New Texas head coach Tom Herman threw himself a little "Welcome Back" pizza party on Friday. Longhorns fan lined up to take pics and grab a slice...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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El Campo Tiger93 months
I went to ACC with the sister of the girl in the first photo. Domenique Villanueva.
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Placebeaux93 months
Devil sign + pizza= satanism
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Placebeaux93 months
#pizzagate Gimme pizza! P I Z Z A
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LSU Coyote93 months
Bitch probably doesn't even eat pizza. Selfish.
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SaulGoodman93 months
Looks like a case of hover hands there.
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TBobJenkins93 months
This girl in the first photo makes Lindsey Vonn look downright homely.
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UF93 months
Just the one pic of that girl?
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bradwieser93 months
Damn, i need to start giving away pizzas.
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Sleeping Tiger93 months
Any guy that doesn't know to use the draw string on a coat that big is going to fail. This guy knows offense, but he doesn't have the character. Exposed in 3.
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VagueMessage93 months
This random sorority girl is solidly hotter than most of the girls you post on here who are paid to be professionally hot.
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BowDownToLSU93 months
Agee 100%
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SomeLSUguy93 months
I believe Larry would post pics of hot college girls all day if he was allowed within 500 feet of them... Damn those court orders!
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Solo Cam93 months
It'd be so hard for me not to slam co-eds if I was a head ball coach.
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Dubaitiger93 months
Make you want to lose your home
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