Texans DE J.J. Watt was court side for the Rockets vs. Thunder game on Monday night, which means he got to score pics with the squad's cheerleaders...

Filed Under: NFL
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19111 months
Hugo's right.
Watt looks like a pedo with no fashion sense.
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greenbastard111 months
Dude is a big media whore.
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TwoDatBait111 months
He's not in the second pic, because he's taking a shower after smashing all of them.
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DrSteveBrule111 months
If I saw a normal person wearing that hideous outfit and cap, I'd think he was a dude who peaked in high school.
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aVatiger111 months
It looks like JJ could be suffering from the ol' Hover Hands Syndrome
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Hugo Stiglitz111 months
He looks like Jared Fogel in that picture.
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Street Hawk111 months
frick a JJ Watt. I hope he gets pancaked every play.
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hogminer111 months
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C111 months
You mean those cheerleaders scored a pic with JJ.
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hawgfaninc111 months
I'm sure that's not all he scored
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John Gotti111 months
"pull your hat down a little further" one wants to see that ugly arse face
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pellietigersaint111 months
pull your hat down a little further
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