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re: Do You Agree Corporal Punishment (Spanking) Is Barbaric When You Think About It?

Posted on 1/8/16 at 9:04 pm to
Baton Rouge LA
Member since Sep 2006
36113 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 9:04 pm to

ALL the kids who are well-behaved are spanked. In general, the kids who are not well-behaved are not spanked.



Sorry that my life disagrees with your research.

Not my research. It's bodies of research. While your experiences hold true for you, the research shows they do not hold true for most.
Posted by Redbone
my castle
Member since Sep 2012
19127 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 10:14 pm to

It's bodies of research.

What research? The shite supplied so far doesn't apply to OP's title and first post.
Posted by Redbone
my castle
Member since Sep 2012
19127 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 10:31 pm to

It's probably far more informative than these seven pages of white trash musings.

One can always tell when they have won these discussions. The other side will run out of points and stoop to name calling.

Thanks for allowing me to leave this thread knowing this barbaric white trash has won.
Baton Rouge LA
Member since Sep 2006
36113 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 10:43 pm to

What research?

BUt is does apply to the retorts of many and my own initial post which was a retort to many

Simply google effects of corporal punishment on children, long term effects of corporal punishment,, so on and so forth
Posted by GreatLakesTiger24
One State Solution
Member since May 2012
56509 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 10:51 pm to

The other side will run out of points and stoop to name calling.
I was doing the same exact thing as the poster I was replying to. try again, dumbass.
Posted by Redbone
my castle
Member since Sep 2012
19127 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 10:52 pm to

Simply google effects of corporal punishment on children, long term effects of corporal punishment,, so on and so forth

So far there are details to each of these "researches" that have major flaws in them. If you cared to discuss one are more you must provide them so the internals can be examined.

A prime example is the chart supplied back on page 6. It is compiled from a subjective stand point and the words "Good Hard Spanking" was the only reference. What kind of shite is that?

So while you are trying to find one not compiled by a bunch of California liberals and can withstand scrutiny I will say g'nite and check back in the morning.
This post was edited on 1/8/16 at 10:53 pm
Posted by Redbone
my castle
Member since Sep 2012
19127 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 10:57 pm to

I was doing the same exact thing as the poster I was replying to. try again, dumbass.

Nope! I checked back and you definitely referred to posters as white trash before anyone called you a name. You lose.
Posted by TJGator1215
Member since Sep 2011
14174 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:01 pm to
Time out is not the only alternative. Why are people so dumb? There are plenty of ways to get through to you kid than hitting them.
Posted by TJGator1215
Member since Sep 2011
14174 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:03 pm to
Plantation owners used the same logic whipping slaves. Congrats
Posted by TJGator1215
Member since Sep 2011
14174 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:04 pm to
WTF congrats on being a shitty parent.
Posted by GreatLakesTiger24
One State Solution
Member since May 2012
56509 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:04 pm to

One can always tell when they have won these discussions. The other side will run out of points and stoop to name calling.

the post I replied to:

17 mins of some pansy arse libs opinions on child rearing.... Hard fricking pass

exactly what you described
This post was edited on 1/8/16 at 11:06 pm
Posted by Arkla Missy
Member since Jan 2013
10288 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:07 pm to


I find this applies to about 90% of the OT threads ... and definitely Poli Board!!! After reading only the last few pages, I figured you'd agree.

Posted by TJGator1215
Member since Sep 2011
14174 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:16 pm to

Nevertheless, some studies have been done. In one set of analyses with young children in the laboratory, time outs worked just as well as spanking for (immediate) subsequent compliance on 30 tasks assigned by the mother. Long-term compliance is decreased after spanking (Gershoff, 2002; Gershoff & Grogan-Kaylor, 2013).

In terms of whether parental aggression (spanking) decreases aggression in the child, the answer is no. In fact, spanking tends to increase child aggression. “Spanking predicted increases in children’s aggression over and above initial levels [of aggressive behavior]” and “in none of these longitudinal studies did spanking predict reductions in children’s aggression over time” (p. 134). Instead, spanking predicted increases in children’s aggression. 

Why is spanking ineffective for changing behavior in the longterm? 

Approaching this from a behaviorist perspective, conditioning by punishment(pain) requires that the consequence always occur immediately after every instance. When you touch a hot stove with a bare hand, you get burned, period. This does not occur with the behaviors parents spank for—parents are often not around to see them or are not willing or able to spank immediately afterwards.

Why is spanking ineffective for increasing desirable behavior?

Spanking does not convey positive guidance on how to behave in a particular situation, only how not to behave if a threat of punishment is at hand. Children learn positive behaviors from practicing actions that work, ones that lead to a sense of belonging and competence. They internalize what they practice and what their family practices. They learn reasons for their actions from what they hear and are told, but active practice has the deepest impact.

Why else is spanking harmful?

It undermines trust. Children trust their parents just a little less. They are more likely to step back from the relationship and build a self-protective shield around themselves in terms of relationships generally. Children can learn to mistrust the motives of others and become more threat reactive in social situations. It can lead to aggressive expectations—they are ready to aggress first before they are aggressed against.

Spanking is harmful for even more reasons, the review indicates:

Spanking destroys mental health.Spanking increases delinquency and criminal behavior.Spanking makes it more likely the child will be physically abused

Congrats OT. You're full of bad parents

spanking causes disrespect, anxiety and depression.


Imaging studies have also shown some important changes in the brains of children who were punished physically. Decreases in the gray matter of the brain have been seen in regions connected to IQ. And the dopamine system that plays a role in drug addiction risk is altered in kids who were the subjects of physical punishment.

Luckily, studies have also shown that when parents are given help to stop physically punishing their kids, theirkids' difficult behaviors also decrease. This suggests that not only is there a cause-and-effect relationship between parents' use of physical punishment and negative behaviors in kids, but that once parents stop using this form of discipline, kids' behaviors actually improve.

The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend the use of physical punishment on kids, since they say it is "the least effective way to discipline." More effective and healthier methods of discipline include timeouts, logical consequences, or behavior penalties. See the AAP website for recommendations on the best ways discourage bad behaviors in your kids and encourage the good ones.

Posted by TJGator1215
Member since Sep 2011
14174 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:17 pm to

Research shows that spanking corrects misbehavior. But it also shows that spanking does not work better than other modes of correction, such as time out, explaining, and depriving a child of privileges. Moreover, the research clearly shows that the gains from spanking come at a big cost. These include weakening the tie between children and parents and increasing the probability that the child will hit other children and their parents, and as adults, hit a dating or marital partner. Spanking also slows down mental development and lowers the probability of a child doing well in school," Straus says.

"More than 100 studies have detailed these side effects of spanking, with more than 90 percent agreement among them. There is probably no other aspect of parenting and child behavior where the results are so consistent," he says.

Posted by TJGator1215
Member since Sep 2011
14174 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:23 pm to
Spare the rod is not in the fricking bible. The bible also condones slavery and stoning. Gtfo.
Posted by Paige
Vice President of the OT
Member since Oct 2010
84748 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:35 pm to

time out, explaining
did a lot of time out when my son was young, with a little explaining. then did a lot of explaining as he got older. I focused mainly on considering the consequences of your actions on others and treating others the way you want to be treated. never spanked

and I couldn't be more proud of him. he's never been a discipline problem. all teachers and parents love him. every time I meet a new adult that has interacted with him they tell me he's the greatest kid they've met

so I know that spanking isn't necessary to raise well behaved children. but I don't fault others who utilize it
Posted by Arkla Missy
Member since Jan 2013
10288 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:39 pm to


Occasionally, there is some decent stuff on FB ...

People are going to parent their children as they see fit. You aren't going to change their minds, particularly those with much experience & with your attack mode tactics. So, unless you witness or honestly know of people abusing their children - not just speculation, hearsay, or simply appropriately disciplining by spanking (yes, there is a difference between that & abuse which people with experience in raising children & with an ounce of common sense comprehend & understand) - which would certainly need to be reported to the appropriate authorities, you just need to learn to agree to disagree, discipline your children as you see fit (if you have any, which judging by your "comments," I strongly doubt), and move on.
This post was edited on 1/8/16 at 11:43 pm
Posted by TJGator1215
Member since Sep 2011
14174 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:41 pm to
Spanking is banned in China. Asian families rarely spank their kids. They actually respect their kids by teaching what good behavior looks like.

? actual example of good parenting. american are uneducated and lazy.


Why Asian American Parents Are the Least Likely to Spank Their Kids

Highly educated, middle-class parents are less likely to use corporal punishment to discipline their children than less-educated, working-class, and poor parents.


OCT 15, 2014

Take American attitudes about spanking over the past 50 years. In 1968, 94 percent of American adults approved of spanking a child, but by 2012, the figure dropped to 70 percent. While the majority of American parents still spank their children, some are more likely to spank than others. According a recent study of 20,000 kindergartners and their parents, black parents are the most likely to spank their children (89 percent) and Asian parents, least likely (73 percent). White and Hispanic parents fell in between, at 79 percent and 80 percent, respectively

That no Asian country has banned the use of corporal punishment and that it remains an accepted form of discipline reveal that differences in the use of corporal punishment cannot be attributed to culture alone.

So how do we explain the differences across racial groups? Parental education and socioeconomic status are stronger drivers of parenting strategies than differences in race or culture. Highly educated, middle-class parents are less likely to use corporal punishment to discipline their children than less-educated, working-class, and poor parents. Asian Americans are, on average, more highly educated than other Americans, including whites.

In my research with Min Zhou, we interviewed the adult children of Chinese and Vietnamese immigrants in Los Angeles about their experiences of growing up American. As expected, those with more highly educated parents were more likely to have been disciplined with socioemotional strategies. Rather than use physical force, their parents would verbally express their disappointment or give a stern facial cue that signaled their disapproval.

Moreover, these parents praised the positive behavior of other children, both in front of their children and in front of other parents and children. By lauding positive behavior privately and publicly, these parents indirectly reinforced their expectations and provided concrete role models for their children to emulate. This dual socioemotional strategy of internal disapproval and external praise provided their children with a clear-cut portrait of model behavior, in spite of intergenerational and linguistic differences between immigrant parents and their U.S.-born children. While the second-generation Chinese and Vietnamese admitted that the constant comparisons were “irritating,” they acknowledged that their parents provided a clear signal of what behavior to follow.

This post was edited on 1/8/16 at 11:50 pm
Posted by Paige
Vice President of the OT
Member since Oct 2010
84748 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:54 pm to

Occasionally, there is some decent stuff on FB
no there really isn't. and it speaks volumes about you that you think some idiot's pro-spanking diatribe meme is a decent facebook post and worth reposting and as some sort of backing for your argument


i feared getting caught doing wrong
pretty much my number one problem with spanking. I'm not trying to scare my kid into acting right. I'm trying to teach him to think about what is and is not appropriate behavior, what will infringe upon other people - which you can apply to just about any situation

I've tried to teach him to want to do the right thing. not because he feared punishment, but because he realizes he likes being respected and treated well and wants to afford the same to others. and I think I succeeded. I honestly think that spanking is a lazy and uneducated method of parenting

but to each his own

Posted by TJGator1215
Member since Sep 2011
14174 posts
Posted on 1/8/16 at 11:58 pm to
Spanking is the sexual assault of children regardless of the degree of violence. Hit your wife you go to jail. Hit your dog You go to jail. Hit er..spank your kid, discipline. It defies logic. The OT flips out when a cop hits someone for not complying but when a kid doesn't comply and gets "spanked" that's ok.


And butts aren’t just culturally sexualized; they’re biologically sexual, too. Nerve tracts that pass through the lower spine carry sensory information to and from both the butt and genitals. Some scientists speculate that these nerves can stimulate one region when the other is provoked. There’s also a blood vessel in the pelvic region called the common iliac artery. When blood rushes to a child’s butt—because, say, you’re spanking him—blood rushes down that artery. But the artery splits. Some of it directs blood to the genitals. So when you cause blood to rush to a child’s butt, you’re also causing it to rush to his or her other sex organs. The other time this kind of genital blood engorgement happens is during erection or arousal.

This post was edited on 1/9/16 at 12:01 am
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