NFL Protocols Are Over, Finally Back To Normal
© Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
On Thursday, the NFL and NFLPA agreed to suspend all aspects of the joint COVID-19 protocols with immediate effect. Here was their press release...
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Filed Under: NFL
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eugene1928LSU30 months
Who cares
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Jay Quest30 months
Men grab onto each other and roll around on the ground in their combined sweat while coaches wear masks on the sideline. Goodell s rationale NFL.
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mcpotiger30 months
Timing is everything
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TigerB830 months
Back to normal until the next time our Marxist gov't pulls the puppet strings.
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HonoraryCoonass30 months
Countless lives saved. Kudos NFL!
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saintslsupels30 months
3 idiots obsessed with politics. Wtf does this have to do with elections and can you dumbasses go 5 minutes without talking about politics?
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atltiger648730 months
you do understand that the reason the mask mandates are gone is BECAUSE of politics. Pelosi dropped the House mask mandate one day before the State of the Union speech, because they saw the polling. It's all political, as were masks in the first place, for a virus that has a 99.6+% survival rate. Open your eyes, please, for the good of the nation.
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TigerB830 months
Ummm, it was our gov't that injected this crap into our sports. Every aspect of society has been invaded by politics. It used to be an escape from the bs of the world. Now you can't hide from it because the NFL wants to remind you of some drug dealer that died and how terrible that was. Our gov't has it's claws in everything now. You can't hide from it.
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CanebreakCajun30 months
election coming up, do not want to remind anyone
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atltiger648730 months
will they get rid of the SJW messages in the end zone and sidelines too? Or will that stay forever?
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JackieTreehorn30 months
Everyone on the same page for the midterms. lol
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