Ohio State RB Ezekiel Elliott Gets Huge “Year Of The Wolves” Tattoo
Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports
As Ohio State RB Ezekiel Elliott gets ready to be a potential top ten NFL draft pick, he's getting his ink on. Check out this wolf-themed tattoo he got to celebrate his Buckeyes’ team who dubbed 2016 the “Year of the Wolves”...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Strannix102 months
hey Zeke, 1993 called, they want their jersey back. What an idiot
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hg102 months
Too bad next year it will be outdated
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atltiger6487102 months
why? Just why?
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MSH102 months
Is that a moon or a rotten pumpkin?
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9th Green At 9102 months
I have lost all respect for individuals that wear their jerseys like that
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pellietigersaint102 months
great. whats the significance of this tat? or did he think it just looks cool?
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SprintFun102 months
OSU's mantra for this year is "Year of the wolves". No idea why zeek, who is no longer on the team, is so enthralled in the concept that he'd get that tat.
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