I was thinking that maybe since we haven't really heard from him, he was possibly back on the right track...but that's not the case. Johnny Manziel, who recently enrolled in classes back at Texas A&M, is seen here at The Rooftop On 6th in Austin double fisting some drinks...

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Filed Under: NFL
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Nix to Twillie96 months
Oh relax. I'm sure they were just Dr. Peppers. I mean, he made a sobriety pledge.
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lsuhou7496 months
Who gives a shite! Dude is olddddddd news.....
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Fan of Football96 months
Be honest. Were you googling "manziel" or "double fisting" when you found this article. Or both?
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LSU fan 24696 months
Who gives a frick? Omgz a grown man is drinking in a bar!!!!!
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Godfather196 months
I'm wanting to know where I can place a bet on JFF in the Death Pool. At a bare minimum, the fricker's got to have cirrhosis by now.
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Tiger in Texas96 months
The closed Johnny will ever get back to an NFL team again is in the stands...
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eddieray96 months
Johnny McIdiotface
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jcc400996 months
Can we just say he's done...stick a fork in him....
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TepperDaGuru96 months
Do you google Johnny Manziel every damn day?
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DownSouthCrawfish96 months
This is getting real old. Not a Johnny fan, but you gotta get off his dick, Larry.
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Grandioso96 months
He's such a douche. He goes to the shittiest least have some tact and class about it.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy96 months
Larry do you want to get double fisted by JFF?
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LewDawg96 months
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BobABooey96 months
Give the guy a break. He never beat a Les Miles team - he's trying to forget.
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