Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:19123
Registered on:6/20/2013
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I’ve owned a Tesla over 2 years and the only maintenance I’ve had done is new tires and windshield wiper fluid. ...
[quote]the inadequacy of the public charging infrastructure. They also cited concerns with high costs of ownership and detrimental impact to long-distance trips.[/quote] This has not been my experience at all with my Tesla. [quote]Our [b]non-Tesla [/b]EV charging infrastructure is bad.[/quote...
[quote]Are there any family friendly hotels? What family friendly things are there to do in Vegas?[/quote] Hey dude I’ll give you some actual answers instead of questioning your choice to bring your family on vacation with you. We brought our daughter with us on our vacation to Las Vegas as wel...

re: UNC 4 @ LSU 3 Final

Posted by Box Geauxrilla on 6/3/24 at 6:58 pm
Announcer jinx ...

re: UNC 4 @ LSU 3 Final

Posted by Box Geauxrilla on 6/3/24 at 6:54 pm
[quote]I’ll post my wife’s rack if we win. Warning, there are tats.[/quote] She got dem tittoos baw?...
Should be considered attempted murder. No different from grabbing the wheel and swerving while someone is driving. ...
Wow, this has been a 10 year battle. Congrats to St. George and its residents. :cheers:...
Directly from the most upvoted reply of a thread on the [link=(https://www.reddit.com/r/razorbacks/comments/1bolzej/can_someone_please_explain_gorilla_ball/)]Razorback subreddit. [/link] [quote]It's an LSU saying from legendary Skip Bertman during the 90s when LSU had their dominance, alot of the...

re: Has it sunk in yet

Posted by Box Geauxrilla on 4/14/24 at 3:11 pm
The last LSU baseball team to lose 5 SEC series in a row was 1977. So yes, worst in my lifetime. ...

re: LSU 5 @ Arkansas 7 Final

Posted by Box Geauxrilla on 3/30/24 at 4:08 pm
I really wish our Cajun professor on YT would conceal the name of the game better to keep opposing fan bases away. ...

re: Game stream today?

Posted by Box Geauxrilla on 3/17/24 at 12:07 pm
I always watch with Mr. Robear me PODNUHHH...
[quote]Bars on the side of a highway without infrastructure to get to and from without a car should be illegal. [/quote] In some places it’s also illegal to be drunk in public, so even if those folks were taking a train or bus, they could still get public intoxication charges. ...
[quote]Both parties at fault. This is going to be interesting to watch. No doubt he should serve time but, if she ran a light I am confused as to how LE is trying to lay everything on the perp. [/quote] I didn’t see any news report saying that she ran the light except people in this threa...

re: ULL 4 @ LSU 5 Final

Posted by Box Geauxrilla on 3/2/24 at 8:45 pm
[quote]LSU fans pretend not to care about UL but are absolutely ate up when they play each other. It’s fricking weird [/quote] [img]https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F5250a9c8-4abc-45e2-...
P. Terry’s in Austin is still building and they keep that old school look in their new locations [img]https://structurestx.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/p-terrys-1.jpg Width=400[/img] [img]https://austin.culturemap.com/media-library/p-terry-s.jpg?id=31515275&width=2000&height=1500&quality=85&...
I doubt anyone looks back on their life and says “I wish I had vacationed less”. But I’d bet you there are plenty of older folks who can’t get around as well that wish they had done more stuff when they were younger. It sounds cliche, but life truly is too short. I want to make lasting memories ...

re: Were waterbeds good?

Posted by Box Geauxrilla on 1/31/24 at 4:07 pm
They were fine if you slept alone, but if a partner moved in bed you’d feel the waves. Also necessary to have a heater, otherwise it felt cold as shite. Also would suck if it ever got a leak, great way to ruin a carpet. ...
[quote]Kiffin would be better for starters.[/quote] Please show your work ...