Saints QB Drew Brees Is Still Against NFL Anthem Kneeling
© Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Drew Brees has clarified his comments...
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New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees appeared on Yahoo's On The Move Wednesday where he was asked about Colin Kaepernick's kneeling demonstration most likely making a return when the NFL season begins...
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Filed Under: New Orleans Saints
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elcid51 months
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TFH51 months
Don’t use the national anthem as a stage. Most people don’t like it when singers “fancy it up” when they sing the national anthem, people sure aren’t going to like it when someone uses it to stage their agenda.
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DALSU51 months
I've fought for this country. I am okay with someone kneeling for the flag. People are making this a big stink about nothing. If you love this country and you honor it that's all that matters.
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Amazing Moves51 months
Love Drew Brees! Fantastic human. Let's listen to the logical experienced adult. Instead of the emotional less experienced players.
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georgeno5151 months
Last time I checked this is America. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I am just happy someone in the entertainment business still speaks and thinks for themselves and doesn't coddle just to fit in.
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eugene1928LSU51 months
You should be right with that statement, but if you disagree these days with the libs/dems their hate and anger is so profound its ridiculous. And there is no neutral ground, its their way or no way.
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Eman580551 months
If everyone is entitled to their opinion, then the people who don't like the opinions shared are equally so entitled, no? People will voice their displeasure. And loudly.
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5Wide51 months
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LSU Coyote51 months
What a fckking Patriot! He is a Real American
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PeteRose51 months
When a man chooses the unpopular path and standing strong with his convictions against the mob mentality, he gets my respect.
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AllenTXTiger51 months
It's great that you understand Colin Kaepernick's perspective of kneeling against police brutality and the injustices that exist. Now that's progress! Wow!
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mbogo51 months
The injustice is that thugs commit crime after crime and are still allowed into society.
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AllenTXTiger51 months
As in the thugs on Wall Street, the White House, who commit blue and white collar crimes? Not sure your definition of thugs mbogo?
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jeff7012151 months
God, Family, Country.
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AllenTXTiger51 months
I respectfully disagree. Drew is looking at from a biased and personal perspective. I'm a 25 year military veteran, I don't and can't agree with a one-sided view of disrespecting the flag. The multiplicity of the systemic issues withinin our society which unfortunately perpetuates the double standard of celebrities opinion to be accepted as fact and that goes for "any" celebrity. The fact of the matter is Mr. Keapernick conveyance of injustice wasn't conveyed nor received as it was meant to be. You all (including me) have a bias or give favor towards something (i.e. your kids, your family and even your culture.) So take of your bias glasses and stop allowing or substituting y(our) biases as an excuse not look at the full spectrum of the inequality and disparities in the country. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fact is fact. Mr. Keapernick was trying to bring attention to systemic issues in this country. So you can accept my statement as you perceive it and/or may not even like it, but alternative facts are still a lie. Humanity has a long way to go before it evolves to it's full potential.
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Tigers4Lyfe51 months
I don't necessarily view what he did as disrespect because that was not his intention, it still stands firmly there is a time and place to protest in which that was neither. So I disagree with your assessment.
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jgoodw31851 months
First, thank you for your service. Second, that is your opinion and you’re entitled to it. However, that does not make it right. Nobody should ever kneel during our national anthem. You want to speak out against injustice that is your right as an American. But the anthem is the absolute WRONG time to do that. And that view is shared by millions more Americans than agree with yours or kapernicks viewpoint regarding this issue.
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NakaTrash51 months
I’m gonna guess you were a POG. Maybe a JAG Off.? You sound real full-of-yourself.
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Lynxrufus201251 months
Kneel to God in prayer if you must kneel. Not the anthem. Too much blood shed for freedom to dishonor our national symbols.
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AllenTXTiger51 months
Kneeling is a sign of submission to God and frustration of a situation or condition. But a certain mindset seems to be ignoring the situation or condition in which brought him to his knee. We are more focused on the problem, than the solution, but then again the mindset of people aren't interesting in a solution. Hmmm... Maybe God is interested.
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eugene1928LSU51 months
AllenTXTiger, what is the solution? Is it kneeling, showing disrespect to flag and those who served? What does that solve? Does that prevent racism? My opinion is that it doesn't do anything but divide the great majority of the country and incites more hate, as can be seen in exhibit A Kap, the very thing we are wanting to bring attention to and get better in preventing. I don't see that ever changing nor should it. So why would you want employed athletes to ever do that? You know they do work for someone and if its the employers policy for them not to do that, then maybe another line of work is for them or face the consequences. Can you see yourself being told by your superior in the Military allowing you to kneel during the anthem? I'm guessing here, but I think not.
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Box Geauxrilla51 months
Drew is absolutely right, but will probably get blasted by social media for this
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