Don't introduce Tim Tebow to your Grandmother, because she'll probably leave your grandfather...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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CCTider93 months
"Don't introduce Tim Tebow to your Grandmother, because she'll probably leave your grandfather... " Poor grandma will never get any D again.
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TigerSpray93 months
No teeth, that'll make a virgin never geaux back to anybody his own age. Geaux Grandma......
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BobABooey93 months
Larry Leo trivia: Larry's first post on several years ago was about an underwear commercial that starred Tim Tebow. 100% fact although the evidence has been mostly scrubbed by the admins.
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ellunchboxo93 months
So Tim got up in Jesse's guts that night?
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Walkerdog1493 months
How cool is that?
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DeafVallyBatnR93 months
That is awesome!!
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