Saints QB Drew Brees Encountered Baby Rattlesnakes While Walking His Dogs
© John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports
New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees not only has to worry about the virus when leaving his house, but also baby rattlesnakes...

The baby rattlesnakes were out today… Saw them on the late afternoon walk with the dogs.

Filed Under: New Orleans Saints
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tomato patch54 months
hope he killed it
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ImayGoLesMiles54 months
shite, that fricking thing looks bigger than a baby. Lol, that thing would frick something up. Of course, that snake wouldn't bite Brees knows that it would die if it bit tGOAT.
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Fightin Okra54 months
If that's the baby, i hope i never encounter an adult one
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Tigerinthewoods54 months
It's called a pygmy rattler or ground rattler. It's probably full grown.
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miamitiger54 months
That's Jake Plummer in the picture Larry
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tigerfoot54 months
Southern pacific rattlesnake?
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Erin Go Bragh54 months
I killed two copperheads yesterday while clearing brush. Nature is not always motherly.
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4x4tiger54 months
Same happened to me when I was 15 while squirrel hunting. Blew their little asses away
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LeClerc54 months
Is that in NOLA or San Diego?
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Giantkiller54 months
SD. Look at his other posts from around today/yesterday. Drew wouldn't be caught dead in NO one second longer than he has to be here.
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LSUSkip54 months
you want Drew to catch the Corona? I don't, he's elderly.
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Hurricane Mike54 months
That definitely is not a timber rattler found in Louisiana
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