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Former NFL QB Ryan Leaf was arrested for misdemeanor domestic battery in Palm Springs, CA on Friday, May 22nd. Bail was set at $5,000. Here's yet another mugshot to add to his collection...
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Filed Under: NFL
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HSHoopscoach52 months
f ck this. as much as i'd like to dog on Leaf over this I cannot. Anyone can be arrested for this regardless of whether or not they have done a thing. an accustion from anyone... including someone neither party knows can call and say so and so puched a woman and you will go to jail. its not a conviction. and it means nothing
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Melvin52 months
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jeff7012152 months
This dude's gonna off himself one day soon. Not a happy, sociable kinda guy.
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KCT52 months
Million-dollar arm. 10-Cent head. It'll get you every time.
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Bulldogblitz52 months
women need to know how to make a sandwich on demand. SMH
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TFH52 months
Women need to learn to make a sammich without being asked
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TFH52 months
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Skinny52 months
Brutal. He was a regular on the Dan Patrick show the last few years. He seemed to enjoy talking about his failures. Offering advice to Manziel looks really bad now.
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CJD4LSU52 months
He probably just needed some new material to talk about. All his old stuff was played out.
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CanebreakCajun52 months
That too bad, he did a good job commentating and I figured he turned the corner.
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Long Dawg52 months
Was really hoping he was turning his life around after the documentary. Seemed like he was. Oh well.
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HooDooWitch52 months
That dude looks big and dumb!
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ByUselves52 months
Former NFL QB? He is a former lot of good things. But he is still good @ being a loser.
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CanebreakCajun52 months
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arcalades52 months
guilty until proven innocent, huh? most of you posters are perfect examples of why a jury can't be trusted.
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AustinKnight52 months
Definitely see the pain and anguish in those eyes knowing that might have been his last chance for a quality career. Feel bad for him honestly
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Drizzt52 months
This guy is a perpetual frick up
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Flashback52 months
You would be mad if you had a gossip queen like Larry Leo spreading unfortunate pics of u on the internet.
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GB1017LSU52 months
He looks very angry!
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