180. I’ve been running for three years now.

How is your breathing? When I have good runs like that one, I am very focused on keeping my breathing at a steady pace. In through nose, in through nose, out through mouth and my out breath is always on my left step. My cadence stays consistent as well. and my pace is either improving throughout the run or staying at nearly the same level.

Are you starting really quickly? If I start too quick, even on a 2 mile run, I'm fricked because I use up a ton of energy trying to slow my pace.

Also, I haven't exercised in a while, but when I was young I used to run a lot. A lot a lot. Not so much distance running, but a lot of conditioning workouts, basketball with friends, football with friends, etc. So I may have been able to get back to a decent pace so quickly in large part because of muscle memory.

EDIT - If I get a HR monitor I will definitely keep an eye on it and let you know. 180 seems high and just off the top of my head I would say my HR is not that high when I run. Have you talked to your doc about it?
This post was edited on 10/17/20 at 8:27 am
Posted by StringedInstruments
Member since Oct 2013
19028 posts
Posted on 10/17/20 at 10:16 am to

EDIT - If I get a HR monitor I will definitely keep an eye on it and let you know. 180 seems high and just off the top of my head I would say my HR is not that high when I run. Have you talked to your doc about it?

Oh it's really high. A friend of mine tracked his heart rate (he usually doesn't) and he averaged 152 on an 11 mile run at an 8:50/mile pace.

All of my numbers at my annual check ups are perfect except for testosterone (~310 the past two years). I doubt it's testosterone, but I guess it could be.

Thing is, I can push myself to complete longer runs with a high heart rate. I ran with said-friend a little over a month ago and we did 8 miles at around a 9:00/mile pace. Heart rate averaged 183 with a high of 202. I was DEAD for about a week though after it.
Posted by GeorgeTheGreek
Sparta, Greece
Member since Mar 2008
66948 posts
Posted on 10/17/20 at 10:43 am to

Breakfast (6:30 AM): 2 eggs, 3 strips turkey bacon, coffee w/ creamer and sugar

But why?
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