That was a speedy recovery. The New Orleans Pelicans weren't messing around about getting new mascot "Pierre The Pelican" back out on the court. Tuesday the team released a statement saying that Pierre suffered a broken beak on Saturday during a pickup game of basketball with fellow NBA mascots. (The team was really just changing the rather horrifying mascot's original face.) Today he's back healed and a little less scary looking. Imagine that...

New Orleans Pelicans ?
@PelicansNBA 3m
Speedy recovery, indeed. Welcome back, @PierreTPelican!

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signalizer131 months
Much better. The old one looked like he was a strung out on crack.
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AutoYes_Clown131 months
Jay Leno's new gig?
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tubucoco131 months
You mean Chicken on crack!
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John McClane131 months
Being back the old and true Pierre!
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Chadaristic131 months
Looks a lot better.
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Placebeaux131 months
Worlds fair 1984 pelican. Give that bird a umbrella.
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