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re: NY Times: Pentagon’s UFO Program - aerospace/esoteric/quantum mechanics/future

Posted on 1/18/20 at 5:19 pm to
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
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Posted on 1/18/20 at 5:19 pm to
Interesting topic that few are talking about (China and UAP interest)
Lots of interesting observations in the video


United Nations UFO Disclosure
4,574 views 291 8 Share Save Report Red Panda Koala 2.12K subscribers
Published on Jan 15, 2020

This video goes ove the history of previous UFO disclosure attempts at the United Nations, and details a new international effort coming out of China called the Five continetns Internation Forum that is attempting to bring the UFO issue to the UN.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
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Posted on 1/18/20 at 5:28 pm to
Puthoff discusses “zero point” energy (note the date)

Interestingly, he discusses a very detailed plan how to transition from current energy/utilities to zero point (with the blessing/co-existence of petrochemical/power plants)

Could this be powering current UAPs? Are they indeed “ours” or “ours” made from “theirs”...


Vacuum Energy - Dr. Hal Puthoff (1994)
2,038 views 143 2 Share Save Report Unidentified Aerial Phenomena 46.8K subscribers
Published on Dec 31, 2019

Some may drive by the say Puthoff is a Scientology kook (he may be), but he is part of the TTSA movement
Posted by Spaceman Spiff
Member since Sep 2012
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Posted on 1/18/20 at 6:27 pm to

“zero point” energy

Imagine the fight big oil and others are putting up to keep this under wraps
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
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Posted on 1/23/20 at 9:05 pm to
Important update

The literal savior of the country (Salvatore Pais) has spoken...

Energy from the vacuum

Compare this to the Puthoff post this is linked to (energy from the vacuum)

Buckle up Jetsons...


The Secretive Inventor Of The Navy's Bizarre 'UFO Patents' Finally Talks
Dr. Salvatore Pais has finally spoken to The War Zone concerning his seemingly out of this world patents filed on behalf of the U.S. Navy.



Over the last six months, The War Zone has been deeply reporting on a set of bizarre patents assigned to the U.S. Navy. The patents, which are all the product of a single inventor, truly sound like the stuff of science fiction and include high-temperature superconductors, gravitational wave generators, compact fusion reactors, and high-energy electromagnetic field generators. Most radical of all is the “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft” claimed to be able to “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level” by seemingly bending the laws of physics as we know them. Together, these patents seem to be the building blocks of a vehicle with truly out-of-this-world, UFO-like performance. As part of our reporting, we have been working to better understand the mind behind this mysterious intellectual property. Now, the elusive Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais has spoken to The War Zone.


Dr. Pais recently published a new academic paper in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science journal detailing his work on his Plasma Compression Fusion Device. That device, the patent for which The War Zone has previously reported on, is a compact fusion reactor claimed to be capable of creating a net energy gain, a breakthrough that would revolutionize energy production if truly feasible.

His comments:


The fact that my work on the design of a Compact Fusion Reactor was accepted for publication in such a prestigious journal as IEEE TPS, should speak volumes as to its importance and credibility - and should eliminate (or at least alleviate) all misconceptions you (or any other person) may have in regard to the veracity (or possibility) of my advanced physics concepts.

Mr. Tingley, do realize that my work culminates in the enablement of the Pais Effect (original physical concept). The Pais Effect comprises the generation of extremely high electromagnetic energy fluxes (and hence high local energy densities) generated by controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma states) subjected to accelerated vibration and/or accelerated spin, via rapid acceleration transients. Such high energy EM radiation can locally interact with the Vacuum Energy State (VES) - the VES being the Fifth State of Matter (Fifth Essence - Quintessence), in other words the fundamental structure (foundational framework), from which Everything else (Spacetime included) in our Quantum Reality, emerges.

The Engineering of the Pais Effect can give rise to the Enablement of Macroscopic Quantum Coherence, which if you have closely been following my work, you understand the importance of. I must stress that all this work (patents, patent applications and technical papers) was conducted as a NAVAIR/ NAWCAD employee, and that my current position with Navy SSP has absolutely no bearing or in any way, shape or form has anything to do with this advanced physics work.

Thank you for your interest in my physics concepts, and try to keep an open mind in regard to my work.

Respectfully, Sal Salvatore Cezar Pais, Ph.D. A.D. MMXIX


Despite Dr. Pais’ insistence that the Pais Effect is indeed a real phenomenon and the assurance that NAVAIR’s Chief Technology Officer gave the USPTO, we have been unable to find a single scientist or engineer who can corroborate the claims made in Dr. Pais’s patents. Nevertheless, in another correspondence, Dr. Pais assured The War Zone that “as far as the doubting SMEs [subject matter experts] are concerned, my work shall be proven correct one fine day…”.

It will be a glorious day

Here is what the detractors say:


According to Willis, Dr. Pais' most recent work represents "a classic case of pathological science." Willis says the literature for the plasma compression fusion device contains invented jargon, nonsensical statements, weak or absent evidence of an informed theoretical basis, an "overabundance of nebulous adjectives and adverbs instead of meaningful quantities in technical writing," and "lots of statements made in passing that seem to contradict basic and accepted physics." Willis says that Dr. Pais "references subjects that have consistently been plagued with pathological science and popular misunderstanding for decades, such as vacuum energy. It's hard not to suspect he's either drinking the kool-aid himself, or just chumming the waters for the kind of people who do." Still, even Willis notes that "this case is mildly unusual in that the author has a Ph. D. and is employed by the government, his patents are assigned to the government, and the paper is slated to appear in a rather widely-read IEEE outlet. However, these facts in no way temper my view that this is all basically nonsense--it just raises additional questions about the cui bono of this particular case."

Again, it cannot exist in my worldview, so it does not exist


As we continue to report on the extraordinary claims of Dr. Salvatore Pais and the inventions he has patented on behalf of the Navy, we continue to find scientists who suggest that the intended audience of these patents may not, in fact, be the scientific or aerospace communities as these patents and their supporting publications contain what most would call pseudoscience and empty jargon. Still, as we noted earlier, there are decades of research into similar approaches at breakthrough propulsion technologies or so-called "space time metric engineering", much of it U.S. government-funded.

Esoteric science
“The things that should not be...”
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
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Posted on 1/25/20 at 4:21 pm to
Next 2 posts deal with underground and underwater venues

As above, so below

I really like the nod to old “folklore” here


Military Files Show Extraterrestrial Base Under Alaska Observed in 1987
9,205 views 283 4 Share Save Report It's [redacted]. 5.17K subscribers SUBSCRIBE
Published on Jan 18, 2020

Description of Personnel Associated ET Bases: By the late 1980s, the Stargate Project was in full swing.

Declassified files show the US government had used remote viewing, the ability to psychically see locations at a distance, for over a decade. When browsing through CIA archives, we found something that made us do a double take: the apparent discovery of three extraterrestrial bases by an intelligence analyst. The obscure handwritten document, sub-classified “Sun Streak” under purview of the DoD’s Defense Intelligence Agency, describes secret, underground facilities. One is reported beneath Mount Hayes, Alaska. Despite its status as the highest mountain in the state’s eastern range, Hayes is rarely climbed due to its remoteness and inaccessibility. It’s also at the epicenter of what locals call the Alaska Triangle…a hot spot for reports of unexplained lights, vanishing hikers and even diminutive beings living in the wilderness. So, what exactly did the U.S. government discover? And could a subterranean facility have anything to do with strange reports in the area dating back decades
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
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Posted on 1/25/20 at 4:22 pm to


Spanish Navy Files Disclose Underwater UFOs and ‘Thin, Swedish-Looking’ Beings

416 views 52 0 Share Save Report It's [redacted]. 5.25K subscribers SUBSCRIBE

Published on Jan 25, 2020

We’ve started going through international records and found something significant. Spanish Navy files show a ship off the coast of Ibiza encountered multiple unidentified submerged objects... that encircled two, larger USOs. They emitted a yellowish-red light, shimmering through the ocean surface. Three years earlier, in 1976, another account is even stranger. Sailors on a Navy corvette saw a circular “halo” flying near the Canary Islands. A taxi driver and his passenger corroborated this, telling officials they saw a sphere with two “red figures inside”...
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
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Posted on 1/26/20 at 7:10 pm to

Here is were stuff gets really, really nuts...

This gets us into magic, mysticism, religion, and the works of the gods... (which we have discussed here..,)


The Eternal Quest for Aether, the Cosmic Stuff That Never Was
Aristotle called it the fifth element. Alchemists thought it was the key to the philosopher’s stone. Scientists believed it was the stuff light moved through. But it never existed at all. image

By Meg Neal Oct 19, 2018


Aether meant many things to many people. Ancient Greeks saw aether as the god of light and the fifth element of the universe. To the medieval alchemists, it was the fabled philosopher’s stone that could turn lead into gold and prolong life. Centuries later, early modern scientists like René Descartes and Nikola Tesla were still pointing to aether to explain fundamental natural phenomena like gravity and light. Yet aether does not exist, and it never did. It may be the most enduring imaginary concept in scientific history. Aether was invented by the ancients. In Greek mythology it described the pure air that the gods breathed in the heavens as opposed to the normal air breathed by mortals on Earth. The word “aether” comes from the Greek aithêr, meaning “upper air.” The Greeks’ mythology described the pure air that the gods breathed in the heavens as opposed to the normal air breathed by mortals on Earth, and went further than that. Aether was also a Greek god, one of the first-born deities in the pantheon, the primordial god of light and the sky. This bright, divine Aether was the classical philosophers’ version of our upper atmosphere. In Plato’s theory of the cosmos, he writes that there are different kinds of air and “the brightest part is called the aether.”

In the 4th century BCE, Aristotle brought this concept of heavenly air into the world of physics. His philosophy saw aether as the fifth element, after earth, air, fire, and water. He believed the four terrestrial elements were changeable and transient, but the planets and stars were eternal and thus must be made of a different substance that transcended the earthly four. He called it aether.

Centuries later, the classical fifth element would inspire another epic but influential scientific misfire: alchemy.

Greek gods showing up again...


Alchemy, the magical medieval proto-science, came into vogue in the Western world in the 12th and 13th centuries, when the texts of the Greek and Arab philosophers were translated into Latin and European scholars finally got wind of these ancient ideas. Alchemists dusted off the antique concept of aether and put a new spin on it. To them, it described the most pristine and perfect essence found in nature, which they called “quintessence.” They too saw quintessence (so named from the Latin phrase qüinta essentia, meaning “fifth essence”) as divine, but believed it was found on Earth as well as in the heavens. A bit of godly essence was hidden in all things, whether animal, plant, or mineral. The trick was freeing it.


The alchemists’ quest for gold wasn’t just about metallurgy, though. This was Christian Europe, after all, and alchemy’s aims were spiritual as much as chemical. Metals and mortals could both be made more pure by freeing that little bit of divine spirit hidden in nature. Purification represented humans striving to perfect the soul. Achieving gold was like knowing God. The holy grail of alchemy was the legendary philosopher’s stone, which wasn’t a stone at all but an elusive substance that could isolate the pure essence of a material and transmute it into something else, namely gold. In the medicinal corners of alchemy, it was also known as the elixir of life, a universal cure that could bring eternal life. In a sense, the Stone was the physical representation of the concept of perfection, or quintessence itself. In fact it was sometimes called the lapis aethereus, Latin for “aethereal stone.” IT WAS ALSO KNOWN AS THE ELIXIR OF LIFE, A UNIVERSAL CURE THAT COULD BRING ETERNAL LIFE. Discovering this magical substance was the magnum opus of any alchemist. Newton devised a secret recipe for the philosopher’s stone, though like most of his alchemy work, it wasn’t published until long after his death. The key ingredient of his recipe was mercury, which was likely also a key ingredient in the nervous breakdown he suffered in 1693 during his time experimenting with toxic chemicals.


Aether played a major role in Newton’s early theories of gravity and light in the mid-1600s. He defined it as an elastic, invisible, strong, and subtle matter that existed everywhere in different forms. “It is not a single uniform substance,” he wrote, “but just as the air contains aqueous vapours, so the aether may contain various aetherial spirits adapted to produce the phenomena of electricity, magnetism and gravitation.”

Next post will be about Newton...


The term “aether” (or “ether”) lives on as a colloquial expression in the West, an abstract idea of the intangible void. Certain traditional cultures still consider aether the fifth element, and it plays prominently in the esoteric worlds of magic, mysticism, and the supernatural. More recently, the spirit of aether has even come back into the discussion of the cosmos, thanks to the mysterious discoveries of dark matter and dark energy, the elusive force believed to be the cause of the accelerating expansion of the universe. It’s not hard to see the parallels between the aether of yore used to fill in the gaps of understanding and this new invisible, imponderable energy. In fact, a form of dark energy proposed by physicists in the 1980s was dubbed “quintessence” after the fifth element of antiquity.

The new quintessence has been described as a fifth fundamental force, after the four conventional forces of nature known to physics: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear forces. Dark matter and dark energy can’t be readily explained by any known theories of physics, which is leading scientists to consider whether there is another, yet-unknown force. Might as well call it aether.

Might as well...
Salvatore Pais seems to agree...

Esoteric science
Those that lurk, watch and guide...
This post was edited on 1/26/20 at 7:12 pm
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
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Posted on 1/26/20 at 7:11 pm to


The Newton You Didn’t Know
Posted on January 7, 2020 by Joel A. Klein | Comments (2)


Isaac Newton (1643–1727) is generally regarded as one of the most significant individuals in the history of science, and he is remembered principally for his work on natural philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy. In addition to articulating the laws of motion that laid the foundation for classical mechanics, Newton was the first person to formulate a law of universal gravitation and also co-invented calculus (at the same time as his nemesis Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz). Indeed, Newton has thus often been portrayed as the incarnation of scientific genius who overturned superstition and ushered in the Age of Reason.

So, when it came to light in the early 20th century that Newton was not only a practicing alchemist but also entertained heterodox interpretations of Christian theology and spent a great deal of time, for instance, attempting to unravel numerological Biblical codes, the understanding of Newton as the icon of modern science was thrown into question. In his 1946 essay "Newton, the Man," the British economist John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946) succinctly captured this sentiment when he wrote that “Newton was not the first of the age of reason: He was the last of the magicians.”


Since the Enlightenment, alchemy has often been considered a pseudoscience that hindered scientific progress, but Newton’s alchemical manuscripts show that, just like his work in physics and mathematics, his work in alchemy combined theory and practice, careful reading with hands-on experimentation—and demonstrated his extraordinary attention to detail. Like his physics, it showed what Newton thought to be his best quality: what he called “patient thought.” We also see that Newton was motivated by a profound curiosity and the belief that no intellectual challenge was too daunting to tackle—even unlocking the secrets of the material world. Beyond this, though, Newman is among a group of historians who have shown that the alchemy practiced by Newton and other aspirants to the philosophers’ stone had an important influence on the emergence of modern science, for instance on the development of the theory of atomism and the concept of mass balance, the notion that the input mass of a chemical process must equal the output.

Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
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Posted on 1/27/20 at 2:56 pm to


Space Force preparing for everything, even interplanetary operations, as it sets up
By Scott Maucione | @smaucion


The Space Force is facing some of its most daunting existential questions as it prepares to present to Congress its plan for how it will become the next military service. The Air Force secretary must deliver the plan to Congress by Feb. 1. Maj. Gen. John Shaw, leader of Space Force’s Space Operations Command said the new service is building itself for the far future. “This is a huge opportunity. We have the opportunity to create a warfighting service from scratch,” Shaw said Friday at an Air Force Association event in Washington. “I’ve been telling the team, ‘Don’t think about a warfighting service for the next decade. Create a warfighting service or the 22nd century. What is warfighting going to look like at the end of this century and into the next?’”

That may include interplanetary operations, Shaw said.

Federal cybersecurity experts share their experiences with the evolution of CDM in this exclusive executive briefing. “Technology will change on the fly, maybe even by the second,” he said. “What we see is code writing that used to take years that now takes weeks or even hours. That will actually be done in microseconds, and maybe artificially. It’s going to be highly technology dependent and not human capital dependent.”


“We have to bring balance to the space force,” Shaw said. “It’s a different domain, the physics are different.”

Balance to the force...
Or maybe balance to the aether (chi, Holy Spirit, etc...)
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
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Posted on 2/2/20 at 4:57 pm to


The Secret Space Force. Solar Warden explained, The real Starfleet?
152 views 25 1 Share Save Report We are IF 7.33K subscribers SUBSCRIBE Premiered 101 minutes ago

The Secret Space Force. Solar Warden explained, The real Starfleet? The internet just went into a bit of a melt down over the recently released images of the logo for the United States space force. The distinctive badge had distinct echoes of the famous design created for Starfleet in the long running star trek franchise. What many may be unaware of is that the logo may be much older and part of a program that some claim has been running since before the Trek universe even appeared on TV back in September of 1966. Let’s take a look at the secret space fleet known as “solar warden”

Pay attention to the theme of highjacking symbols in time...



Did Area 51 Accidentally Admit It Reverse Engineers UFOs? Maybe, Docs Show 1,739 views 158 3 Share Save Report It's [redacted]. 5.84K subscribers SUBSCRIBE Published on Feb 1, 2020

Several government whistleblowers have claimed a secretive "Project Redlight" was carried out near Area 51 with an effort to reverse engineer extraterrestrial craft. Now, never-before-noticed documents confirm a Project Redlight was real, and it was operated inside Project Oxcart, a program designed to test experimental aircraft. No official definition stating Redlight's purpose (or the nature of its test vehicles) has been declassified, but interestingly, near the same time it was ongoing, a major defense contractor was researching propulsion methods behind unidentified flying object (UFO) data, and attempting to figure out how the craft worked, and how they could be controlled by a pilot.

Posted by beerJeep
Member since Nov 2016
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Posted on 2/2/20 at 6:19 pm to

Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
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Posted on 2/4/20 at 7:39 pm to
Check out this circular logic...


AI Will Probably Trick Us Into Thinking We Found Aliens We really want to believe. image
By Courtney Linder Feb 2, 2020


Artificial intelligence could be throwing off the search for alien life just as much as humans' own cognitive biases, according to a new paper published in the scientific journal Acta Astronautica.

When a neural network was shown an image from a crater on the dwarf planet Ceres, it identified curious patterns, including both a square (which people also saw) and a triangle.

After the neural net detected the triangular shape in the images, people in the study also began to see it, even though they hadn't previously. It's an example of how false positives from AI could trip up extraterrestrial studies.


Because the strange patterns are so strikingly geometric, researchers from the University of Cadiz in Spain have taken a closer look at the bright spots to figure out whether humans and machines look at planetary images differently. The overall goal was to figure out if artificial intelligence can help us discover and make sense of technosignatures, or potentially detectable signals from distant, advanced civilizations, according to NASA.


Strangely, the neural net saw the same square the people noticed, but also identified a triangle, as shown in the image above. It appears the square is inside a larger triangle. After the people in the study were faced with this new triangular option, the percentage of them who claimed to have seen a triangle skyrocketed. It's just one example of how our minds can be easily tricked when faced with a false positive. If we're told a system identified a given blip, we're more likely to blindly believe and truly think we saw the same blip due to our own tendency toward confirmation bias, or interpreting information in a particular way to fit a pre-existing belief.


That makes AI potentially dangerous in the search for far-away extraterrestrial life. False positives can confuse researchers, compromising its own usefulness in detecting technosignatures. De la Torre points out in the paper that what this all adds up to is actually a commonality between humans and AI systems: We both struggle with implicit bias.

So, if not artificial structures, what exactly are those funny shapes in the Ceres bright spot images? The quick answer is "we don't know." But De la Torre has an idea: It's "probably just a play of light and shadow."


AI notes a pattern on another planet

Humans corroborate

Researcher point out that human see what AI pointed out

Researchers conclude that AI is making humans see things that do not exist (false positive)

Researchers acknowledge they have no idea what is causing the pattern (identified as significant by an AI)

Is this not a positive finding that we cannot further describe???
Isn’t everything perceived by the eye/brain a fricking play of light and shadow

These fricks need a class in logic and need to consider some introspection/bias assessments...

They are prepping a narrative for moon images to come...
This post was edited on 2/4/20 at 7:55 pm
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
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Posted on 2/4/20 at 9:39 pm to

Y’all notice the last few lines of the SOTU...


We look at tomorrow and see unlimited frontiers just waiting to be explored. Our brightest discoveries are not yet known. Our most thrilling stories are not yet told. Our grandest journeys are not yet made. The American Age, the American Epic, the American Adventure, has only just begun! Our spirit is still young; the sun is still rising; God’s grace is still shining; and my fellow Americans, the best is yet to come!

Sounds like they may tell us and make them known...

Sounds like we have epic times ahead...
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
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Posted on 2/14/20 at 10:46 pm to


Inside the Pentagon's Secret UFO Program image

By Tim McMillan Feb 14, 2020

The government can’t keep its story straight about its involvement with UFO research. After a yearlong investigation, we bust open the files, break through the noise, and reveal the definitive, staggering truth.


Just like the fictional Robert Langdon, the path to understanding these mysterious government programs has taken me through the catacombs of informal secret societies, whose surprising memberships include accomplished professionals from the military, aerospace, academic, medical, and intelligence communities.

Though diverse or abstinent in how they define exactly what it all means, each of these enigmatic characters shares one common belief: unidentified flying objects are neither myth nor figment of overactive imaginations. With absolute conviction, they’ve all told me that UFOs are real.


In an interview with researcher Joe Murgia, former AAWSAP contractor and astrophysicist Eric Davis shared what colleagues had told him of the DIA scientist’s experience: “In the living room of the former NIDS double wide observation trailer/staff quarters. A 3D object appeared in mid-air in front of him and changed shape like a changing topological figure. It went from pretzel-shaped to Möbius strip shaped. It was 3D and multi-colored. Then it disappeared.


Some of the notable content of the 2009 BAASS Ten Month Report includes:
? Overview of the BAASS Physics Division’s efforts to conduct research on advanced aerospace vehicles, including the development of standardization for measurement of physical effects and signatures associated with UAP.
? Overview of BAASS research for measuring and gleaning the effects on biological organisms from UAP.
? Mention of Skinwalker Ranch in Utah as a “possible laboratory for studying other intelligences and possible interdimensional phenomena.”
? Strategic plans to organize a series of intellectual debate forums targeted to broad audiences pertaining to the “potential disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence.”
? Plans to create a “medical physiological UAP effects program.”
? Request for Project Blue Book files that have not been made public.
? Mention of BAASS program dubbed “Project Northern Tier,” which involved securing documents related to instances where dozens of UFOs flew over restricted airspaces of facilities housing nuclear weapons.

Stranger things...
Posted by BooFay
all you can eat
Member since Sep 2019
132 posts
Posted on 2/15/20 at 12:50 am to
Do you think trump is briefed at all on the ET stuff. They have to assume he’d instantly tweet it

Ps check this out

Moon bases
This post was edited on 2/15/20 at 12:52 am
Posted by ctiger69
Member since May 2005
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Posted on 2/15/20 at 7:41 am to
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
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Posted on 2/22/20 at 8:24 am to


Chris Mellon on How the NY Times Received UFO Videos: “I Was the Person Who Did That.”
FEBRUARY 22, 2020


One of the mysteries surrounding the original NY Times article that revealed AATIP to the world, Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program, has been, who provided the NY Times with the two UFO videos they published and furthermore, who tipped off the NY Times about the AATIP story in general? The first question seems to now be answered. In an interview with Yale podcast Take this Job and Love It, Chris Mellon states: “…after the videos were released to the New York Times, which I was the person who did that, actually that will be coming out in the documentary this summer…more information about that.”


Most of TTSA, especially Chris Mellon and to some degree Luis Elizondo, have stayed away from talking about aliens or other entities. (Tom DeLonge on the other hand has talked about them over and over again.) The political reasons behind this were explained in season one of Unidentified. To sum up, they want the facts and data to speak for themself, rather than jumping to conclusions. They certainly don’t want to scare anyone away with talk of aliens (etc.) too early. Over time, Elizondo has dropped more hints than Chris Mellon, but even now Mellon seems to be slightly coming around publicly. Namely in a highlight of this interview when the host asked Mellon if he believed in life outside of earth. Mellon replied:

I am absolutely convinced that there is life beyond of earth… and the Copernican Revolution, I think we’re near, we’re approaching the point soon where the trends that he started, the recognition that we are not… the universe does not revolve around us and we’re not the central focal point of it and we’re not special or unique… that’s culminating… and in our lifetime, in your lifetime, that will become an acknowledged fact. In terms of hope for the future, my hope is that we can fix and rectify some structural problems and mismatches between our form of government and challenges we face as a species and a nation.


Christopher Mellon served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. He is an adviser to the To the Stars Academy for Arts and Science, a privately owned media and scientific research company. He also serves as a contributor to HISTORY’s popular nonfiction series “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.”
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
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Posted on 2/23/20 at 9:09 am to
Superficial understanding is limited
Deeper understanding (underground movement...)


Scientists eye the Martian underground in search for alien life
The subsurface of the Red Planet offers a protected, and possibly habitable, environment.

A view of the terrain on Mars from the Opportunity rover from May 13 through June 10, 2018. A view of the terrain on Mars from the Opportunity rover from May 13 through June 10, 2018.NASA

Feb. 20, 2020, 12:04 PM CST / Source: By Leonard David,


Conference attendees generally agreed that the best places to look for extant Mars life are in the deep subsurface caves, and in salt and ice.


Lava tubes, cave entrances Over the years, researchers have spotted pit craters on the surface of Mars. These features are locations where the roof of a lava tube has partially collapsed and created a "skylight." Researchers at the meeting pointed out that Mars-circling spacecraft have imaged numerous potential cave entrances. Shielded underground as they are, could lava tubes be prime microbial real estate on Mars? Here on Earth, cave-exploring scientists have gathered evidence of microbial activity in the form of biofilms, slime, and microbially induced or precipitated minerals. Conditions in caves, the researchers have found, are typically far different, more consistent and more benign than on the surface.

At least that is what NASA and the European Space Agency are proposing...


Europe's Space Agency Wants People to Live Inside Moon Caves
The agency wants input on how to send robots to the Moon to explore the virtually unseen caves, which could one day shelter humans.
By Becky Ferreira 26 August 2019, 6:00am


The Moon’s surface is hosting an increasing number of experiments, robots, and most recently tardigrades. The many underground tunnels that lie beneath the Moon’s surface, however, remain virtually unexplored. On Wednesday, the European Space Agency (ESA) put out a call for ideas about how to navigate, map, and study these Moon caves in future robotic missions. The campaign is one of many recent projects focused on the exploration of so-called lunar lava tubes, especially their potential as sites for future Moon bases fit for long-term habitation by humans.


The caves could “shield astronauts from cosmic radiation and micrometeorites and possibly provide access to icy water and other resources trapped underground,” said Franceso Sauro, director of ESA’s PANGAEA planetary geology astronaut training, in a statement.

Here is the irony...
Someone figured this out about Earth also (prior surface civilizations or “others”). It is indeed very practical to be based inside a planet...

UAPs and strange phenomena cluster around mountains, caves, volcanoes (as pointed out by this thread...)

[quote] NASA Goddard ? @NASAGoddard

This week our planetary scientists are in Hawaii, exploring lava tubes to better understand similar structures on the Moon and Mars. These caves might contain evidence of ancient life on Mars or serve as shelters on the Moon. Follow @NASAExpeditions for updates from the field.
Posted by ThinePreparedAni
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
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Posted on 3/7/20 at 8:44 pm to
Good podcast with 2 people highlighted in this thread

Kean co-authored the NYT piece in the OP
Pasulka wrote the book American Cosmic

They are hinting at more release of info that is upcoming...


Leslie Kean & Diana Walsh Pasulka: COSMIC CONVERSATION


VCU Catholic studies lecture series to offer three public talks, including one on ‘Catholic UFOs’
By Brian McNeill University Public Affairs 804-827-0889
Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020

As part of the Bishop Walter F. Sullivan Lecture Series at Virginia Commonwealth University this spring, three scholars will deliver public talks on topics such as the material culture of Catholic men, the Cold War’s liberation theology legacy, and “Catholic UFOs.”


Diana Walsh Pasulka Diana Walsh Pasulka, Ph.D., University of North Carolina Wilmington “Catholic UFOs: Trend or a New Religiosity?” Tuesday, April 14 4-5:30 p.m. Student Commons, Richmond Salons I-II Diana Walsh Pasulka, Ph.D., University of North Carolina Wilmington A study of UFOs and extraterrestrials by Pasulka, who has traveled from Silicon Valley to the Vatican Secret Archive and Space Observatory exploring the intersections of technology and religion. Her recent book, “American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology” by Oxford University Press, has received critical acclaim.

We have talked about Ezekiel’s experience earlier in the thread


Elijah is only one of two people in the Bible who does not die. Why? Here’s why! 2 Kings 2:11: And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. *Now we have no idea what really transpired after that abduction, but there are those who maintain that, all these centuries later, Elijah is alive and well and has yet a role to play in that ‘end of days’ scenario. Malachi 4:5: Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. *So Elijah is abducted, but will ultimately be returned, sort of like modern UFO/alien abductees, only over a far longer time span.
Posted by BoarEd
The Hills
Member since Oct 2015
38862 posts
Posted on 3/7/20 at 8:46 pm to
July of this year. or so I hear anyways.
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