Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
Erin Andrews got a new job - Pam Oliver's. Andrews will be replacing Oliver as FOX's No. 1 sideline reporter, joining the team of Joe Buck and Troy Aikman. Oliver will be spending her last and 20th season working with the No. 2 Fox team of Kevin Burkhardt and John Lynch. Ouch...

After a painful couple of months, Oliver said the disappointment of that news has subsided and that she has accepted her new professional reality. But it was a shock last April when Fox Sports executives traveled to Atlanta, where she is based, to tell her in person that she would no longer hold the job that has been her professional life for two decades. Oliver says that while she respected Fox Sports president Eric Shanks and executive vice president of production John Entz delivering the news in person, she was stunned when they initially informed her that not only was she being removed from Fox’s No. 1 NFL team, but also that she was being taken off the NFL sidelines completely in 2014.
You can read more of the story, along with Pam Oliver's thoughts on the demotion here.
Filed Under: NFL
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betweenthebara127 months
good riddance to this overpaid broad. she added nothing, and was terrible to look at. buhbye.
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roadhouse127 months
Pam needs to make a video to get back in the spotlight
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justustm2127 months
"Racism claim in 3... 2... 1... ?" Yeah, you do fit the bill. But what the heck, you can't help it, it's ingrained in some.
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Phat Phil127 months
Erin Andrews can squat and do her hair at the same time.
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justice127 months
Damn I liked Oliver. Erin Andrews annoys the shite out of me
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DrTyger127 months
Good. Oliver looks like an alien.
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Amazing Moves127 months
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Mulerider127 months
Andrews is hot, Oliver was hot. Oliver is legit, first class but the new blood takes over.
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Restomod127 months
Andrews sucks, when she talks its nails on a chalkboard
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BRMIKEY127 months
Erin's got a better weave.
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SaintLSUnAtl127 months
Pam Oliver >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Erin Andrews at....well, anything sports related. Erin Andrews is just awful as a "reporter"
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iknowmorethanyou127 months
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DoubleDown127 months
Racism claim in 3... 2... 1... ?
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